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T38 or T1 ?!?!

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Originally posted by Swingin:

Regarding the original question:

-Twelve hours may actually be eight hours, with an added four hours of sitting on the couch in scheduling BSing.

Or four hours a day fvcking with DTS trying to get paid for a TDY! :mad: Sorry... just venting.

Originally posted by Rainman:

Don't worry about your MBA right now. You'll have time for that later.

Some more piece of advice. When you finally do start working on your MBA don't use the, "I have a test for my MBA and can't fly." excuse to get out of having to go TDY either. We've got quite a few winners who pull that $hit and get away with it. Some people forget why they're in the AF wearing wings on their chest. It's great that the AF has the educational benefits we have, but at our current ops tempo, that crap needs to be put on the back burner sometimes.

[ 12. September 2006, 13:10: Message edited by: PilotKD ]

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Froggy, in case you haven't noticed, this isn't the best place to get good advice. If you ask any question you will either get made fun of or be told to search for it. If flying a fighter takes so much work and studying, how do the d-bags find so much time to post on here. Get a life. There's nothing wrong with keeping family and career in mind, my $.02

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Guest SpectrePilot

Take the 38. Heavies getting kinda full.

Plus there's the chance you'll get an A-10 and have the best of both worlds: slow and ugly, but with machismo, firepower, and pretty good dudes to work with.

(Kinda like Spectre on the heavy side.)

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Originally posted by MGG20:

Froggy, in case you haven't noticed, this isn't the best place to get good advice. If you ask any question you will either get made fun of or be told to search for it. If flying a fighter takes so much work and studying, how do the d-bags find so much time to post on here. Get a life. There's nothing wrong with keeping family and career in mind, my $.02

You mean, 'this isn't a place where you're going to get stroked and told pretty bird, pretty bird'? I think that this forum gives gobs of great advice to people who are willing to hear what more experienced folks are trying to tell them, and not just hear the answer they want to hear. The straight talk from people who have been there is perfectly valid advice. In this particular case, if you don't like what you're hearing about a career in pointy-nosed fast movers, then interpret that to mean "take T-1s."

Not sure where you fly, but if you're going to throw in your two cents by saying that 'there's nothing wrong with keeping family and career in mind' when track selecting, I suggest you qualify it by filling in what flying community you're taking about.

Yes, flying fighters is a busy business that involves lots of hard work. I assume your 'd-bag' comment was aimed partially at myself and Rainman, since we're the most vocal (and verbose) fighter guys on this topic. Rainman is retarded (er, retired) and I'm on an AETC tour as a T-38 IP. How is it that I'm a douchebag because my AETC tour means that I have time to post on baseops.net?

[ 12. September 2006, 19:42: Message edited by: Hacker ]

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Here's my $.69:

I'm a fighter guy (F-15E), married with a 10 month old daughter, I've already done my master's thru Embry Riddle Aeronautical University during my T-38 tour and I am currently doing Air Command and Staff College (think Air Force Master's degree) thru correspondance. I would also bet that you could find someone in the same circumstance as me in the heavy world.

You will find married/family guys in just about any airframe in the inventory. Like Rainman stated earlier, maintaing a family and especially raising a child is difficult no matter what your occupation. It is what you make of it via the effort you put into it. I work my balls off during the week days, and sometimes that's a 12+ hour day, but I get my sh!t done, and I chill with my wife/daughter on the weekends.

My advice would be to pick an airframe based on the mission that interests you.


[ 12. September 2006, 20:10: Message edited by: Hoser ]

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If you really want to make the decision that will lead to your wife being happy, let her decide for you. That way there's no burden on you!

Now that you've realized you're not going to do that; sack up, and go where YOU want to go. Your family, your education, and the rest of your life will still be there no matter what path you take. Just realize that ALL paths require a lot of hard work, none are EASIER than the others.

Fork in the road.

First: Decide that you will be happy no matter where you go. Don't discount anything or say that if you end up in such-and-such you will hate your life, because you will.

Second: Go kick ass where ever your path takes you. Focus on your job. If you are trying your best and you are happy with your job, your family will want to follow you, and your career/education will progress as it needs to.

Bottomline is that there is no magical piece of advice that will make this choice an easy black and white, right-way-to-go wrong-way-to-go choice.

Grab a pair, throw the dice where you think you should be, and see where Big Blue sends you.


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Originally posted by MGG20:

Froggy, in case you haven't noticed, this isn't the best place to get good advice.

Are you kidding?!? If you really believe that, then you are so far off the mark that my explaining it won't do any good.

