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Recruiting Crisis: 9% want to serve


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23 minutes ago, gearhog said:

I’d argue a GED is more about commitment than intelligence. I was in boot camp with a bunch of really dumb kids and at that time it was tough to get a waiver to join with a GED. 

I’m not naive to the fact that recruiting is hurting, but you might be surprised at how many high school/GED kids don’t get a 50. 

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6 hours ago, gearhog said:

FY25 NDAA proposal: Make women register for the draft.




Yes 100%. You want to have a big spectacle anytime you have the “first all female cockpit, flyover, etc”? Time to put your money where your mouth is feminists. I’m all about equality. Same PT standards while we are at it! 

Edited by dream big
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For the fathers with daughters, would you allow them to be forcibly conscripted for a purely hypothetical conflict with a near peer adversary?

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For the fathers with daughters, would you allow them to be forcibly conscripted for a purely hypothetical conflict with a near peer adversary?

Equality aside, women occupy a different place in our society and in this knuckle dragger’s value & beliefs system
They may be called on to fight but only if it is to stop the hordes as they are over running the last defenses, anything that is not survival requires this they are exempt from unless they choose to go

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For the fathers with daughters, would you allow them to be forcibly conscripted for a purely hypothetical conflict with a near peer adversary?

Absolutely not. We’ve completely lost our sense of ourselves if we force women to do our fighting for us.
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8 hours ago, Longhorn15 said:

Absolutely not. We’ve completely lost our sense of ourselves if we force women to do our fighting for us.

Have you watched the news lately?  We’ve already lost sense of ourselves and requiring women to be drafted, just as men, wouldn’t be close to the craziness that’s being passed off as normal in today’s society.  Besides, if women can do any job in the military that a man can do, then they should be just as fair game.

Full disclosure—I’m 100% against the draft (ie conscription) as it is a form of slavery, so I don’t want to see men or women ever forced into a job against their will.  I’ve mentioned this before on here and have had the back and forth, so before someone comments, just read those posts and we can save each other the time as you won’t change your mind and neither will I.


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1 hour ago, HeloDude said:

I'm against the draft (ie conscription) as it is a form of slavery, 

LOL, wut??

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7 hours ago, HeloDude said:

Full disclosure—I’m 100% against the draft (ie conscription) as it is a form of slavery, 


Serious question, do you consider compulsory primary education a form of slavery?

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An existential crisis is the only way I see a draft actually occurring based on current politics. 

With that in mind, would you rather your daughter be raped and abused by the chicoms or drafted to kill said chicoms. 

Either case is about as likely as the other in my opinion. I'd expect some Nanking esque or Operation Barbarossa scenarios from the chinese were they to make it on American soil.

I'd like to see a proposition like this on a national ballot. If for nothing else it would be comical to see "journalists" such Rachel madow attempt to explain to viewers how drafting women is anti-feminist.

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3 hours ago, Stoker said:

Serious question, do you consider compulsory primary education a form of slavery?

Parents should be in charge of raising children, not the government.  But you can be for conscription if you want.  Hell, why are we spending so much money on our military when we can just conscript people and pay them half of what we pay them right now?  

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44 minutes ago, HeloDude said:

Parents should be in charge of raising children, not the government.  But you can be for conscription if you want.  Hell, why are we spending so much money on our military when we can just conscript people and pay them half of what we pay them right now?  

Parents raising children without interference is great, when the parents don't suck.

There's really two kinds of conscription: military slavery as practiced by Egypt, Russia, Eritrea, for example, and that practiced by western countries to either round out a professional force or develop a functioning reserve. The former is unjust, the latter is part of your duty to your society.

It's also utterly historically justified - we've been conscripting people in the Americas to fight in practically every conflict we've ever fought, from the earliest colonial wars through Vietnam. The last thirty years are an aberration, not the rule.

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The draft doesn’t mean someone is getting sent to the first wave of D Day no matter what. Depending on where you look, there’s a need for about 10 support personnel for every combat soldier. Why couldn’t women be drafted to fill that in time of need? And I have three daughters. I’m sure I’ll sound like a communist to a lot of the libertarians here but when push comes to no shit shove, people need to fight for their country and not just their own personal stake. The implication there is that the cause is worthy and a true threat to our nation. Why eliminate half of your population from that pool?

That’s more of a rhetorical question because I’m not a fan of compulsory service. 

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11 hours ago, Stoker said:

Parents raising children without interference is great, when the parents don't suck.

There's really two kinds of conscription: military slavery as practiced by Egypt, Russia, Eritrea, for example, and that practiced by western countries to either round out a professional force or develop a functioning reserve. The former is unjust, the latter is part of your duty to your society.

It's also utterly historically justified - we've been conscripting people in the Americas to fight in practically every conflict we've ever fought, from the earliest colonial wars through Vietnam. The last thirty years are an aberration, not the rule.

Who gets to determine which parents that “suck” vs “don’t suck”?  Right now close 40% of the country believe that if you raise your kids to believe that there are only two genders and that your son is not a girl (even if he says he feels like one) that you’re harming your kid.  Also, if you teach them that marriage should only be between a man and a woman and that we do not have systemic racism in the USA…then you also suck as a parent.  I can go on and on.

Whatever sense of normalcy we once had over the last 40-50 years where the vast majority of people agreed on basic principles is now gone.  

As for it being ok to conscript people in a western county but not elsewhere is nuts.  If people don’t want to be forced at gun point to serve in a military, then it doesn’t matter.  Slavery was wrong even if the slave was treated/lived better than a poor person the next town over.  As for something being justified because it was done in the past, well that’s the worst excuse I’ve ever heard of—if that was case then nothing would change for the better.

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1 hour ago, HeloDude said:

Right now close 40% of the country believe that if you raise your kids to believe that there are only two genders and that your son is not a girl (even if he says he feels like one) that you’re harming your kid.

No they don't. You are conflating politics with the citizenship. Abortion is another example where "we the people" sit in the sane middle between two insane political positions. 


Your average Democrat didn't vote for Biden because they believe in giving puberty blockers to children. 


1 hour ago, HeloDude said:

As for something being justified because it was done in the past, well that’s the worst excuse I’ve ever heard of—if that was case then nothing would change for the better.

I await your example of a single society that was formed and survived through the ideals you are currently promoting. 


I used to think I was a Libertarian until I realized it's the same as a Progressive at the functional level. Ideologies that require a history they abhor to create a safe society that allows them to hold impractical absolutist ideals.

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9 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:

I await your example of a single society that was formed and survived through the ideals you are currently promoting. 


I used to think I was a Libertarian until I realized it's the same as a Progressive at the functional level. Ideologies that require a history they abhor to create a safe society that allows them to hold impractical absolutist ideals.

Yeah, because this is working out so well for us and can’t possibly cause problems in the future.  Ans yes, the lack of personal freedom includes economic freedom as it’s all related.


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21 hours ago, HuggyU2 said:

Do families of those who were drafted years ago get reparations?

Depends on the amount and type of melanin in their skin.

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4 hours ago, HeloDude said:

Yeah, because this is working out so well for us and can’t possibly cause problems in the future.  Ans yes, the lack of personal freedom includes economic freedom as it’s all related.


Gotcha. No example. 


Humans are messy. I 100% agree with you that our debt will be a huge problem. But it's a predictable, historically common, and inescapable problem. And ours is not remotely the worst.


Huge problems are just a part of the species. 

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