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Say there's a C-146 at drop night. What should one expect from that life? Is it under-discussed because of how cool and secret the missions are, or because it's not exciting enough to talk about? I've had a friend tell me it's the ugly step child of AFSOC.

31 minutes ago, cooterscout said:

Say there's a C-146 at drop night. What should one expect from that life? Is it under-discussed because of how cool and secret the missions are, or because it's not exciting enough to talk about? I've had a friend tell me it's the ugly step child of AFSOC.

From the outside looking in it seemed like a sweet gig. 1LT and Capts flying all over the world, collecting per diem, and doing some pretty cool, also some boring, stuff. Can’t speak to long term prospects within AFSOC but I think it would be a fun assignment. 


What interests you about the 146? It’s a fun plane and good locations. But it’s not some super secret platform or anything crazy. It’s a mobility platform 100%. They don’t do airdrop. They don’t have a really robust FARP capability like an MC. They can do aeromedical evac and austere stuff but BL is it’s purely a trash hauler/people mover. 

And I’d say Draco is the AFSOC step child. The 146 is like that cousin that when he gets brought up people say “oh yeah, I forgot about him”.

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Deploy, TDY, upgrade, slow-to-stop regularly flying, then be offered 'white jets' to Del Rio by the Sea...or get out like the majority have, perhaps milk a reserve gig with/in them post-AD



  • Haha 8

Hold out for spec ops fighter pilot. It’s the best of all worlds for the best of the best of the best to live your best life. 

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, nunya said:

Hold out for spec ops fighter pilot. It’s the best of all worlds for the best of the best of the best to live your best life. 


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On 2/2/2023 at 4:58 PM, cooterscout said:

Well what interests me about the C-146 is primarily that its AFSOC.  I've supported SOCOM throughout my career, spouse is in the community. From what I've seen of the culture, it's gonna be the best fit for me. Seems like the community is the most supportive of someone trying to be their best in life, professionally and otherwise.

You've seen the responses.  You would have better luck asking the checkout girl or guy at the commissary on their opinion of the C-146.  This board has turned into a bunch of assholes looking for their next giddy moment of shitting on someone.  It used to be better.  That's a shame.

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Guest nsplayr
Posted (edited)

Draco was a great community in AFSOC and it was always a challenge in a good way. I wouldn’t trade my time as a young guy there for any other job in the Air Force. Plus the U-28 airframe is getting replaced by this, so if that excites ya, even better.


I knew one guy that cross-flowed from Draco to C-146s and he was happier than a pig in shit. Can’t speak to the community or plane myself but one piece of anecdata FWIW.

Good luck!

Edited by nsplayr

I have no clue about the C-146.  Seems like a very specialized platform that you are going for.  Don't know the background behind that.  Me personally?  Would I want to fly the wolfhound?  Well, fighters are cool. If you're going for UPT, I'd go fighters.  Now, if you have personal circumstances that drive you to a C-146, I don't know.  

8 minutes ago, nsplayr said:

Draco was a great community in AFSOC and it was always a challenge in a good way. I wouldn’t trade my time as a young guy there for any other job in the Air Force. Plus the U-28 airframe is getting replaced by this, so if that excites ya, even better.


I knew one guy that cross-flowed from Draco to C-146s and he was happier than a pig in shit. Can’t speak to the community or plane myself but one piece of anecdata FWIW.

Knowledge from nsplayer.  Been there done that.  I don't have that experience, he does.

39 minutes ago, cooterscout said:

I prefer the latter and am trying to find where that might be on the O side.

Ok, I'll give you a serious response. You're looking for a unicorn. Every community is going to have people that are working to excel, professionally and otherwise. Every community is going to have people just coasting to 20. If you think the C-146 mission - airland for smaller units - is cool, go do it. If you want to be a professional, good on ya. Be a professional wherever you end up, but don't pretend that AFSOC is full of high speed low drag professional snake eaters that are going to push you to be the best you can be. They still have navs, so you know that ain't the case. 


Just kidding, nav!

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, filthy_liar said:

You've seen the responses.  You would have better luck asking the checkout girl or guy at the commissary on their opinion of the C-146.  This board has turned into a bunch of assholes looking for their next giddy moment of shitting on someone.  It used to be better.  That's a shame.

Calm down Janice.  He's going to get destroyed at somepoint in real life.  He might as well get a taste for free.  

  • Haha 1
On 2/2/2023 at 3:58 PM, cooterscout said:

Well what interests me about the C-146 is primarily that its AFSOC.  I've supported SOCOM throughout my career, spouse is in the community. From what I've seen of the culture, it's gonna be the best fit for me. Seems like the community is the most supportive of someone trying to be their best in life, professionally and otherwise.

Does your wife approve of your user name or is that how you found her?😁 It's been awhile since I've been in close contact with 146 dudes and dudettes but the ones I did all liked their mission. So what if you're a step child. Hell, I remember when gunships were a stepchild of TAC/MAC. I think you'll have fun. Just don't confuse pounds/kilos of fuel.

3 hours ago, cooterscout said:

I mean the memes are funny, but it does suck to be shit on for wanting to continue serving and do so in a community that gives a f* about being the best at what they do. I've been in some assignments full of people coasting through to hit 20, and some assignments that really challenged me to learn more every day. I prefer the latter and am trying to find where that might be on the O side.

What is your background?  Are you in UPT?  What communities has your spouse supported?   What kind challenge do you want from the unit (sts)? Flying type challenges or leadership (office work) challenges?  

If you want stick and rudder fun, you should ask for a fast mover or perhaps piss off your parents and go helicopters?   


based on your comments, I think you would be disappointed, bored, and under-whelmed by the 146.  If you’re set on mobility, go MC-J, a lot of cool things happening there and it’s where the command is focused right now.

If you’re not set on mobility (and you shouldn’t be), gunships & Draco both enable opportunities to work with amazing people who will inspire constant improvement by providing specific feedback on your many deficiencies as a combat aviator.  Happy to help via PM.


Guest LumberjackAxe

When I was in UPT, I swore I would never fly a tanker and all I wanted was AFSOC MC-130s. Well, I ended up getting the KC-10 and realized how ing lucky I was that I ended up with KC-10s. It wasn't just the assignment, it was also the location (not many people can say they've lived on a sailboat in San Francisco before the age of 60). When I got to my next assignment (U-2s), and spoke with some AFSOC pilots who managed to escape AFSOC, I realized I would've hated it and I'm incredibly lucky I did not actually get MC-130s. Point is, you'll probably end up loving whatever community you end up in, and what's good for you isn't always what you think is good for you.


Except anything at Cannon, I just don't see how that would ever be enjoyable.

15 hours ago, filthy_liar said:

You've seen the responses.  You would have better luck asking the checkout girl or guy at the commissary on their opinion of the C-146.  This board has turned into a bunch of assholes looking for their next giddy moment of shitting on someone.  It used to be better.  That's a shame.

You need a sense of humor & some perspective. While I certainly feel for the OP, & understand where he is coming from (we’ve all been there), a big part of assimilating one’s self into military aviation is understanding that when you serve up softballs, the bros are gonna swing hard. I have faith cooterscout will eventually figure this out & have a perfectly good career even if some guys ribbed him on the internets once.

Cooter: here’s the best advice most of us can honestly give you: Wherever you end up, don’t suck. The end. Do that & you’ll do alright just about anywhere. 

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