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25 minutes ago, Mark1 said:

The only question then is does the overall reduction in risk through vaccination outweigh that of exposing 'everyone' to the collateral immune response risk when a small portion of them may otherwise avoid ever being exposed to viral infection.

that was NOT the question during peak covid hysteria. the demand was you MUST take the vax REGARDLESS of any risk/reward calculation.

people were fired from jobs and lives were ruined due to your stupidity. a little humility is the right answer for you and your ilk, but like a fool you will double down.

  • Upvote 2
41 minutes ago, Mark1 said:

The only question then is does the overall reduction in risk through vaccination outweigh that of exposing 'everyone' to the collateral immune response risk when a small portion of them may otherwise avoid ever being exposed to viral infection.  And the answer is yes...by orders of magnitude. Thankfully the people employed to come to these conclusions are typically not exceptionally vulnerable to tribal group-think conspiracy movements, and they base their conclusions on reality.

The vaccine for COVID-19 does not stop transmission. This is not disputed at any level. It reduces it somewhat, but only if you are susceptible to infection in the first place, which teenagers and young adults are not. 


The concept of herd immunity never involved low-risk demographics increasing their exposure to negative outcomes to protect high-risk demographics. That's an insane proposition.

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The vaccine for COVID-19 does not stop transmission. This is not disputed at any level. It reduces it somewhat, but only if you are susceptible to infection in the first place, which teenagers and young adults are not. 
The concept of herd immunity never involved low-risk demographics increasing their exposure to negative outcomes to protect high-risk demographics. That's an insane proposition.

Its mind boggling after three years of having COVID in our life’s, that there are still people clinging to the vaccine as being beneficial. It was rushed to market by Big Pharma to make them BILLIONS. It wasn’t about saving anyone

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2 minutes ago, jrizzell said:


Its mind boggling after three years of having COVID in our life’s, that there are still people clinging to the vaccine as being beneficial. It was rushed to market by Big Pharma to make them BILLIONS. It wasn’t about saving anyone

Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app


That's not true. Very at-risk groups, such as those over 70-80, had a very, very high chance of surviving the vaccine, and a not-great chance of surviving covid. Especially if fat. For them it was a no-brainer.


What's mind boggling to me is how effective the current corporatist-governmental establishment has "team-ified" so effectively that Americans are now seemingly incapable of seeing anything that doesn't completely inspire their political opposition.


The vaccine, especially for the alpha and Delta variants, absolutely reduced serious illness and death from covid-19. It was also rushed into production, had real and meaningful side effects for certain demographics, was misrepresented by the people and organizations that stood to profit from it most, and treated a disease that was almost certainly developed in a Chinese lab, and accidentally released.


Making the vaccine mandatory was immoral because it was new, unproven, and effective in a way that did not benefit from compulsory distribution. Not because it didn't do anything at all. 

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Not because it didn't do anything at all. 

I didn’t mean to imply it didn’t do anything at all. But it was rushed to market to make Big Pharma record breaking profits. When you own the government organization who’s supposed to provide oversight, your money based incentive mindset drives your actions. If you trust Pfizer, I’d watch Dopesick, or read the book. They care about one thing, money. The end users are unimportant, when they know they have immunity from vaccine injuries.

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10 hours ago, Mark1 said:

While ironically acknowledging my stupidity for bothering to engage you on this...your stupidity is tiresome.

When a person is infected by a SARS virus they have an immune response.  In a small number of cases that immune response has collateral impacts on the body.

When a person is vaccinated against a SARS virus they have [functionally] the same immune response. In a small number of cases that immune response has collateral impacts on the body.  Sound familiar? The difference being that they are not also under threat of a replicating virus that can overwhelm the body's ability to defend itself.

It's no surprise to thinking people that the same increase in risk of cardiac inflammation that comes with infection also comes with vaccination. It would be surprising if that was not the case given that, from the immune system's perspective, vaccination is indistinguishable from infection (with a few links in the response chain bypassed by mRNA).