This site, and the people who post here, are an absolute gold mine of useful, current, no-BS information about flying and the USAF. I challenge you to name any other source that has this kind of information available...from people who are actually out there doing the job day-to-day. IMHO, if you don't realize just what a great source of info this is, then you are really missing out.

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Guest rumblefish_2
Originally posted by MGG20:

If you ask any question you will either get made fun of or be told to search for it.

If that hasn't already happened to you a few times in the UPT pipeline, then your instructors weren't like my instructors. FEAR, SARCASM, and RIDICULE, the AETC way...
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Baseops is my kind of place. We have very intelligent people here, who are also sarcastic smartasses. People are willing to offer up any information, but one can only do that in so many threads before just making fun of you for not searching.

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Future UPT studs, use your time wisely. If you've got a 12 month casual b/f UPT and plan on getting a masters down the road, start working on it during casual. I know it's tempting to work 2 hours a day and drink like a fish but it will make life a lot easier down the road. Getting your MBA won't even be a factor when you're in training, getting deployed to the desert, and have a family to care for. Also, you won't be made fun of for talking about getting your MBA when you should be focusing on flying jets

Fuse, let us know if there's anything else we can do to make your stay more enjoyable

Froggy, there's nothing wrong with looking towards the future. You just came across as not being fully commited to flying jets and being the best student pilot that you could be. You're trying to make a decision that will effect the rest of your life so good on you for asking questions. You can have a family and get your masters in either airframe, it happens all the time. Pick the jet that you want and realize that these other guys are just trying to help and it's nothing personal. Good luck

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Originally posted by Hacker:

That's a good one. How do YOU know the strength of your resolve?

I think until you've actually maneuvered past the AAA and SAMs to the fragged target, and delivered your ordnance on the correct DMPI on time, people have all the reason in the world to question it.

I sure didn't know what I was really made of until I was staring down the barrel of 57mm in Hadjiland. The fact of the matter was I was scared sh*tless and wanted to go home to momma. That feeling was offset by professionalism, duty, patriotism, anger, whatever, and fortunately that stuff had the 50.0000001% advantage on that day.

Of course, after I bombed the sh*t out of the AAA site that had been shooting at me, I felt much better...but that is beside the point.

There's a Grand Canyon's worth of difference between "I wanna fight" when you're sitting here in the U-S-by-God-of-A and when you're actually in some sh*thole with the real chance of going back home in a bodybag.

Until then, if you wanna prove your resolve to fight, do it by having your mind in the correct spot to become a warrior. As you can gather from the responses you've seen here, that spot is not currently co-located with trying to get your MBA or have more time with your family.

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Guest Rainman A-10

Sometimes the same things need to be said to every single class...especially when the truth of what they're facing is a long way from the romantic ideas floating around in their craniums.

Standard IFF student daydream on day one:

"Man is this so cool. I'm going to be a fighter pilot! I'm going to get laid and get drunk every night. I need to double check my list of all the people I have ever met in my whole life just to make sure I've told EVERYONE that I'm a fighter pilot. This shit is going to be cool, but not as cool as I'm going to be. These IFF guys are lame. I'm going to be flying a 'Grey Jet' in a couple months and they are still going to be sitting around with their AETC patches trying to impress the stupid students. I need to buy a new car that fits my image. I'm pretty sure I already know everything I need to know, after all, I got a fighter out of UPT. All my UPT classmates wish they were me right now. I bet their wives all think about me when their gettin it from behind. I rock, where's the beer light in this chickenshit outfit?"

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Originally posted by Pilot:

Isn't that the same story you told to incoming IFF students?? Do you have any other stories?

First of all, no. I showed the video of a guided Roland SAM threat reaction. I followed that up with a run down of all the sh*t that I did wrong and how I all most didn't go home that day in one piece.

The point I made to new punks on day one of fighter pilot school was that the fighter job is deadly serious and although we kill people, those same people are trying to kill us back.

Second, since you think my war stories are so tired and lame, let's hear some of yours.

[ 13. September 2006, 16:12: Message edited by: Hacker ]

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I think ya'll have all got me wrong. I was just making the comment that intelligent questions sometimes get 5 year old answers. I realize my experience level, and at UPT in never pass up an oppurtunity to STFU. That being said, I just get tired of seeing people blasted, and comments like, "if you have to think whether or not you want T-38's, then please don't take one" are retarded. I do enjoy alot of information on this site, and if you look, my comment has led to some intelligent feedback on this subject. I meant no disrespect, and work hard every day not to be a snap. Now bring on your inevitable cutdowns...

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Originally posted by Rainman A-10:

Sometimes the same things need to be said to every single class...especially when the truth of what they're facing is a long way from the romantic ideas floating around in their craniums.

