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Hi everyone, can't find any other threads about kidney stones.

Do they screen for kidney stones at flight physicals? I had a kidney stone during the summer of 2019 and reported it to DoDMERB and they let it slide without the need for a waiver. According to this MSD, "History of recurrent renal colic or single episode of renal colic with retained stone(s)" is disqualifying but a single stone is not disqualifying. I'm currenty an AS200 in AFROTC about to be an AS300 and I want to go for the pilot board. I'm afraid that if I get a pilot slot, I'd get DQed at the flight physical if they find I have retained stones. Getting DQed from rated is fine with me, but I want to still be an officer. Anyone know if I do happen to have any retained stones, I'd get kicked out of AFROTC? Is it worth it to try for the pilot board?



My info only seems to be tangentially related to yours, but here goes.

I reported to a base hospital back in 2010 when i was enlisted with a problem. I had pain one time when urinating but they didn't find anything. Never had a problem again. Forgot it even happened.

Fast forward to flight physical (ROTC pilot slot) in summer 2018..they had that record on me, of course, so I have to pee in a jug using the urine from a single day aka the first pee of the day goes down the toilet, and the rest that day had to fill a large jug, maybe a gallon. They tested the jug contents for who knows what to see if i actually had any innate problems and I was cleared (heard nothing back, which is good.)

I know this isn't the same situation, but I hope this helps. Was that information recorded on paper via DodMERB and do they have any paperwork on it or from your civilian doctor? Do you have the app "Med Standards" to peruse for waiver information to ensure your info is completely up to date?

Hope this helps


Was that information recorded on paper via DodMERB and do they have any paperwork on it or from your civilian doctor?

Yes when I did my DoDMERB I wrote down on the form that I had a kidney stone in the past. They never said anything about it and my DoDMERB was approved. When I had the stone, I did go to the hospital and the only thing the doctor told me was to take some advil and drink more water. I'm assuming that hospital visit is on my medical records and dodmerb saw it.


Do you have the app "Med Standards" to peruse for waiver information to ensure your info is completely up to date?

I do not have that app but will definitely check it out! Thanks!

21 hours ago, umijs said:

Yes when I did my DoDMERB I wrote down on the form that I had a kidney stone in the past. They never said anything about it and my DoDMERB was approved. When I had the stone, I did go to the hospital and the only thing the doctor told me was to take some advil and drink more water. I'm assuming that hospital visit is on my medical records and dodmerb saw it.

Having the pleasure and a procedure to remove a 5mm one stuck between the kidney and the bladder plus passing a few on my own. I would suggest stop drinking all brown forms of soda, cut back on coffee, learn to like green tea and make sure you drink plenty of water. If your peeing clear you should be in good shape, plus I'm not a Doctor but this is what he told me. Got a bud who was a PJ who constantly got them and had to go back to mx, he did everything right but was a gravel factory. I think I rather be kicked in the nads then pass a kidney stone. 

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