The only question then is does the overall reduction in risk through vaccination outweigh that of exposing 'everyone' to the collateral immune response risk when a small portion of them may otherwise avoid ever being exposed to viral infection.  And the answer is yes...by orders of magnitude. Thankfully the people employed to come to these conclusions are typically not exceptionally vulnerable to tribal group-think conspiracy movements, and they base their conclusions on reality.

You may now return to wasting your life away by willfully sifting through all the wrong information in order to find the next trump-card that isn't a trump-card.

Most of what you said was true, buuuuuuuut it's also wholly irrelevant. Since the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, it's not anyone's business whether or not you decide to take it. This is a free country, and that means people get to make decisions for themselves, both good and bad.

Think about your logic for 2 seconds dude. The vaccine was forced on all of us, and yet everyone got exposed anyway. Read that last part over and over until it sinks in.

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58 minutes ago, ViperMan said:

Most of what you said was true, buuuuuuuut it's also wholly irrelevant. Since the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, it's not anyone's business whether or not you decide to take it. This is a free country, and that means people get to make decisions for themselves, both good and bad.

Think about your logic for 2 seconds dude. The vaccine was forced on all of us, and yet everyone got exposed anyway. Read that last part over and over until it sinks in.

And we hobbled our youngs' (i.e. the  future, the warfighters) hearts under forced injections for the old with co-morbidities in society....great long term play, very cheap in the long term? healthier plan?! - no, More lethal effective fighting force - no, More control - yes, less freedom - no. 

So, C19-vaxxers-at-large, was it worth the inoculation mandates? Was it right to subdue? To succumb to fear?

Whole thing was oppressive...

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, BashiChuni said:

Meanwhile in TV land they’re still pushing this


"You too can smile like your pooper is being impaled by a giant rod". - Pfizer

  • Haha 1
  • 4 weeks later...
16 hours ago, McJay Pilot said:

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, yeah, you can blame it all on me
'Cause I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

Aren’t they inviting them back because it was congressionally mandated they invite them back? 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The below letter was written by Commander Robert A. Green Jr., U.S. Navy, and signed by 231 current and former Service Members from all branches of the United States Armed Forces.

There was a time when I would have been put off by the tone and language here. Not anymore. I think it is entirely appropriate.


1 January 2024

An Open Letter to the American People from Signatories of this Declaration of Military Accountability

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams

     In the course of human events it sometimes becomes necessary to admonish the lawless, encourage the fainthearted, and strengthen the weak. We have reached just such a time in our history. The affairs of our nation are now steeped in avaricious corruption and our once stalwart institutions, including the Dept of Defense, are failing to fulfill the moral obligations upon which they were founded. Standing upon our natural and constitutional rights, we hereby apprise the American people that we have exhausted all internal efforts to rectify recent criminal activity within the Armed Forces.

     In the Declaration of Independence our founding fathers sought separation. We seek no separation, but through this letter and the efforts we pledge herein, we pursue restoration through accountability. We intend to rebuild trust and restore the rule of law, particularly within the Armed Forces. Ultimately, we strive to once again become a moral people, restoring our nation, and making it again worthy of the great gift of liberty won by the colonial-era American people.

     While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion. Service members and families were significantly harmed by these actions. Their suffering continues to be felt financially, emotionally, and physically. Some service members became part of our ever-growing veteran homeless population, some developed debilitating vaccine injuries, and some even lost their lives. In an apparent attempt to avoid accountability, military leaders are continuing to ignore our communications regarding these injuries and the laws that were broken.

