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Posted (edited)


  I was aware that Bloomberg is really a Democrat,  But he ran as a “R”  because the NY Dems didn’t support him. Nevertheless, He continued Rudy’s policies. Good on you for the facts. To answer your question why only 9 out of 50 of the top US cities are run by Dems, here’s my opinion. There are the “Makers” and the “Takers” in society. The Makers live in the exclusive enclaves of the city or more likely the suburbs. The Takers live in the city.  Look at the voting demographics in any large city and the burbs are Republican, while the City is democrat. The democrats cater to and attract the takers. The takers stay in the city where they are taken care of, and the makers leave. Let me throw a question back to you. “Why are the Democrats so hell bent on opening up the border?”  They are pandering to illegals, because these are the future voters for their party. They are importing votes. Do you think an illegal will vote for a party that promises to give them everything, or a party that promises them nothing but equality of opportunity? It’s a travesty. 

take care, good debate.

Edited by Vito
  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Vito said:


  I was aware that Bloomberg is really a Democrat,  But he ran as a “R”  because the NY Dems didn’t support him. Nevertheless, He continued Rudy’s policies. Good on you for the facts. To answer your question why only 9 out of 50 of the top US cities are run by Dems, here’s my opinion. There are the “Makers” and the “Takers” in society. The Makers live in the exclusive enclaves of the city or more likely the suburbs. The Takers live in the city.  Look at the voting demographics in any large city and the burbs are Republican, while the City is democrat. The democrats cater to and attract the takers. The takers stay in the city where they are taken care of, and the makers leave. Let me throw a question back to you. “Why are the Democrats so hell bent on opening up the border?”  They are pandering to illegals, because these are the future voters for their party. They are importing votes. Do you think an illegal will vote for a party that promises to give them everything, or a party that promises them nothing but equality of opportunity? It’s a travesty. 

take care, good debate.

I wonder if the illegals will continue to vote democrat once they figure out a lot of the left's policies directly conflict with traditional Catholic teachings. I don't see deeply religious Hispanics (sorry, Latinxes) getting on board with transgender kids, gay pride in kindergarten classrooms, abortion up until the moment of birth, and a general disdain for the traditional masculinity found in so many Hipanic cultures...

Edited by pawnman
  • Upvote 1
Guest nsplayr
5 hours ago, Vito said:

To answer your question why only 9 out of 50 of the top US cities are run by Dems, here’s my opinion. There are the “Makers” and the “Takers” in society. The Makers live in the exclusive enclaves of the city or more likely the suburbs. The Takers live in the city.  Look at the voting demographics in any large city and the burbs are Republican, while the City is democrat. The democrats cater to and attract the takers. The takers stay in the city where they are taken care of, and the makers leave.

Well, that is one opinion! Let's stay focused on cities though, immigration is an entirely different issue.

In your construct of makers and takers, how should we measure who "makes" and who "takes?" Should it be median income by zip code? GDP? Taxes paid? Productivity per capita? Net contributions to state budgets?

I'm open to your idea being true and would be interested in your analysis of overwhelmingly urban & Dem-voting areas vs overwhelmingly exurban, rural & GOP-voting areas in any of those metrics. I don't suspect you're going to find that the GOP-voting areas are "making" more than the Dem-voting areas however...

Your ideas about how the suburbs lean is a bit of a holdover from the 90s. Biden in 2020 and Obama in 2008 before him won the suburbs of most cities, which won them their elections. Suburbs are in modern times so split I'd hesitate to claim they are representative of either party, they're representative of both fairly equally.



Guest nsplayr
Posted (edited)
34 minutes ago, pawnman said:

I wonder if the illegals will continue to vote democrat...

Y'all do know that people who are not US citizens can't vote, right? I mean, are we talking US-born second-generation adults with latino/hispanic heritage? Please elaborate on how non-citizen immigrants, either here legally or illegally, are factors in US elections.

