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As a very happy former CSO (first half of career) and current RPA pilot (second half of career), I wouldn't totally discount other ops/flying AFSCs because I've personally had a great time in both of mine, BUT...it seems like you just really want to be a manned pilot. In that case, go for your dream and don't let anyone tell you "no" until your last appeal is exhausted.
I was told I wouldn't be able to commission due to some medical issues and that flying was completely out of the question by the chief of flight medicine at Andrews my senior year of ROTC. Well the joke's on you Doc, because I commissioned 2 months later, flew manned airplanes as a CSO, did 8 combat deployments, and now am a pilot on a second platform.
BL: Don't give up and oh yea also go Guard! I learned that second lesson a bit late.

And you’re in a great place now!

Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
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Only put down what you'd be okay with, because as far as the AF is concerned, you're volunteering for everything you put down, and big AF sees it as a win-win giving you your last choice if it meets the needs of the AF. ("After all, you volunteered! We're giving you what you asked for!")

I was also in the pilot or bust mindset (though through ROTC). Only applied for pilot for rated consideration, and had joined ROTC knowing it wasn't guaranteed (but was okay serving the 4 year commitment doing something else if I didn't get picked up).

It just came down to the fact that I liked flying, but didn't think I'd be happy with the other rated jobs, at least not enough to take on a longer service commitment. Not that there's anything wrong with those jobs (worked with some great CSOs and EWOs in my current job), but even now I still think those jobs aren't for me and I'm glad I was lucky enough to get that pilot slot.

Best of luck to you in your process!


Coming from a pilot who can’t imagine doing anything else; I wouldn’t rule out CSO.  Yeah, got it, jokes about back seat, whatever. CSOs play a critical role in many platforms.  B-1s? The WSO is pretty much running the mission and putting ordinance on target.  AC-130s? The CSO is running comms with the JTAC, not to mention the FCO is normally an experienced CSO.  CSO on a tanker or AWACS? Probably not too exciting.  The point is, flying is cool and all but the mission and reward for mission accomplishment definitely outweighs the joy of simply flying the plane at times.  

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WSO/CSO/Nav/ABM's become pilots, not the other way around. When someone washes out of another flight training course, they don't go to UPT, but if they wash out of UPT, they could go to another flight training training course for another crew position. Consider that message.


So this might be simplistic, but...

Just write down what you would be happy doing. You are volunteering - you aren’t being forced into service. No career field is going to want to keep you if you aren’t a happy/willing member of it. If all you want to do is fly, just write that down and see what happens.

- CE guy who was medically DQed from flying. I love what I do.


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Keep an eye on the Coast Guard if needed...almost totally operational...management has eyeballs on what's important...Generally not condemned to some sandy pesthole...You could be a cutter Captain if for some reason aviation doesn't work....

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  • 1 month later...

So I was removed from AFROTC.  I meet with my Commander last week to find out why, and he said  for low GPA 2.7 and non technical GPA.   I want to fly helicopters in the Air Force.  I keep reading “never give up”. Should I reach out to my Commander again and ask him to reconsider keeping me in the Program?  Is that never giving up, or being a nuisance? 

  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/17/2020 at 1:26 PM, Seeking said:

So I was removed from AFROTC.  I meet with my Commander last week to find out why, and he said  for low GPA 2.7 and non technical GPA.   I want to fly helicopters in the Air Force.  I keep reading “never give up”. Should I reach out to my Commander again and ask him to reconsider keeping me in the Program?  Is that never giving up, or being a nuisance? 

You have nothing to lose.  Give it all you got, just don’t be an ass about it.  I know academy grads with a GPA less than yours that are squadron commanders now.  


Removed from ROTC for 2.7 GPA? Did the program requirement change? Used to be you had to maintain 2.5 to stay on program and 3.0 to maintain scholarship. I definitely know many people who did worse than you. Self included. 


Timing's everything....

Where were you in the AFROTC program? I guess the big question is if you've attended field training or not.

Either way, guard/reserve is probably your best bet for AF flying. You may want to consider the other services as well though if you're going the "pilot or bust" route

  • 4 weeks later...

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