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Russian Ukraine shenanigans


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The funny thing is this absolutely has a COIN application.

You could have replaced a huge portion of the air assets over Mosul or Raqqa in 16/17 if you had this technological solution. Just put something the size of a C17 flying as an airborne arsenal of FPVs with a Wolfhound or similar sized platform acting as the “crew quarters” full of operators. Now you’re literally just hunting people until you’ve killed enough to break their will or their means instead of dropping a 2k lbs bomb or pounding M36s into a target to reduce it, because you can literally chase a single bad guy with a backpack or on a motorcycle down.

Effectively air delivered mobility denial and sanitation of any force that wanted to move underneath the wide arc it could cover. And it would be a F load more economical than spending a 100k dollar anti tank missile on a Toyota full of 3rd world dipshits.

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5 hours ago, Lawman said:

And it would be a F load more economical than spending a 100k dollar anti tank missile on a Toyota full of 3rd world dipshits.

Your post is logical and makes complete and perfect sense

...if we lived in a magical fairy tale world where the major aspects of modern conflict are to 1. Win  and 2. Not transfer countless billions out of our pockets and into those that manufacture 100K dollar anti tank missiles.

The economical and practical solutions are so obvious that even you have spotted one. So why are we not using your idea?

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Your post is logical and makes complete and perfect sense
...if we lived in a magical fairy tale world where the major aspects of modern conflict are to 1. Win  and 2. Not transfer countless billions out of our pockets and into those that manufacture 100K dollar anti tank missiles.
The economical and practical solutions are so obvious that even you have spotted one. So why are we not using your idea?

Well I’m trying to think of a better way you could demonstrate you’re so far removed as to have no idea what’s going on in the current military modernization efforts, but damn if I can think of one.

What do you think the Replicator initiative is?

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19 minutes ago, Lawman said:

Well I’m trying to think of a better way you could demonstrate you’re so far removed as to have no idea what’s going on in the current military modernization efforts, but damn if I can think of one.

What do you think the Replicator initiative is?

An "initiative" implies an intent to field a capability at some point in the future that is currently in an earlier stage of development. It's a little late, but it would be nice. Where is it budgeted? Who cares, right?

The conversation we're having now is about a capability that currently exists and is being employed. The vast majority of the nearing $200 Billion we have committed to spending now and into the future, that is not part of the "Replicator Initiative", for this specific conflict in Ukraine, are for the other more expensive capabilities that you were complaining about in your earlier post.

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An "initiative" implies an intent to field a capability at some point in the future that is currently in an earlier stage of development. It's a little late, but it would be nice. Where is it budgeted? Who cares, right?
The conversation we're having now is about a capability that currently exists and is being employed. The vast majority of the nearing $200 Billion we have committed to spending now and into the future, that is not part of the "Replicator Initiative", for this specific conflict in Ukraine, are for the other more expensive capabilities that you were complaining about in your earlier post.

So again… you don’t know what’s going on or what’s funded or what we are/aren’t doing. You don’t have any idea what is in testing, in the field, or been shown to be suitable in one fight but not another. You’re just here to continue sport bitching.

Very useful.

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In other news…after two years of war… The last Russian Black Sea vessel with the ability to conduct Kalibr strikes against Ukraine is gone.


Russia has apparently now lost its ability to conduct strike from an entire domain of modern warfare to a country which has no significant Naval power. On top of that the Ukrainians have begun targeting Novorossiysk which the Russians evacuated most of their fleet too after Sevastopol became untenable. This is probably the greatest embarrassment for the Russian Navy since the Russo-Japanese war.

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33 minutes ago, Lawman said:

In other news…after two years of war… The last Russian Black Sea vessel with the ability to conduct Kalibr strikes against Ukraine is gone.


Russia has apparently now lost its ability to conduct strike from an entire domain of modern warfare to a country which has no significant Naval power. On top of that the Ukrainians have begun targeting Novorossiysk which the Russians evacuated most of their fleet too after Sevastopol became untenable. This is probably the greatest embarrassment for the Russian Navy since the Russo-Japanese war.

