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I didn’t make Major rank what next

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No, no issues. Yes, the waiver process was part of the package the recruiter put together to get me gained at the squadron that wanted to hire me. At the time, anyway (2012), it was required that the losing and gaining wing cc support the waiver request which was yea/nay at AFRC/A1. When AFRC said yes, the gain process began which took about 1.5 mos, but then the day of gain was backdated to the date the waiver was approved. 

For example

Apr: ph interview with chief pilot. I was told to start the process and they would facilitate. I then went to the in-service AFRES recruiter. He did various things including submitting me for scroll 

May: Asked my losing WG cc for a letter stating his support for my continued service in the reserve.

Jun: scroll signed by congress, I left regular and was commissioned reserve the next day (IRR) via Reserve Order

Jul: AFRC approved hire package. Gaining wg cc had sent a letter also. MPF and ARPC started with their gain process

Aug: Gain process finished, received position number backdated to Jul

Sep: showed up to sq and started drilling/inprocessing/local indoc, etc

Oct: started flying again



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Hey dude, little old now, but hopefully these words from a passed-over career O-4 will help. The pilot shortage is real. We need pilots, especially pointy-nosed dudes. When my cc told me I was passed over, he gave me stats on how few 11Fs are in my year group (low double digits), and said we’ll try again next year. I seriously doubt I have a shot at O-5, but the AF needs pilots. If you want to stay in and keep flying, the AF is going to be all about it. I had 3 buddies get passed over for O-3 last year. 2 said they didn’t want to promote and wanted to bail. The third guy was a good guy, terrible pilot, and got picked up for O-4 this year. 

The new promotion system is trash. If you really want to make O-4, let your boss know and try to stand out. Expect the worst, but plan for the best.

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