Edited by nsplayr
30 minutes ago, nsplayr said:

Y'all do know that people who are not US citizens can't vote, right? I mean, are we talking US-born second-generation adults with latino/hispanic heritage? Please elaborate on how non-citizen immigrants, either here legally or illegally, are factors in US elections.

Unfortunately without any kind of vote ID, it's tough to tell who's illegal and who isn't at the voting booth. 

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, nsplayr said:

Y'all do know that people who are not US citizens can't vote, right? I mean, are we talking US-born second-generation adults with latino/hispanic heritage? Please elaborate on how non-citizen immigrants, either here legally or illegally, are factors in US elections.

They can’t vote in national elections …. But can vote in many local elections and referendums. 

  • Upvote 2
Posted (edited)


 Without any research on my part, I’d be very certain  that the Suburban Obama and Biden Voters were overwhelmingly women. I’d also venture to guess most suburban men are republicans. Which reminds me of a line in the original Godfather movie. Don Corleone is aged and working in his garden, when he has a heart to heart with his Son Michael, his heir apparent. He tells Michael,

 “Women and Children can be careless, Men can never be careless” 

fast forward to 0:50


Edited by Vito
Guest nsplayr
Posted (edited)

😂ok so women‘s votes should count less or…what are you saying?

It’s a real wonder why women usually vote Dem overall…with men on the right like you it’s truly a mystery 🧐

1 hour ago, Vito said:

Without any research on my part…

You can say that again!


I can’t quickly find a dataset that breaks down voters by geography and then also gender, but overall the gender gap for 2020 was very similar to what it was in the 2018 midterms, about 11 points.

Keep in mind Trump did better with women overall in 2020 than in 2016, so he closed the gender gap from one election where he was running to the next yet he won the first one and lost the second. With that in mind, the flip of the suburbs was the whole story.

As you can see above, 2020 Trump did better in the cities, better in rural areas, but lost the suburbs by 5 more points than the GOP did in 2018, and he did 13 points worse than his own performance in 2016. Oof. A lot of voters live in the suburbs, including the lion’s share of your persuadables.

Going back to the gender gap, think about 2016, there was a larger than average gender gap in 2016 due to a woman being the nominee for the Dems, yet Trump wins. Silly women voters, you’re so careless and wrong!

But wait, now for the re-elect against a fellow old white guy in Biden, Trump wins more women in 2020 than in 2016, yet loses the suburbs by 11 vs winning it by 2.

Looks like it was suburban men to me that delivered for Biden if anything!

You’d know for sure with tabbed-out data where you could see suburban men & women split out in black and white, if I find that with a little more digging I’ll post it.

Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/



Edited by nsplayr
Guest nsplayr

That appears to apply to legal residents, not illegals immigrants, it’s for local elections only, and this story is about Montpelier, VT! Are those potential voters even changing the outcome of local things they’re voting on?

I’m filing this under DGAF. It’s below my line.


If you wanna get all spun up on this cool. If somewhere local wants to let legal permanent residents vote on local stuff, ok cool. Didn’t apply to federal elections, no data on if recent non-citizen immigrants vote in any particular way on local issues, no data on total numbers vs regular citizens. 


🙄  Because senses distinguishes between illegal and citizens, right?  And that data is not used to redistribute house members..... 


The only outcome I can fathom is a civil war.  I will give my life to not have nsplayer's congressional leadership to allow men into my daughter's bathroom.  That is a fight worth fighting, and it is becoming more and more of a fight that needs to happen.

  • Downvote 4

I saw a down vote by disco nav.  I can only surmise by the picture that the thing posted as its avatar is that it is a wso on the B-1.  I don't really care about downvotes or whatever else you tards do on this forum.  But I will point out, having piloted the B-1, is that wso's were worthless. I wasn't a wso, I was a pilot.  Before that I flew A-10s.  So when a disco nav has anything to say about anything, here's the skinny...you weren't good enough to make it through pilot training.  That's why you are a nav.  Good luck at christmas.