     For GEN Milley, ADM Grady, GEN McConville, ADM Gilday, ADM Lescher, Gen Brown, Gen Berger, Gen Smith, VADM Kilby, VADM Nowell, VADM Fuller, LTG Martin, Lt Gen Davis, MG Edmonson, GEN Williams, ADM Fagan, VADM Buck, Lt Gen Clark, MG Francis, LTG Dingle, Lt Gen Miller, RADM Gillingham, and numerous others;

     These individuals enabled lawlessness and the unwilling experimentation on service members. The moral and physical injuries they helped inflict are significant. They betrayed the trust of service members and the American people. Their actions caused irreparable harm to the Armed Forces and the institutions for which we have fought and bled.

     These leaders refused to resign or take any other action to hold themselves accountable, nor have they attempted to repair the harm their policies and actions have caused. Since there has yet to be any accountability, the undersigned give our word to do everything morally permissible and legally possible to hold our own leadership accountable. We intend to rebuild trust by demonstrating that leaders cannot cast aside constitutional rights or the law for political expediency.

     The flag and general officers are far from the only ones complicit in recent illegal activities, as a significant number of SES leaders and political appointees contributed. Evidence indicates that other executive agencies are engaging in illegal activity. However, as service members and veterans, we feel particularly responsible for the DoD and, in accordance with our oaths, we will make every effort to demonstrate by example, how an institution can put its own house in order.

     We the undersigned, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of service members and the American people, while appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for guidance and purity of intention, mutually pledge to each other that we will do everything in our power, through lawful word and action, to hold accountable military leaders who failed to follow the law when their leadership and moral courage was most desperately needed.

     In the coming years, thousands within our network will run for Congress and seek appointments to executive branch offices, while those of us still serving on active duty will continue to put fulfilling our oaths ahead of striving for rank or position. For those who achieve the lawful authority to do so, we pledge to recall from retirement the military leaders who broke the law and will convene courts-martial for the crimes they committed. For those of us who attain legislative offices, we pledge to introduce legislation to remove all retirement income for the military leaders who were criminally complicit, and we will ensure none serve in or retire from the Senior Executive Service.

     This endeavor will be a continuous process with a long-term time horizon, but fulfilling our oaths to defend the Constitution requires just such persistent vigilance. Likewise, we are obligated, and so commit, to train those who come after us to fulfill their duty in achieving this accountability and safeguarding against such leadership failures hereafter.

     Our nation was once great because it was good. It was built on moral principles founded in natural law and yet, the recent acceleration of moral relativism has us headed towards a precipitous implosion. While all good things come to an end, we refuse to allow our nation to go quietly into the depths of decadence and decay. We promise to exhaust all moral, ethical, and legal means to restore the rule of law and will begin by attempting to hold senior military leaders accountable. The Constitution is the supreme law of our land. We will fight to enforce that law and put an end to the two-tiered justice system. May future generations see our efforts and, God willing, may they also be recipients of the great gift of liberty that we have had the honor of safeguarding.

  • Upvote 7
22 hours ago, gearhog said:

The below letter was written by Commander Robert A. Green Jr., U.S. Navy, and signed by 231 current and former Service Members from all branches of the United States Armed Forces.

There was a time when I would have been put off by the tone and language here. Not anymore. I think it is entirely appropriate.


1 January 2024

An Open Letter to the American People from Signatories of this Declaration of Military Accountability

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams

     In the course of human events it sometimes becomes necessary to admonish the lawless, encourage the fainthearted, and strengthen the weak. We have reached just such a time in our history. The affairs of our nation are now steeped in avaricious corruption and our once stalwart institutions, including the Dept of Defense, are failing to fulfill the moral obligations upon which they were founded. Standing upon our natural and constitutional rights, we hereby apprise the American people that we have exhausted all internal efforts to rectify recent criminal activity within the Armed Forces.

     In the Declaration of Independence our founding fathers sought separation. We seek no separation, but through this letter and the efforts we pledge herein, we pursue restoration through accountability. We intend to rebuild trust and restore the rule of law, particularly within the Armed Forces. Ultimately, we strive to once again become a moral people, restoring our nation, and making it again worthy of the great gift of liberty won by the colonial-era American people.

