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1 hour ago, BFM this said:


Didn't see any other changes from last year. 

Only difference i noticed was lack of 11f/x distinction. Or was that already the case last yr?

  • 1 month later...

Just thought I'd throw this out, for those who, like me, are interested in the near- and long-term future of Big Blue:

- AFPC has started posting bonus take rates for this fiscal year. There's plenty of time left in the FY, and the last update is as of two weeks ago, so it's pretty useless to read too much into the stats at this point. Nonetheless, as a pilot I feel compelled to pontificate, so here you go. Take rates as of 11 Jan 16:

-- Bomber (11B): 25%

-- C2ISR (11R): 41.5%

-- Fighter (11F): 24.6%

-- Mobility (11M): 32.9%

-- Rescue (11H): 66.7%

-- SOF (11S): 34.6%

-- Unmanned (11U): 51.7%

-- Total pilot take rate thus far: 33.5%

-- There are stats for CSOs and ABMs, but there are only 33 of them total, and I'm too lazy/disinterested to track them. 


- 217 of the 251 takers thus far signed up early for the bonus last year. Takers this FY have only increased the take rate by 4.6% (from 28.9% to  33.6%). Last year, they started with 38% (283/745) having taken the bonus early. I would say Big Blue is well behind the power curve when it comes to convincing folks to stay in

- If nothing else, it looks like there'll be no problem filling ACSC billets this year. Although some of the super-smart high-potential officers might be getting out and going to the civil sector, with a 33% take rate, there'll be more than enough bodies to ensure we have a core group of hyper-professionalized officers (folks who spend their lives in schools, fellowships, internships and staffs) to fill our future senior officer billets

- The reason for low take rates thus far cannot be long processing times. The Rescue take rate is already at 66.7%

- Fighter and Bomber bubbas have the lowest take rates so far. Rescue and Unmanned have the highest. Maybe ACC will one day be run by helo and Reaper drivers

- The Mobility community has about as many eligibles as the Bomber, C2ISR, Fighter and Unmanned pilots combined . . . and the Mobility take rate is just 33%. Somehow, I don't think mother AMC is going to be able to give up a bunch of 11Ms to backfill 11B/11F/11S billets like they once did

- This FY, there are 750 total eligible pilots. Next FY, it'll be 820. Increasing numbers of eligibles, combined with decreasing take rates, is a worrying proposition

Fly safe, 




  • Upvote 2

Plus, every day people don't sign up costs them about $69....there is incentive to submit early so the fact people aren't means it's probably calculated.

But hey, who wouldn't want to continue moving every 2 yrs and 8 mos. making your spouse change jobs and forcing your kids to make new friends builds character while you constantly compete to "not" be the guy who abandons them for 365 days. But let's not forget the awesome travel opportunities to desert locations where you can risk your life to enrich corrupt 3rd world politicians and warlords. But don't be down on that sad fact. Every day you stay is one day delayed for the Taliban...insert islamic faction here... to reclaim their territory. You are just setting yourself or kids up for a return trip to that area. "Tour Fallujah by MRAP" now or in 2030.

  • Upvote 4
1 hour ago, TnkrToad said:

- If nothing else, it looks like there'll be no problem filling ACSC billets this year. Although some of the super-smart high-potential officers might be getting out and going to the civil sector, with a 33% take rate, there'll be more than enough bodies to ensure we have a core group of hyper-professionalized officers (folks who spend their lives in schools, fellowships, internships and staffs) to fill our future senior officer billets

The people getting out are easily replaceable.   Don't even think about stop loss, that's how replaceable they are.  The HPOs opting out of IDE in residence to separate, well, we didn't want them anyway.  The ones who we send to ACSC in their absence (surprise!) are now the HPOs.  And they're the ones who are going to go to staffs, where the "real hard work of air power" takes place.

Or something.  

  • Upvote 1

Plus, every day people don't sign up costs them about $69....there is incentive to submit early so the fact people aren't means it's probably calculated.

But hey, who wouldn't want to continue moving every 2 yrs and 8 mos. making your spouse change jobs and forcing your kids to make new friends builds character while you constantly compete to "not" be the guy who abandons them for 365 days. But let's not forget the awesome travel opportunities to desert locations where you can risk your life to enrich corrupt 3rd world politicians and warlords. But don't be down on that sad fact. Every day you stay is one day delayed for the Taliban...insert islamic faction here... to reclaim their territory. You are just setting yourself or kids up for a return trip to that area. "Tour Fallujah by MRAP" now or in 2030.

What an awful attitude! If anyone wants to leave they can go!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

  • Downvote 8

ned1, I'm looking forward to hearing if you're still drinking the blue koolaid as you approach the end of your ADSC. Maybe once you've gained some experience your opinions will carry some weight, but at this point, with zero operational experience, they don't.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


What an awful attitude! If anyone wants to leave they can go!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

If only that was true. I am on my fourth palace chase attempt. I'm freaking trying. What's your background again?


One of my best buddies had a great quote today: "Getting a 22 year old to join up to fly jets doesn't impress me. Getting a 32 year old to stay impresses me."

  • Upvote 5
46 minutes ago, Duck said:

One of my best buddies had a great quote today: "Getting a 22 year old to join up to fly jets doesn't impress me. Getting a 32 year old to stay impresses me."


2 hours ago, ned1 said:

What an awful attitude! If anyone wants to leave they can go!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

Ned, I want to avoid a personal attack, that's usually bullshit and not relevant but I do want to ask and if you don't want to answer ignore me or give me the one-finger salute, but...