  • Downvote 3
Guest nsplayr
27 minutes ago, filthy_liar said:

The only outcome I can fathom is a civil war.  I will give my life to not have nsplayer's congressional leadership to allow men into my daughter's bathroom.  That is a fight worth fighting, and it is becoming more and more of a fight that needs to happen.

Once again, the right wishing for a civil war. It’s not people on the left saying this. Exhibit A. I hope to god you’re not in uniform anymore with talk like this.

Pro tip: some folks tried this foolishness before and they got their asses beat raw by the United States of America. I recommend we *not* do that again.



Guest nsplayr
Posted (edited)
55 minutes ago, Sim said:

🙄  Because senses distinguishes between illegal and citizens, right?  And that data is not used to redistribute house members..... 

Yea man, because it’s mandated in the Constitution to count all free persons. Since we abolished slavery and overturned the 3/5ths compromise, that’s everyone, citizen or not, as the founders intended.

It’s even real early for those who can’t read so good, it’s in Article 1 Section 2.


Edited by nsplayr

Yessir, I don't think you can label it as the right anymore, but yes, a civil war is coming.  Abortions at birth - start shooting.  Teaching trans/gay curriculum in our schools - start shooting.  Protests from the left over obviously grifts (BLM) start shooting.  There is a segment of society, obviously not represented by these pussies on this forum, that are fed up and will start taking action.  

  • Downvote 2
4 hours ago, nsplayr said:

That appears to apply to legal residents, not illegals immigrants, it’s for local elections only, and this story is about Montpelier, VT! Are those potential voters even changing the outcome of local things they’re voting on?

I’m filing this under DGAF. It’s below my line.


If you wanna get all spun up on this cool. If somewhere local wants to let legal permanent residents vote on local stuff, ok cool. Didn’t apply to federal elections, no data on if recent non-citizen immigrants vote in any particular way on local issues, no data on total numbers vs regular citizens. 

I wasn’t spun up, just pointing out you were wrong when you said non-citizens can’t vote. VT specifically has had non-citizens voting all over the state for some time. This one article is just one example of that. 

Guest nsplayr
Just now, brabus said:

I wasn’t spun up, just pointing out you were wrong when you said non-citizens can’t vote. VT specifically has had non-citizens voting all over the state for some time. This one article is just one example of that. 

Fair enough. Yes I was wrong to not caveat that I meant in federal elections and copy shot that local & state elections, where some places allow non-citizens to vote, also matter. 🍻

3 hours ago, filthy_liar said:

These ing "moderators" need to go.  They are suppressing free speech.  them too.


3 hours ago, filthy_liar said:

  Protests from the left over obviously grifts (BLM) start shooting.   

The mean moderators are suppressing my free speech but if anyone protests something I don’t agree with they should be shot!

- just one instance of hypocrisy in your many delusional takes. You must be a nightmare of a person to have in a Sq


6 hours ago, filthy_liar said:

I will give my life to not have nsplayer's congressional leadership to allow men into my daughter's bathroom.

Have you pitched this to the PR team at DOD?  This is exponentially better recruitment fodder than that "Be All You Can Be" bullshit they used to run.  And they can sprinkle in some of your 'start shootin' stuff too for added pop.

12 hours ago, filthy_liar said:

nsplayer you are in Nashville, you claim.  I would like to meet up with you.  I'm around the Huntsville area.  I'd like to get your thoughts.  


You just threatened to shoot people you disagree with, then offered to meet up with someone you disagree with. 

Get some help, bud. 

12 hours ago, filthy_liar said:

I wasn't a wso, I was a pilot.  Before that I flew A-10s.

On flight simulator? In your mom’s basement? 😂

13 hours ago, Sim said:

🙄  Because senses distinguishes between illegal and citizens, right?  And that data is not used to redistribute house members..... 

Might want to look into enrolling in some continuing education:


  • Haha 2

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