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DQ’d but still trying! Hearing and past back pain


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This week I received the unfortunate news that I got DQ’d for Hearing Loss, History of Cholesteatoma (rare ear disease for those interested) and History of Chronic Back Pain. Now I’m not one to give up that quickly so for those of you interested or willing to help out I’ll give a quick background on my situation.

Last October I was picked up for a pilot slot in a heavy unit flying KC-135’s. After submitting a lot of paper work for the known medical issues above, I was finally accepted to MEPs. While at MEP’s I was unable to pass the hearing test (barely) and was DQ’d for the same 3 things, but with the option for a waiver. So I Immediately scheduled an appointment with my ear doctor and took a hearing test which I did much better on and would put me in the H-2 hearing bracket (to be used to submit with waiver). After contacting my back doctor and having a small note wrote out about my function and how there is no limitation to my duties, we submitted the waiver.

Fast forward to Tuesday and I received the call that the waiver did not make it through, and I was once again DQ’d for the same 3 reasons. So, I asked the recruiter if he/she would continue to work with me on a re-submission (didn’t even know if that was possible) if I was able to get more supporting documents, which they were willing to do.

Now, the cool part is that I was able to meet an Air Force pilot with same exact “past ear disease.” He thinks that if I use his waiver that includes the Hearing Loss and History of Cholesteatoma that there is a decent chance I’ll get the green light, at least for those 2 topics. This leads to the main reason I am posting here… In 2012 I was T boned by someone who ran a stop sign and my back followed up with quite a bit of pain. I spent a lot of time seeing several doctors and physical therapists to help get rid of the pain (diagnosed as chronic in the 2016 time frame). Finally in 2017 I was able to start seeing some big changes, and by 2018 I was pretty much free of all past symptoms with no issues currently. I am curious to know if anyone on here has had a past ‘history of chronic back pain’ or something similar and was able to get a waiver? Or maybe knows someone that has been in this situation? I’m open to any and all suggestions or help. I received a great letter from my most recent back doctor and am meeting the first back doctor I saw tomorrow to hopefully get another memo to submit. I really appreciate any of the help for those that read this whole narrative! Thanks!



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