1.  Are you commissioned yet?

2. Rated?

3. Older than 27?

I'd like to know your background and compare it in relation to mine when I woke up from the Matrix.  I still am proud to serve and do so everyday but I am realistic about the Air Force, warts and all.

Every year I have been in it has gotten worse:

Leadership detached or indifferent to the actual mission

Inordinate attention paid to social actions & policy at the Wing to Squadron Level 

Poorly executed onerous efforts to save minuscule amounts of money when the real elephants in the room continue to smash the furniture and walls

No aggressive vision to create a modern force in terms of aircraft, systems, HR policies, force composition, pay & benefits or administration

Rampant corruption, cronyism and ineptitude at the highest echelons of leadership

The AF is an F-4, as long as it has plenty of gas and both motors it can fly the speed of heat but once that fuel runs out or we loose thrust on a motor, all that drag we covered up with thrust comes out.  One motor is sputtering and the low fuel light is on...  

  • Upvote 11

What an awful attitude! If anyone wants to leave they can go!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

Reminds me of something a buddy heard from a GO once... 


Yeah, that guy. I heard that worthless mouth breather say the same thing when asked about what was gonna happen when dudes start leaving in droves for the airlines, Wal-mart or just the unemployment line.


Isn't that the guy who was "modeling" a supposedly new service coat a few years back? Full size medals and all?


Thankfully Darth Vader wasn't a fan, jury is still out whether it was the uniform or the general wearing it. I hear he wasn't a very popular guy.


Plus, every day people don't sign up costs them about $69....there is incentive to submit early so the fact people aren't means it's probably calculated.

But hey, who wouldn't want to continue moving every 2 yrs and 8 mos. making your spouse change jobs and forcing your kids to make new friends builds character while you constantly compete to "not" be the guy who abandons them for 365 days. But let's not forget the awesome travel opportunities to desert locations where you can risk your life to enrich corrupt 3rd world politicians and warlords. But don't be down on that sad fact. Every day you stay is one day delayed for the Taliban...insert islamic faction here... to reclaim their territory. You are just setting yourself or kids up for a return trip to that area. "Tour Fallujah by MRAP" now or in 2030.

What an awful attitude! If anyone wants to leave they can go!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

Hey my great attitude helps me deal with the above mentioned stuff, just stating some sad facts on why people leave what should be the greatest job in the world. And people are leaving...that's the problem there dude. Good people we shouldn't be losing.

11 hours ago, Fuzz said:

Thankfully Darth Vader wasn't a fan, jury is still out whether it was the uniform or the general wearing it. I hear he wasn't a very popular guy.


The Diceman was a doucheman...


Funny. A couple days ago, AMC put out a press release highlighting how, "Air Mobility Command is participating in a national-level discussion about current and future-projected pilot manning shortfalls."

My favorite quote is that, "AMC stepped up to bring everyone together." Glad they're doing so, but seems they would've been better served doing this back in '07 when the Age 65 Rule was made law (or in 2012 when it came into effect), or at the latest in 2013 when requirements for airline pilots went way up--making mil pilots all the more valuable. 





They'll never learn and always be reactionary vs proactive. They've spent 15 years fat, dumb and happy kicking out good people because they didn't fit the mold of what they think would make a good GO. The fact of the matter is they need experienced FG'rs in the 12-15 yr range to be line pilots and experts in ops and their MDS. Unfortunately those are all the guys/gals they passed over because they did 3 flying assignments in a row and didn't get their masters degree. They kicked these people out and/or let them out via PC/VSP. Now I'll sit back with a bowl of popcorn and watch. They're not going to be able to do jack squat with what is about to happen.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

  • Upvote 2

A point to consider...a first-year pilot at United or Delta would get over $10,000 in "bonus" (profit sharing) which would go up to over $20,000 in the second year, and possibly way beyond that depending on how much you work.  IMHO staying in because of the money is not sound logic.

People should want to stay in to serve their country, the quality of flying, and a sense of comaraderie while making a livable wage.  The problem is that the USAF is doing everything it can to stomp out the camaraderie, regulate the flying to death (and take punitive action on a whim...a la Q3s for wearing a baseball cap at OTBH), and force people to constantly choose between service and their own family, which isn't fair to the member (179s, 365s, etc).

So that's the issue...you can make more money at the airlines, have a better QOL, and your family with be better off also.  That's an easy choice, and it will continue to be until USAF leadership gets their shit together.




  • Upvote 2
Poorly executed onerous efforts to save minuscule amounts of money when the real elephants in the room continue to smash the furniture and walls

So, sidebar, one of my Chiefs went to the base pool to get a workout (he's a PJ) but the 18 year old girl there told him he couldn't go in because he must have let his membership expire. Surprised, he asked her what on God's green earth she was talking about, it's the base pool. He is military, even has swimming in his PT test for Heaven's sake! She said that things were getting tight, and the base couldn't afford it... The cable, forty tvs that were all on the same news channel, and the three services Airmen sitting at the front counter sucking their thumbs were all mission essential though!


The irony.  Promo boards never see the FEF!  And many of those deployment Q3s were viewed as spiteful by the home unit, so... those just make for interesting airline interview stories.

SWA inteviewer: TMA your Q3. 

Dude: I wore a baseball cap while flying troops from A to B.  Commander Douche saw it and didn't like it. 

SWA: Yeah, what a douche.  Say, what was his name so we can blackball it?



  • Upvote 4

Since they are offering ACP out to 20 years for all pilots now, does anyone know if they are considering extending this option to those coming up on the end of their 5 year commitment who didn't have the same 20 year option?(The folks that signed up in FY11, 12, 13)

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