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You're working a lot more than 75 hours at an airline. You might be credited for 75 but you're still working 10 to 12 hours a day 15 days a month. But you're working less and getting paid more. 

Is that from personal experience? Or just rhetoric?


Does it matter?  I get paid away from the gate.  The rest of it is off the clock.  Average 4 day trip is 74ish hours away from base.  I get paid 21 


Dont get me wrong, its easy.  But I put in a heck of a lot more than 75 hours a month

11 hours ago, scoobs said:


You're working a lot more than 75 hours at an airline. You might be credited for 75 but you're still working 10 to 12 hours a day 15 days a month. But you're working less and getting paid more. 




  • Upvote 1
18 hours ago, scoobs said:


You're working a lot more than 75 hours at an airline. You might be credited for 75 but you're still working 10 to 12 hours a day 15 days a month. But you're working less and getting paid more. 

Did you learn that at APC.net or is that how it works on your Microsoft Flight sim?  That would be the worst airline to work for ever, I know plenty of United and Delta guys that fly one, 4 hour leg a day, and get paid for five.

Guest nsplayr
Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Gazmo said:

"Work" has many different meanings in this thread...

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Work work work work work work...


Edited by nsplayr
On 5/25/2016 at 3:34 PM, Jaded said:

Weren't there some year groups with like less than 10 people eligible for promotion in certain career fields? 

I am old but when I was at ACSC (2003), one of the bros in my seminar had just come from an assignment on the Fighter Porch.  He told me that in 2003 the 1990 year group had 17 X F-16 pilots left on active duty.

  • Upvote 1
4 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

I am old but when I was at ACSC (2003), one of the bros in my seminar had just come from an assignment on the Fighter Porch.  He told me that in 2003 the 1990 year group had 17 X F-16 pilots left on active duty.

Not surprising for the 1990 year group; the Air Force figured, "Hey, we've got plenty of fighter guys! Post-Cold War drawdown/peace dividend and all that . . . we'll pass on creating even more fighter pilots and make a whole bunch of folks third pilots on heavies instead." Shockingly, Big Blue was short of fighter pilots in that year group 13 years later. 

Here's a snapshot from one of the mid-90s year groups I'm talking about. Apparently the whole '96 commissioning year group has only 335 pilots, of which only 276 are command pilots (don't know what happened to the other 48--it ain't that hard to get that toilet bowl around the star over one's wings). These guys have just started to reach retirement eligibility and (aside from the BTZ types) have yet to meet their primary O-6 board.

At least according to the way AFPC keeps track of ACP numbers, there are 40 total aircraft types in the AF: 3 bomber, 8 recce, 6 fighter, 6 mobility, 4 rescue, 9 SOF and 4 RPA. When you throw in OSA and some of the weird airplanes SOF guys fly, the actual number of aircraft types is even higher. 

Bottom line: as the '96 year group pilots (1) hit the 20-year retirement decision over the next year, and (2) are free agents--no 20 year bonus programs were offered for that year group, and (3) realize there's about zero chance they'll be offered any additional incentives to stay in, I figure that number will probably get cut to half (at least) of what it is now. To me, this means there will likely soon be (if there aren't already) Air Force airframes which don't have a single '96 year group person that's flown them--and this will happen before the O-6 board effectively cuts those numbers even further.

Doesn't seem like a recipe for success, when it comes to ensuring we have adequate numbers of O-6s and above who know what they're doing.



1 hour ago, TnkrToad said:

Apparently the whole '96 commissioning year group has only 335 pilots, of which only 276 are command pilots (don't know what happened to the other 48--it ain't that hard to get that toilet bowl around the star over one's wings). 


Late rated?

2 hours ago, ARAMP1 said:

Late rated?

