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Guest wilco

Would it be safe to assume that strategic cargo units have more pilots assigned due to length of missions and utilization of relief crew?

I am trying to figure out if the two C-5 guard units would have more slots than a guard fighter unit. I also realize that there are two pilots per mission at least.

I would take the slot if I am offered, but they sure are hangar queens.

[ 18. June 2006, 19:10: Message edited by: Toro ]


Hmmm, lessee, deployment locations of Ramstein, Rota/Moron, Kuwait City...

oh yeah and a good to solid chance you'll be broke there.

per diem $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


YES they have more pilots than a fighter unit would. Think about it - minimum crew complement on an augmented mission is 3-4 pilots! Can't stuff that into an F-15. C-5 crews are massive, 10-15 people easily. Oh and AMC ops "stage" crews, whereby you have far more crews than airplanes, to keep the airplanes turning as soon as possible...I've seen C-17s turned at the 'Deid in an hour, for days at a time!

n00b, don't worry about hangar queenage until you have the "congratulations we'll hire ya" paperwork in-hand.

Guest ralph

Every C-5 pilot I talked to loves flying Fred.


i'd say the fred breaks a lot but wouldn't call them hangar queens. just b/c it has one of the highest breaks rates, it usually isn't broken for over 30 days (the time necessary to be considered a hangar queen in mx's eyes).

like ralph says...every pilot i know loves to fly it. they always tend to breaks in good locations too! look and heed what chuck says about per diem. if you're in usafe, you're looking at roughly a hundred bucks a day if you're off base! sign me up.

edit: i changed brakes to breaks...thanks for catching that guys

[ 18. June 2006, 14:54: Message edited by: Login Name ]

Guest Eagle23

LOL so I'm not the only one who noticed that. :-P


Guest rtstolwo

Just make sure that you know which throttle lever is connected to which engine!


What does "Fred" mean? I've heard it a few times and can't figure it out...

Guest skipplet
Originally posted by C21Cowboy:

Fred is the nickname for the C-5.

and Barney's his little pal.
Guest Hydro130

potatoe, potato....

It's still f*ing ridiculous.

Cheers, Hydro

Originally posted by tanker pilot:

Expenditure of


Well, would you call the FRED an "expenditure" or a "disaster"?


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