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I mean losing their flagship because the crew couldn't do damage control properly after taking hits...because their defensive systems were off/inop in the middle of a warzone is pretty high up there on embarrassment...

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26 minutes ago, Lawman said:

So again… you don’t know what’s going on or what’s funded or what we are/aren’t doing. You don’t have any idea what is in testing, in the field, or been shown to be suitable in one fight but not another. You’re just here to continue sport bitching.

Very useful.

It's unlikely that I can type this in a way that is elementary enough for you to understand, but I'm going to try anyway.

1. The "Replicator Initiative" that you brought up is an "initiative", or program in development for future use. The word "future" means not today.

2. The drone capabilities you mentioned exist at this moment. They are being used in this moment.

3. The $Billions of our money that has been committed for the Ukraine Appropriations bills are not for the "Replicator Initiative".

4. The $Billions of our money that has been committed ARE for the more expensive conventional war-fighting that you were bitching about.

5. Nearly 80% of the Ukraine Appropriations are going not to Ukraine so they can acquire their own war-fighting capabilities,  but directly to the manufacturers of the $100 anti-tank missiles you were bitching about.

6. It is logical to assume there is little interest in your combat-effective and cost effective solution that currently exists.

Again, these are some highly advanced concepts, but if you need me to break it down even further for you, I don't mind trying.


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Whenever we as a country get serious about the debt/deficit spending (it will have to happen sooner or later, and I’m guessing at least within the next 5-10 years), cuts to military spending will most definitely have to be on the table.  There is no way we can economically grow our way (or tax our way) out of this massive spending/borrowing problem we have, especially when it seems the country wants to make it much harder to do business.

Over my last decade or so in the military I always thought it was hilarious how officers (on both sides of the political aisle) were so concerned about the military needing more money and didn’t seem to be even a little concerned about our fiscal situation.  Our biggest problems in the near/mid future will be internal not external…but hey, what’s another hundred billion dollars for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel?

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13 minutes ago, HeloDude said:

Whenever we as a country get serious about the debt/deficit spending (it will have to happen sooner or later, and I’m guessing at least within the next 5-10 years), cuts to military spending will most definitely have to be on the table.  There is no way we can economically grow our way (or tax our way) out of this massive spending/borrowing problem we have, especially when it seems the country wants to make it much harder to do business.

Over my last decade or so in the military I always thought it was hilarious how officers (on both sides of the political aisle) were so concerned about the military needing more money and didn’t seem to be even a little concerned about our fiscal situation.  Our biggest problems in the near/mid future will be internal not external…but hey, what’s another hundred billion dollars for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel?

The preferred government method for paying debt is inflation.  Borrow a dollar today, and pay it back when it's worth 50 cents.  You have to find the sweet spot for inflation between lowering your debt burden and keeping the natives from getting too restless.  

The political incentives for cutting spending are not there either, nor have politicians made any serious moves to cut spending.  What they debate now is the lowering the rate at which we increase spending, and touting that as a victory of sorts.  Or adding a sunset clause that won't be honored to make the math work for the GAO. 

This system will keep working until it doesn't, and nobody has a clue what the trigger will be.  



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12 minutes ago, NKAWTG said:

The preferred government method for paying debt is inflation.  Borrow a dollar today, and pay it back when it's worth 50 cents.  You have to find the sweet spot for inflation between lowering your debt burden and keeping the natives from getting too restless.  

The political incentives for cutting spending are not there either, nor have politicians made any serious moves to cut spending.  What they debate now is the lowering the rate at which we increase spending, and touting that as a victory of sorts.  Or adding a sunset clause that won't be honored to make the math work for the GAO. 

This system will keep working until it doesn't, and nobody has a clue what the trigger will be. 

