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Aviation Continuation Pay (ACP - The Bonus)


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Can someone post the verbiage on here? I'm on a medical TDY taking care of the wife and my CAC reader went A-3. Thanks.

The memo is FOUO, so no copy/paste.

BL: It's the same as last year, except you can apply now if your ADSC expires in FY2015.

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My guess is they want people to show their cards early. You still won't get paid until completion of initial UPT ADSC. On the other hand though if you are eligible for a RIF you are not eligible for the bonus so maybe they are giving 2004 guys a chance to apply now, and that would give AFPC a better long term idea of who they have and who they don't have.

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No catch...just common sense policy. The Navy uses the early eligible concept. This enables folks to get paid as soon as their UFT ADSC expires and potentially prevents Airmen on the fence from separating. Good stuff for the Oct thru Jan ADSC folks. For those thinking next year's program may offer more money, this takes a Congressional action which was deferred outside of the AF's control last year. Congressional proposals are 1-2 years out (depending on the type) so the soonest anyone would see an increase is FY16. I hope this helps.

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So if you apply for the early eligible as an 11F, you still don't get paid until the time you finish the commitment? As in you'll still get a total of $225K? That sounds more like an early sign up than being "eligible" early. I thought they had found a way to sneak in another $25K to help retention.

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So if you apply for the early eligible as an 11F, you still don't get paid until the time you finish the commitment? As in you'll still get a total of $225K? That sounds more like an early sign up than being "eligible" early. I thought they had found a way to sneak in another $25K to help retention.

Nope, but they found a way for you to not have to wait until Jun or Jul for a PSDM that should come out 1 Oct each year. Yet somehow it always takes 6 months or more for the message to be released. We'll see how it works in implementation.

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Nope, but they found a way for you to not have to wait until Jun or Jul for a PSDM that should come out 1 Oct each year. Yet somehow it always takes 6 months or more for the message to be released. We'll see how it works in implementation.

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I finished UPT early in the FY (Dec 04), and I was just counting on losing almost $12-25k over AFPC publishing the PSDM in July/August of next year. This is a good deal for me, and I get the bonus "on time."

Of course, I was going to stay in anyway (school ADSC takes me to 16+ years TIS), so don't tell AFPC. Shhhh....

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No catch...just common sense policy. The Navy uses the early eligible concept. This enables folks to get paid as soon as their UFT ADSC expires and potentially prevents Airmen on the fence from separating. Good stuff for the Oct thru Jan ADSC folks. For those thinking next year's program may offer more money, this takes a Congressional action which was deferred outside of the AF's control last year. Congressional proposals are 1-2 years out (depending on the type) so the soonest anyone would see an increase is FY16. I hope this helps.

VID First Time post...Nothing like another first time poster bringing out another long-time "lurker"... Are you saying that the USAF has requested an increase? Source?


I finished UPT early in the FY (Dec 04), and I was just counting on losing almost $12-25k over AFPC publishing the PSDM in July/August of next year. This is a good deal for me, and I get the bonus "on time."

Of course, I was going to stay in anyway (school ADSC takes me to 16+ years TIS), so don't tell AFPC. Shhhh....

I'm a little confused, how would you have lost $12-$25K had you not been offered the early eligible deal? My understanding is that initial (vs early) eligible gets the same amount of cash, but the first payment would be later (basically when signing the bonus instead of expiration of UPT ADSC). Asking as I am in the exact same boat as you (11F w/ UPT grad in Dec 04).

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No catch...just common sense policy. The Navy uses the early eligible concept. This enables folks to get paid as soon as their UFT ADSC expires and potentially prevents Airmen on the fence from separating. Good stuff for the Oct thru Jan ADSC folks. For those thinking next year's program may offer more money, this takes a Congressional action which was deferred outside of the AF's control last year. Congressional proposals are 1-2 years out (depending on the type) so the soonest anyone would see an increase is FY16. I hope this helps.

There may not be a "catch" in how you get paid, but there is always a "catch" when making contracts with the USAF. Just keep in mind that AFPC, or the Air Force for that matter, will never do anything regarding retention/bonus contracts that will benefit you alone. I keep bringing this up over and over because I think people really believe this is a two-way contract somehow guaranteeing someone 20 years of service...or even 5. It guarantees you nothing other than if you plan to stay AND the AF decides to keep you, you get paid what the contract said you will. But, as the small print implies, the Air Force can release you at anytime without any further obligations or explanations. The only one obligated (via ADSC) is you. Just something to keep in mind. It is a good deal if you plan to stay in anyway...just don't be disappointed if the AF suddenly says they don't need you anymore.

On the other hand, I do commend AFPC for actually thinking ahead on this one instead of making eligibles wait half the year to find out the ACP offer of the year. Yes, they'll probably be able to get some of the fence sitters to commit if they release the eligibility criteria early. Maybe they've learned some lessons over the past two years.

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I'm a little confused, how would you have lost $12-$25K had you not been offered the early eligible deal? My understanding is that initial (vs early) eligible gets the same amount of cash, but the first payment would be later (basically when signing the bonus instead of expiration of UPT ADSC). Asking as I am in the exact same boat as you (11F w/ UPT grad in Dec 04).

If you're doing the 9 years @ $25k, you can't max-out past 20 YAS. So, if you take the bonus for 9 years and only have 8.36 years before you hit 20 YAS, your last year of $25k is prorated to whatever time you have left.

So, let's hypothetically say the FY15 bonus wasn't offered early. Like FY12 and FY13, if it were announced on 1 Jul 15, any 11F wanting the 20 year option who had their original ADSC end before the bonus announcement date would lose a month for each day after 1 Oct 14 the FY15 bonus was announced.

For example, if you graduated UPT on 1 Oct 04 (first day eligible for the FY15 bonus) and singed for the bonus in Jul 15, you'd be signing a deal for the next 8.17 years. AFPC calculates that last year of the bonus as 0.17 x $25k (since you can't get a bonus past 20 YAS), and you get $4.17k instead of the full $25k.

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What CC pressure? I know it happened in the past, but I have yet to see any pressure from a CC of any level to take the bonus.

2...haven't seen or even heard mention of feet on the ramp since the mid-90's.

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If you're doing the 9 years @ $25k, you can't max-out past 20 YAS. So, if you take the bonus for 9 years and only have 8.36 years before you hit 20 YAS, your last year of $25k is prorated to whatever time you have left.

Are you sure that signing the bonus late (like in Jul 15 for an Oct 14 ADSC as your example), you only get the pro-rated amount for FY15? My understanding is that you will still receive the same amount, as the contract is effective the day your UPT ADSC expires (even though you are signing late). I have not had a chance to open an application or visit the official page as I have been on leave this week, so apologies if I am way off track...

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So if I, as an "early eligible" this year were to stay on the fence, would I be able to sign the FY15 bonus next year as a regular "eligible"? (Assuming it's offered)

Yes, assuming everything stays the same. You will be an 'initial' eligible.

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Where is the info posted? I'm part of the no-take crowd and personally know more people passing on the bonus than taking it, but that kind of observation is worthless in the grand scheme of things. I'm interested how it shakes out with all the sport-bitching lately. I still think the per-year $$ will go up next year, since it finally can. I just keep seeing a lot of bros posting pics of their new Southwest, Delta, etc jets on Facebook.

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