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Posted (edited)

Wow.  Trump just supposedly declassified ALOT of JFK and name your potential conspiracy of interest documents.

Kennedy assasinations, MLK, and others.  Govt has 45 days to comply.

Edited by uhhello
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, SpeedOfHeat said:

This meme is so idiotic.  All this talk about Elon's gesture being "taken out of context."  Ok, here's some relevant context:  

First and most glaring, these pictures are stills.  Screenshot as their hands happened to be up during a speech, or while being welcomed on stage.  GMAFB.  It's a far cry from the video of Elon.  His hand to chest, and vigorously, with front-tooth overbite, hard saluting.  Twice.  Sorry, but motion and intensity matter.  Body language matters.  Expressions matter.

The other thing that matters, concerning context, is the audience.  MAGA vs. the lefty's in the meme.  As I heard it put the other day, "Not every Trump voter is a white supremacist.  But, every white supremacist is a Trump voter."  There's a perception among many that the MAGA movement is, among other things, inherently racist.  ....Not sure if that's a news flash to anyone.  (*I am not, before you blow a gasket, claiming that Trump or Elon (or you) are racist.  Only that it's a widely held view that many of their supporters are, not incidentally because of their actions, words, chants, clothing choices, endorsements, etc.)  Does the same core perception exist towards Elizabeth Warren supporters or Taylor Swift fans?  No.

Beyond the stupid (....and I mean truly eye-roll-inducing) meme, the disturbing part of the response to Elon's gesture is the absolute refusal to criticize Trump or his minions.  No matter what.  MAGA folks won't offer even the faintest hint of doubt or disapproval, and this is why another core perception of MAGA is that it's a cult, or cult-like.

Just try it.  Once.  Try criticizing a decision or an action of Trump (or Elon or Vance, etc.).  You can make it a really gentle criticism to start.  Doubt, in the form of a question, works as a really soft, muted criticism for recovering cultists.  For example, try asking "...gee, should he have done that?"  See how it feels.  Then graduate to sandwiching a weak criticism between two strong compliments to continue easing into it.

The thinking among most people has become totally dualistic and binary, and it's a serious problem.  You don't have to say you're certain that he's a literal Nazi.  And you also don't have to try to defend him completely.  Try saying "Wow....that looked a little messed up."  or "I agree.  That was really strange.  I wish he hadn't done that." or "Elon is a little weird and spectrum-y.  I hope he gets some media counseling in this new role so this doesn't happen again." 

You'll know you've made significant progress when you can admit something simple like that and then say nothing else.  In other words, without also making a comparison to a leftist policy or a "what about..." concerning a democrat. 

You can still support Trump and Elon.  It's ok.  Every human has faults and makes mistakes.  If those mistakes are acknowledged, good things happen.  They can be held to account for them and improve.  On the other hand, if the Dear Leader and his friends are excused from any and everything, ......if we do things like pretend that Taylor Swift waving to an audience of gushing teenyboppers is the same as Elon's gesture to MAGA fanatics.......then those leaders become even more self-righteous and untouchable.  The divide in our country grows, and each side becomes more cult-like.

Ok, what about this one then?


Edited by Standby
I give up trying to embed the video
7 hours ago, dream big said:

When factions of the Democratic Party hate this country through its foundations, and have actively pursued policies detrimental to this country, it is natural that the thought of making this country great would trigger them. Mental help is always an option. 

True.  American exceptionalism has been a target by the left for decades.  A claim that America is, or at least was, great implies that it is greater than other countries, which the left can't accept.  Everything must be equitable, so if something is greater than other things, it must be broken down to be only as ok as everything else.

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