That tells me that if you think inflation has been bad the last few years, then just wait.  Also welcome to even higher interest rates (not necessarily the worst thing).  I don’t see how this will be good for the economy for the average Joe shmoe and I think we’ll definitely see some pushback from the electorate.


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It's unlikely that I can type this in a way that is elementary enough for you to understand, but I'm going to try anyway.
1. The "Replicator Initiative" that you brought up is an "initiative", or program in development for future use. The word "future" means not today.
2. The drone capabilities you mentioned exist at this moment. They are being used in this moment.
3. The $Billions of our money that has been committed for the Ukraine Appropriations bills are not for the "Replicator Initiative".
4. The $Billions of our money that has been committed ARE for the more expensive conventional war-fighting that you were bitching about.
5. Nearly 80% of the Ukraine Appropriations are going not to Ukraine so they can acquire their own war-fighting capabilities,  but directly to the manufacturers of the $100 anti-tank missiles you were bitching about.
6. It is logical to assume there is little interest in your combat-effective and cost effective solution that currently exists.
Again, these are some highly advanced concepts, but if you need me to break it down even further for you, I don't mind trying.

No it isn’t “logical” to assume anything, because you aren’t assuming anything you’re deliberately misrepresentation the facts of the conversation for your regular drum beat of abandon Ukraine. That’s the “point” you’re trying to make.

I specifically said a COIN mode of usage for a low cost kinetic system (which we have similar programs in active acquisition), and you’re screaming about Ukraine which is without a doubt not a COIN fight.

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2 hours ago, Lawman said:

No it isn’t “logical” to assume anything, because you aren’t assuming anything you’re deliberately misrepresentation the facts of the conversation for your regular drum beat of abandon Ukraine. That’s the “point” you’re trying to make.

I specifically said a COIN mode of usage for a low cost kinetic system (which we have similar programs in active acquisition), and you’re screaming about Ukraine which is without a doubt not a COIN fight.

False claim. I haven't misrepresented anything. Take a moment and look at the top of the page. It reads "Russian Ukraine shenanigans". This discussion is about the Ukraine conflict, which I do have an opinion. The video you responded to is titled "Darwin’s War | Inside the secret bunker of Ukraine’s ace FPV drone pilot."

Therefore, the thread, the discussion, and the video pertain to the conflict in Ukraine. Confused yet? You assert that this is an effective low-cost solution to killing the bad guys. I assert that in the context of the thread, the discussion, and the video, an effective low-cost solution isn't what we are seeking as evidenced by the things we are purchasing for the Ukrainians. I'm not screaming, I'm merely typing my perspective and informing you of the flaws in yours. Who is making the deliberate misrepresentations? That would be you. Enjoy.


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False claim. I haven't misrepresented anything. Take a moment and look at the top of the page. It reads "Russian Ukraine shenanigans". This discussion is about the Ukraine conflict, which I do have an opinion. The video you responded to is titled "Darwin’s War | Inside the secret bunker of Ukraine’s ace FPV drone pilot."
Therefore, the thread, the discussion, and the video pertain to the conflict in Ukraine. Confused yet? You assert that this is an effective low-cost solution to killing the bad guys. I assert that in the context of the thread, the discussion, and the video, an effective low-cost solution isn't what we are seeking as evidenced by the things we are purchasing for the Ukrainians. I'm not screaming, I'm merely typing my perspective and informing you of the flaws in yours. Who is making the deliberate misrepresentations? That would be you. Enjoy.

You’re deliberately misquoting or cutting out statements of context and then misrepresenting or ignoring parts of those statements for your own twisted up ends.

Absolutely nothing I said in the first 2 paragraphs were disconnected from the actual 3rd one you decided to cherry pick from, nor did I ever imply that these systems were the end all replacement for higher cost munitions you did. You made that part up in space to circle us back to a wider “we can’t afford and therefore,” narrative., and now you’re trying to pretend you didn’t.

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54 minutes ago, Lawman said:

You’re deliberately misquoting or cutting out statements of context and then misrepresenting or ignoring parts of those statements for your own twisted up ends.