Perhaps; now that I think about it, probably some combo of late rated, folks medically DQ'd from flying, and physically-qual'd folks who spent too much time in school/nonflying staffs. I don't know, but it was a minor point. The point still stands; between (1) folks hitting 20 yrs and retiring (which I figure a substantial portion will), (2) half of the pilots who bother stay in long enough to meet the O-6 board getting passed over, and (3) some number of the pilots who do get promoted being far removed from actual flying and/or inexperienced (as partially indicated by the number of people with basic or senior pilot wings) . . . the number and AFSC diversity of the pilots who make O-6 is going to be extremely limited.   

Doesn't seem like a formula for success. 




Sooo... from the 2017 NDAA...



Section 334(c)(1) of title 37, United States Code, is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) and (B) and inserting the following new subparagraphs:

“(A) aviation incentive pay under subsection (a) shall be paid at a monthly rate not to exceed $1,000 per month; and

“(B) an aviation bonus under subsection (b) may not exceed $60,000 for each 12-month period of obligated service agreed to under subsection (d).”.

4 hours ago, xaarman said:

Sooo... from the 2017 NDAA...



Section 334(c)(1) of title 37, United States Code, is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) and (B) and inserting the following new subparagraphs:

“(A) aviation incentive pay under subsection (a) shall be paid at a monthly rate not to exceed $1,000 per month; and

“(B) an aviation bonus under subsection (b) may not exceed $60,000 for each 12-month period of obligated service agreed to under subsection (d).”.

Welcome to the party...6 days ago: 


  • Upvote 1
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Could I outsource all of my OPRs, award packages, staff meeting slides, and decs to India for $5k a year? Could 10 pilots pool money together to pay for someone to sit Top 3 every day?

  • Upvote 3
That came across as speculation/rumor mill, I linked an authoritative source. 

Don't get so factual, this is an entertainment industry here.

Posted (edited)

No mention of increasing the bonus or flight pay in the senate text.




Section 332(c)(1)(B) of title 37, United States Code, 11

is amended by striking ‘‘$12,000'' and inserting 12





edited to add link 

Edited by osulax05
Posted (edited)
On 5/19/2016 at 8:54 PM, General Chang said:

Ok, a couple of you appear upset...

I'm waiting to hear your response to this email. If you are who you pretend to be, then the impending 11F shortage HAD to be in your crosscheck. Go ahead, try to reconcile it. Keep telling us that "everything is fine" and throwing more money at the problem will fix it. Wait until a problem is very public and too late for elegant solutions, then try to fix it.

Yup, it's all about the money....

JQP - 11F Crisis (direct link)

JQP - 11F Crisis

Edited by GKinnear
added direct link to the JQP post
  • Upvote 1
On May 19, 2016 at 11:54 PM, General Chang said:

Ok, a couple of you appear upset, but for the young guys on this forum, I'll state a similar message to my post on the SOS/ACSC board, then pull up my tent stakes on this issue.  Our Air Force is honorable, lethal, and excellent.  It is an organization that many in society would kill to be a part of. 

Since I've had quite a few tonight and am bored...i'll be your huckleberry. Our Air Force is broken code-3 and is getting worse by the day. You're either a naive dipshit or a pathological liar on the level of Mrs. Clinton. Either way, you're doing our service a huge injustice. If many in our morally corrupt society wanted to join...they are more than welcome to. We actually are an all volunteer force even though it quickly escalates into indentured servitude on the rated side, which you are quick to take advantage of (15 year commitments right?). Many in society are welcome to join and yet they don't. They don't answer the call. They don't possess the selflessness and patriotic sense of duty. As the culture continues to erode...more won't.


On May 19, 2016 at 11:54 PM, General Chang said:

Some members of this forum have thrown that opportunity down the tubes during an emotional event.  If you decide to leave, make sure you do it for the right personal reasons.

"Some members" are so sick and tired of the culture that clowns like you and this current administration are responsible for. JQP nailed it with his latest updated blog post regarding fighter pilot manning. Our Air Force is falling apart at the seams and you're blind as a bat for not seeing it. Shame on you and those around you for not fixing it when you had the opportunity and insight given to you by members of this board. I gave you advice a couple of years ago when I was on my very last deployment- it mimiced everything that you hear here. I took your advice though and thank you for it. My feet made the right vote.