Standard IFF student daydream on day one:

"Man is this so cool. I'm going to be a fighter pilot! I'm going to get laid and get drunk every night. I need to double check my list of all the people I have ever met in my whole life just to make sure I've told EVERYONE that I'm a fighter pilot. This shit is going to be cool, but not as cool as I'm going to be. These IFF guys are lame. I'm going to be flying a 'Grey Jet' in a couple months and they are still going to be sitting around with their AETC patches trying to impress the stupid students. I need to buy a new car that fits my image. I'm pretty sure I already know everything I need to know, after all, I got a fighter out of UPT. All my UPT classmates wish they were me right now. I bet their wives all think about me when their gettin it from behind. I rock, where's the beer light in this chickenshit outfit?"

There were more than a few Corvettes in the parking lot... But I don't know of anyone who showed up not respecting the IPs. I know a lot of people who left with a sour taste in their mouth b/c of some of the bullshit. Like everyone's favorite wet dream, Dos Gringo 1, being a total ass both in and out of the jet. i.e. not making eye contact with you when he talks to you during briefs/debriefs. That's just lame.

Nobody should have a problem with some hazing, getting made fun of, etc... But being a dick for the sake of being a dick is ridiculous.

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Originally posted by Pilot:

What doesn't impress me is how you carry your IFF a-hole mentality to the board here and poop on someone who doesn't like the fact that Rainman questioned his patriotism.

Oh, come on. Rainman didn't question his patriotism...he questioned his priorities. My reply has nothing to do with being a d*ck. It has everything to do with a little dose of the real world. More importantly, how do you think a B Course stud whose priority is his MBA and spending time with his family will fare?

Originally posted by Pilot:

And I do have war stories from OIF, but I don't have to justify any of them to you, so piss off.

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Originally posted by Rainman A-10:

Standard IFF student daydream on day one:

"I bet their wives all think about me when their gettin it from behind. I rock, where's the beer light in this chickenshit outfit?"

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Guest Rainman A-10

I have no idea what some of you are talking about and I honestly don't know what is pissing everyone off.

This isn't about cutting anyone down.

A kid asked a question. I answered honestly, just like I would've if he had asked me in person. He can take it or leave it.

I didn't imply he was not a patriot or that he was a coward. He inferred that.

I get the vibe that this kid feels like he should want a fighter but he doesn't really want one in his heart of hearts. That is causing him to be conflicted. I think he shouldn't try to be a fighter pilot if he doesn't really want to be one. I've met a few guys like that along the way and they aren't happy.

I had old craniums slap me around when I was a kid. I listened up (or drank the Kool Aid) and it meant a lot to me and much of it came in handy down the road.

I tried to be as honest as I could be. Nothing I said was a lie or bullshit. I wasn't bragging. I was talking about fear.

Sometimes I'm trying to make a joke. Sometimes I'm trying to give advice based on my experiences.

Not sure what your problem is.

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Originally posted by MGG20:

Froggy, in case you haven't noticed, this isn't the best place to get good advice. If you ask any question you will either get made fun of or be told to search for it. If flying a fighter takes so much work and studying, how do the d-bags find so much time to post on here. Get a life. There's nothing wrong with keeping family and career in mind, my $.02


Are you a chick?

[ 14. September 2006, 09:06: Message edited by: B-O-double-Z ]

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Guest OL' Patch

Light Grey Weapons School Debrief ON

I was beginning to compose a diatribe on this whole thread but threw my arms up in disgust. If you can't get past the way the message is delivered, its your problem. This is a great site for OLDER dudes with EXPERIENCE to share advice/opinions to questions posed. Quit mewling about the way the advice/opinions are delivered. I would have loved the chance to ask questions outside my community/realm of experience in a venue like this when I was in your shoes. I would have read between the lines and not gotten my panties in a knot because the crusty ol major drinking a coke and smoking a cig in the brief/debrief hurt my feelings with his tone of voice. Damn...diatribe proceeded anyway. Hacker, BOZZ, Rain--keep it coming, I'm still learning even though I'm as old as SnakeT38 and M2.


OL' Patch

PS--EGO/adolation and bow down comments--YGTBSM--I don't need any perceived adolation for my opinions to stroke any EGO.

Who I am isn't dependent on WHAT I DO/DID. Valuable lesson you need to learn now. People come to this site because they care knuckleheads.

Weapons School Debrief OFF


Toro--Tapes OFF: Have we not beat the crap out of this poor mule yet?

[ 14. September 2006, 18:15: Message edited by: OL' Patch ]

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