Absolutely nothing I said in the first 2 paragraphs were disconnected from the actual 3rd one you decided to cherry pick from, nor did I ever imply that these systems were the end all replacement for higher cost munitions you did. You made that part up in space to circle us back to a wider “we can’t afford and therefore,” narrative., and now you’re trying to pretend you didn’t.

You are incorrect. Could possibly be because you don't understand what "quote" means. I've either used the quote link below your post to quote your words verbatim, or used one or two of your words in quotations marks. If it doesn't appear that way on your end, it's either a problem with your device or comprehension.

I actually paid you a complement initially by saying your post was logical and made sense before you went off the rails. You're welcome. I never said that you implied that this drone technology was the end all replacement. I just made an effort to make your off-topic ramblings relevant to the conversation everyone else is having about Ukraine. You're welcome again.

Since I'm explaining what the word "quote" means, allow me to direct your attention to the fact that you used quotation marks to quote me as saying "we can't afford and therefore".  Nowhere in my previous posts have I used those words, and that makes you a blatant hypocrite for lying when you said, and I quote, "You’re deliberately misquoting..." What I have said is that we should not be spending the money. That's different than not being able to afford something, and leads me to believe you don't understand basic economics.

Now, to steer the conversation back onto course: There are countless vids of these relatively cheap FPV/drones being used by both sides and having a tremendous effect on a conventional battlefield, not just COIN. It stands to reason that if we truly wanted to multiply that effect, we would be absolutely flooding the battlefield with this technology. We could do so today, but we are not, because our DIB cannot yet capitalize on it. What we are doing, is funding a complex development program called "Replicator Initiative" for another $Billion dollars that will not be fielded for at least 18-24 months. That's just for the initial iteration, after that the intent is to ramp up spending after FY26. Once we have that system, do you really think we would just hand it to the Ukrainians? Not going to happen.

"The department ultimately wants a total of $1 billion to fully fund the program, officials have stated." - That's what a quote looks like.

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1 hour ago, RASH said:

Was just gonna say…this shits getting old

So's your wife. You either stick with it or find another. I'm loyal to the bitter end. I was here in the beginning and I'll be here at 404 Not Found. Its the same as its ever been.

Anyone remember the "Savage Forums" sister forum to this one when they were both at dynamictruth.com? Those folks would eat everyone's lunch here today in the Social/Political forum. 😂



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Posted (edited)

You're not arguing anything of substance though.  You're just going back and forth on who said what in every post.....Checking the thread only to see a wall of text from both of you going over the same stuff gets a big annoying.  Create your own thread so we don't have to read it 🙂 Or don't.  

Edited by uhhello
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You're not arguing anything of substance though.  You're just going back and forth on who said what in every post.....Checking the thread only to see a wall of text from both of you going over the same stuff gets a big annoying.  Create your own thread so we don't have to read it Or don't.  

Seriously, STFU and move on…

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5 hours ago, uhhello said:

You're not arguing anything of substance though.  You're just going back and forth on who said what in every post.....Checking the thread only to see a wall of text from both of you going over the same stuff gets a big annoying.  Create your own thread so we don't have to read it 🙂 Or don't.  

I kinda disagree with ya, but I understand where you're coming from. I don't want to annoy you, so I'll try harder to keep the conversation relevant and be more succinct in my posts. Cheers.


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1) Do we believe Putin and why? This could easily be a chance for Russian forces to rest, re-equip, and re-arm as well as mass and further fortify their current positions. Then, when they so choose, continue their advance.

2) Is Zelenskyy okay with those terms? Publicly he has stated his terms include the pre-invasion borders...

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20 minutes ago, BashiChuni said:

the only side that needs to re-equip and re-arm ain't the russian side.

True, when you don't mind sending your troops into combat on unarmored ATV's and armed with Mosin–Nagants and have no regard of their well being, let alone surviving, I guess that does give you a bit of a strategic and tactical advantage.

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