You're welcome for my service but that service wasn't for you. It was for the boys and girls who's daddy's came home because I was in some shit hole for the umpteenth time doing my duty. It was for those that still believe in this great country and Liberty. I voted with my feet for my personal reasons and am grateful every single day. Not only did I spend my first year out of AD making more money than you do (no matter what your rank is), I saw my family a lot more and focused on "real shit" that includes lots of mission oriented flying. Having a desire to spend even more time with my family and maybe eventually get back into owning a business, I decided to go fly for a major airline. Holy shit is the grass so much greener than the rotten brown shit you constantly urinate on while telling everyone that it's getting watered. People like you truly don't get it and think that the airline opportunity is WHY we left...it most certainly is not! Back when I was flying vipers, there was no amount of money that would've made me even utter the word "airline." It is however the reason WHY we no longer have to work for dumb shit mother f~ckers who erode the incredible service and culture that we were so proud to be apart of. I miss it, but it's gone. Sticking around won't make it come back.

I now spend ample time writing recommendations for my military bros and am so happy to get words when they get hired. I encourage everyone that I know to get the f~ck out ASAP before retards like you institute stop-loss. Most heed my advice like I heeded yours. All are thankful once they reach the other side. 

Someone in this thread nailed it when they mentioned the ripple effects. Most of the <1% of us that sserve end up with family that follows in our footsteps. It's part of the pride that we took in our former culture. I had two boys that were ready to fly jets. One of them heads off to study Aero Engineering next year and our discussions have already concluded that he is best NOT going into the USAF. My other son figured this out for himself a few years prior when he cried himself to sleep because I had missed Christmas yet again during one of my 9 deployments. How do these numbers fit into you're spreadsheets? Your 1% is about to become .1%!

On May 19, 2016 at 11:54 PM, General Chang said:

The future opportunities in our AF will be incredible.  You will be personally, monetarily, and professionally satisfied and rewarded.  Get excited and be a part of it.  It's your future.

You're f~cking high. Our AF will be on life support and the culture will be so bad you might regret ever joining after you do. Forget doing SAPR 4 times a year. Well make suicide prevention a quarterly requirement as well. You should be personally satisfied but you likely won't be and its getting worse by the day. Who cares about money...but NDAA is already trying to screw you yet again because you make too much. Professionally satisfied...I was but God knows that most aren't. I'd consider this doubtful.

Bottom bottom bottom line...

Chang, you're a bumbling idiot. That's the beer, not real emotion. It's frustrating that no matter how much people on this board inform you, you always know better. You look at our lives quantitatively as though we are numbers and green/ red bubbles. We look at our lives personally because they are. We will never see eye to eye. When we resort to looking at things quantitatively- we leave. The emotion, culture, and personal aspect are why we joined and why we would stay (or otherwise leave). You should go ahead and retire Chang. Thank you for your service.

  • Upvote 11
On 5/19/2016 at 10:54 PM, General Chang said:

  The future opportunities in our AF will be incredible.  You will be personally, monetarily, and professionally satisfied and rewarded.  Get excited and be a part of it.  It's your future.

All is well

As the stampede to leave commences.


I'm calling it. GC is is ILS. ILS is most likely a AFPC officer that was butt hurt about not getting a rated slot out of his commissioning source. Now he finally has a chance for his "wings" and is sipping the blue kool aid a little to much. Being in AFPC he has plenty of time to post on here while he takes his 2 hour lunch and works a few hours a day. 

  • Upvote 1
1 hour ago, viper154 said:

I'm calling it. GC is is ILS. ILS is most likely a AFPC officer that was butt hurt about not getting a rated slot out of his commissioning source. Now he finally has a chance for his "wings" and is sipping the blue kool aid a little to much. Being in AFPC he has plenty of time to post on here while he takes his 2 hour lunch and works a few hours a day. 


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