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Hello Baseops community,

I am a prospective pilot applicant (preferably fighters but not picky) and I have several questions regarding my competitiveness (starting to put packets together) for the national guard/reserves.

  • AFOQT Pilot 99 CSO 98 ABM 99 AcApt 83 Verb 72 Quant 84

  • GRE scores 156/170V 161/170Q 4.5 / 6.0A (for USAF and SF line officer pre qualification form asked for this?)

  • PCSM/TBAS not taken yet

Letters of rec: 

  • 2LT currently in UPT prior enlisted

  • DPE

  • Flight School Employer

25 years old, male, civilian

B.S. Chemistry 3.3 / 4.0 138 Credits

Some post-bach schooling (MechE) 3.93/4.0 16 credits (prereqs for AeroE PhD)

Flight Certs (CPL, IRA, ASEL, AMEL, CFI-A/I):

Flight Experience (hours): 463.6 Total, 362.9 PIC, 66 Instrument, Night 28.9, XC 156.7, multi 25.7

Work Experience: Research publications (programming and data science), CFI experience, grader on campus

Eagle Scout

My motivations/goals/personal background:

  • I would preferably like to live near a base in the Northeast USA, but not picky if it means flying a high performance jet.

  • I am fine with Guard or Reserves (first contract I can hopefully get), as I would like to pursue a PhD once training and unit indoc is completed (can’t exactly do that while active duty for 10 years).

  • Very strong academically, good study habits.

  • Moderately fit (6’3” 173 lbs). 1.5 mile in 11:40 running 35 pushups in 1 min (training for OTS fitness tests), healthy lifestyle, 20/20 vision

  • Overall I would like to serve 1st to give back to the USA, and advance science through my civilian job

  • Would also consider Army WO position in the guard

I have done a lot of research on the national guard (go to tours/rush events, send packets whenever they open, bring beer, etc.), so no questions there (I am aware how competitive it is which is why I would like to apply to reserves as well.)

In regard to reserves, do you just talk to an officer recruiter and compete like the active duty folks? Is there less opportunity to get a fighter in the reserve? Are you able to request which part of the USA you would like to live? Deployment frequency vs National Guard?

How is my overall competitiveness?

If you would like to share your experiences of your paths to a seat it would be much appreciated.

Thank you all very much for your time and for your public service.


A prospective applicant.

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