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Just turned 34, taking any advice to get into a fighter!

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I'm a 34F. I took the AFOQT once rather last minute without having time to study, so plan to take it again this year (Pilot 91/CSO 75/ABM 92/ Acad 64/Verbal 86/Quant 41). I'm open to ANG, Reserve and AD. I know I need an age waiver/ETP. I have 16.5 flight hours and have soloed, but no PPL, and no real way to finance one since I'm still working on my degree (B.S. Aeronautics). Will be taking the TBAS soon as part of the AD process.

I'm currently working on my AD app for next year's rated board. I'm watching Milrecruiter, though fighter squadron selection boards are now few and far between. One of my biggest obstacles to the ANG route is that I run a business for my living that requires me to be on site at night, so I can't make trips to rush squadrons that are further away than a day trip. Obviously if I was selected, I would dissolve the business while waiting for OTS, but for now my son and I need a stable income.

For volunteer/extracurriculars, I'm the primary Aerospace officer for a Civil Air Patrol squadron. I'm healthy, feel amazing, and work out 6 days a week.

I know this is a long shot, with every odd against me just about, but I'm committed to trying every possible opportunity, in hopes that someone will see potential and will take a chance on me. I absolutely know that heavies would be easier, but I want to fly fighters more than anything in the world, and I just can't accept that there isn't a way. Not yet. (I'm aware that even those tracking T-38s are still ending up in heavies lately, but that's out of anyone's control. I'd be thrilled to track T-38s, and worry about the rest later).

If you've read this far, I am so appreciative of your time, and would welcome any and all advice you can give me. 

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Honest answer: I don’t think you have a realistic chance at ANG/AFRC fighters. Age, scores, 16 hrs of flight time, etc. Even if you maxed out scores and had hundreds of hours, your age is nearly a guaranteed deal breaker. If you were hired tomorrow, you wouldn’t show back up to the squadron until age 40…age 40 is very old to be a LT in a fighter squadron and starting at the bottom. Now account for your competition being nearly half your age with phenomenal apps, no kids or businesses to manage, etc. Lastly, UPT slots are in a drought for ANG for the next couple years-ish, so really you’d be 42-43 by the time you’re back at a squadron, and that’s still assuming you got hired in 1-2 years. Honestly I don’t think you’d enjoy that hypothetical life, even if you think you would at this moment in time.

My advice is accept reality and do not burn your time/money rushing fighter units. Chase fun/exciting flying on the civ side. It’ll take some time to get there, but there is a lot of awesome flying out there that is exciting and challenging - don’t need a fighter to check those boxes.

I cannot speak for heavy units, perhaps they are more open to someone in your position. If you have a strong desire to fly mil, then maybe go that route. Hopefully some heavy bros in the ANG/AFRC will chime in. I know none of this is what you want to hear, but it’s not helpful for someone to blow smoke up your ass.

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I definitely appreciate the reply, sir, and I know you're absolutely right about my chances. I never thought I'd fall into anything other than the long shot category. That said, I will keep trying anyway until there's nothing left to try, because I need to, and because it's not like I can become any less of a fighter pilot than I am right now (insert self-effacing chuckle). I don't have money to throw at it anyway, so won't lose anything other than some free time and a little pride 😉 

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On 9/21/2024 at 4:44 PM, Taraxes said:

I'm a 34F.


6 hours ago, brabus said:

If you were hired tomorrow, you wouldn’t show back up to the squadron until age 40

34 to 40 - six years to go from hired to showing back up at a squadron?

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5 hours ago, Blue said:


34 to 40 - six years to go from hired to showing back up at a squadron?

 Today to hired: 2 yrs (most do more than that, but we’ll assume 2 for now)

Hire to actually start UPT: 1-2 years, best case currently

UPT to FTU grad: 2.5 years

Even before the current UPT slot shitshow, it was 3-4 yrs from UPT board to showing back up to squadron. That does not account for the time spent putting apps in, rushing, and interviewing.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a troll. Same guy who posts here and at APC with unbelievable scenarios. Remember putrid? Remember 3rd DUI? Same shit! New acct, same ol. Don’t respond to this guy. Don’t know why he gets jollies, but he does. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/5/2024 at 10:20 PM, Chida said:

This is a troll. Same guy who posts here and at APC with unbelievable scenarios. Remember putrid? Remember 3rd DUI? Same shit! New acct, same ol. Don’t respond to this guy. Don’t know why he gets jollies, but he does. 

Not a troll, but go off. This is the first account I’ve ever made, not even a dude, just a girl. A bit let down to know my scenario sounds unbelievable though, so there’s that 😅

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