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DoD gives Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a plea deal.

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Some of you spent your entire careers fighting terrorists. You sacrificed. Some sacrificed everything.

Why? So the DoD could negotiate and strike a deal with a 9/11 mastermind? How many more ways are they going to spit in our faces?



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The guy should have been hung by his dick while receiving death by bunga bunga the minute after all useful intel had been extracted. But here we are…ridiculous. 

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IDGAF about him spending the rest of his life in jail versus executed. If he offered something up to get that deal, even better. Besides, getting killed is the easy way out. Enduring the rest of your life in prison as you slowly waste away is a better punishment, IMO.

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Death would probably be welcomed by him since he's already spent 21 years at GTMO and now will spend an eternity there. Him being confined for life is more torturous, which is a good thing considering what he did.

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I can think of many times when I would have much rather been killed than had to endure pain for a very long time. Recent trip to in-laws is a great example.

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On 8/1/2024 at 11:44 AM, Sua Sponte said:

Death would probably be welcomed by him

I don’t think so, since the plea deal was specifically to take the death penalty off the table. Which tells me he’s living decently enough to prefer his current lot over death. 

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Posted (edited)

Lloyd Austin just revoked the plea deal, making the death penalty possible again. 

I'll give him credit for that, but some of you have a record of immediately carrying the water for the current official position, no matter how wrong it may be. I would like to see more critical thinking.


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13 hours ago, gearhog said:

Lloyd Austin just revoked the plea deal, making the death penalty possible again. 

Do you think he was actually unaware of the plea deal? I find it hard to believe SecDef was not briefed routinely about a case this big. I think he knew about and blessed the plea deal and his revocation is purely a reaction to public sentiment 94 days before an election.

Edited by nunya
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I guess you see those as comparable... I don't think a case 23-years in the making is the same as announcing the death of an 87 year old a couple hours prior.

It’s called humor regarding Austin not knowing. You’d have to be an idiot to think it’s a direct comparison.
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