     While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion. Service members and families were significantly harmed by these actions. Their suffering continues to be felt financially, emotionally, and physically. Some service members became part of our ever-growing veteran homeless population, some developed debilitating vaccine injuries, and some even lost their lives. In an apparent attempt to avoid accountability, military leaders are continuing to ignore our communications regarding these injuries and the laws that were broken.

     For GEN Milley, ADM Grady, GEN McConville, ADM Gilday, ADM Lescher, Gen Brown, Gen Berger, Gen Smith, VADM Kilby, VADM Nowell, VADM Fuller, LTG Martin, Lt Gen Davis, MG Edmonson, GEN Williams, ADM Fagan, VADM Buck, Lt Gen Clark, MG Francis, LTG Dingle, Lt Gen Miller, RADM Gillingham, and numerous others;

     These individuals enabled lawlessness and the unwilling experimentation on service members. The moral and physical injuries they helped inflict are significant. They betrayed the trust of service members and the American people. Their actions caused irreparable harm to the Armed Forces and the institutions for which we have fought and bled.

     These leaders refused to resign or take any other action to hold themselves accountable, nor have they attempted to repair the harm their policies and actions have caused. Since there has yet to be any accountability, the undersigned give our word to do everything morally permissible and legally possible to hold our own leadership accountable. We intend to rebuild trust by demonstrating that leaders cannot cast aside constitutional rights or the law for political expediency.

     The flag and general officers are far from the only ones complicit in recent illegal activities, as a significant number of SES leaders and political appointees contributed. Evidence indicates that other executive agencies are engaging in illegal activity. However, as service members and veterans, we feel particularly responsible for the DoD and, in accordance with our oaths, we will make every effort to demonstrate by example, how an institution can put its own house in order.

     We the undersigned, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of service members and the American people, while appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for guidance and purity of intention, mutually pledge to each other that we will do everything in our power, through lawful word and action, to hold accountable military leaders who failed to follow the law when their leadership and moral courage was most desperately needed.

     In the coming years, thousands within our network will run for Congress and seek appointments to executive branch offices, while those of us still serving on active duty will continue to put fulfilling our oaths ahead of striving for rank or position. For those who achieve the lawful authority to do so, we pledge to recall from retirement the military leaders who broke the law and will convene courts-martial for the crimes they committed. For those of us who attain legislative offices, we pledge to introduce legislation to remove all retirement income for the military leaders who were criminally complicit, and we will ensure none serve in or retire from the Senior Executive Service.

     This endeavor will be a continuous process with a long-term time horizon, but fulfilling our oaths to defend the Constitution requires just such persistent vigilance. Likewise, we are obligated, and so commit, to train those who come after us to fulfill their duty in achieving this accountability and safeguarding against such leadership failures hereafter.

     Our nation was once great because it was good. It was built on moral principles founded in natural law and yet, the recent acceleration of moral relativism has us headed towards a precipitous implosion. While all good things come to an end, we refuse to allow our nation to go quietly into the depths of decadence and decay. We promise to exhaust all moral, ethical, and legal means to restore the rule of law and will begin by attempting to hold senior military leaders accountable. The Constitution is the supreme law of our land. We will fight to enforce that law and put an end to the two-tiered justice system. May future generations see our efforts and, God willing, may they also be recipients of the great gift of liberty that we have had the honor of safeguarding.


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What do we think will happen to the active service members who signed this?

4 hours ago, Splash95 said:

What do we think will happen to the active service members who signed this?

I think they will have a friend named Biff for life.. 

They are doing their job.  Sometimes that shit is hard.  I will back anyone who has the nuts to sign that. 

1 hour ago, Biff_T said:

I think they will have a friend named Biff for life.. 

They are doing their job.  Sometimes that shit is hard.  I will back anyone who has the nuts to sign that. 

Well said, Brother Biff!!

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