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An update concerning MARSRADIO.  An unclassified HF communications backup is reserved for active DoD and Federal Agencies.   The net is still very active guarding its frequencies for calls.  In the first half of this year, there were just under 2000 requests for phone patches, METAR/TAF weather, message, radio, and SELCAL checks. Additionally, there have been a few requests for updated Avian Hazard information.

We were excited about the possibility of improvement in our global coverage with the peak of the solar cycle.  Unfortunately, there has been a huge number of strong solar storms that reduce coverage.  Some requests have been heard from the Western Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East.  A REACH aircraft was 5 x 5 sitting on the tarmac in Iraq just the other day.

The net can still make CONUS, international and DSN telephone calls.

We are attempting to set up remote sites in the western Pacific and Alaska.  This is a long and difficult process for a volunteer group with no DoD budget, but it is consistent with the volunteer’s desire to do as much as possible for communications backup.

Those interested in using the phone patch service should take the opportunity to register patch information ahead of time.  A “phone code” service was initiated for morale calls so personal information would not be disclosed over the air.  Phone codes have also been issued for Official patches.  Visit hfmars.us for the registration form.  Keep your information private. Provide the operator with your phone code.  They will enter the code and have their computer form populated with all the required information to make the call including alternate numbers.

The net is known for using 13.927 mHz as a calling frequency.  Keep 7.6335 mHz in mind for an alternate calling frequency, especially with solar conditions.  Some MARSRADIO stations also maintain a guard on 4.457 mHz and 11.407 mHz.  No answer on 13?  Call on 7 due to the propagation being different.

MARSRSADIO can be contacted through marsradioglobal.us/contact.  

To the active members on here, we hope that you have a safe flight and do not need us.  We are there if you do.

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Tried to reach y'all last week flying across Africa to show new Copilots the service but couldn't get through to anyone. 

Unfortunately with the propagation of civil data links across the fleet a csat phone call is typically easier. No idea who is getting the bill for it 🤣

Edited by LiquidSky
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Propagation has been depressing considering we are at the peak of the solar cycle.  Maybe next time.  There is no beacon to show when the frequency is open.  Maybe listen for WWV on 10 and 15 mHz.  I doubt there is any propagation into CONUS if you don't hear those.

Satphones are fine.  We are a backup.  A number of our patches are from people who are unable to get their satphones to work. for whatever reason.  It helps that we still support Morale calls and requests for scores, etc., especially during games like the Superbowl.   It is a thrill for our operators when Air Force One calls in, on a fairly regular basis, to radio check.

Thank you for trying and we appreciate all of your dedication and work.  We understand being away from family and enjoy being able to do morale calls.  Calls to young adults are the best.

Hope we can assist you in the future. 

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I regularly use HF phone patches in the B-52 when I need to contact the base outside of LOS radio range. One time I had cadet incentive flyers call their parents, and it was the highlight of the flight. Thanks for what you continue to do!

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Just wanna thank you all for what you do. It's been a hot minute since I've used your service, but it's great to have in the hip pocket.

Especially because the jet I'm on at the moment has 2x broken SATCOM...

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4 hours ago, StoleIt said:

Just wanna thank you all for what you do. It's been a hot minute since I've used your service, but it's great to have in the hip pocket.

Especially because the jet I'm on at the moment has 2x broken SATCOM...

No no, SATCOM will always work. Do not be concerned. We will fight future wars completely from American soil. We need to fund those acquisitions now at the expense of all others.

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Thank You for the service you provide. I used MARS Radio extensivly during my career. During Desert Storm you guys kept us in touch with home, and provided hours of entertainment as we listened to some interesting phone patches, like  the guy who’s wife dumped him on air!!!  I also learned that my Son flew his initial solo in a Cessna, as I flew over Afghanistan.  I wished I were there in person, but I still got to speak with him after he landed.  

Edited by Vito
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50 minutes ago, Vito said:

I used MARS Radio extensivly during my career. During

I used it a few times in Big Sexy.  

For some reason this reminds me of co pilots calling "Global Billeting" and reading back the confirmation code.  URADUMBASS.   Good memories.    

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