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Promotion and PRF Information

Guest e3racing

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Do you have the BPZ numbers?  Also, is the list out somewhere already?  I thought the promotion list would be released tomorrow.

On a side note, I asked my CO how many of our org's (pretty large one) IPZers got promoted and he told me, "all of them"!  I asked him twice to make sure he didn't misunderstand my question but he said the same thing, "all of them".  I was running late for a meeting so I didn't have time to get more info on how many IPZers there were overall.  Aside from myself, I know of two other IPZers who got the thumbs up for 0-5, with two of us (like me) making it with a 'P'.  I know we have a few more IPZers in our org but I still can't believe all of us got selected!

Fridays are a little slower in my unit than the rest of the week so I plan on going to my personnel folks and getting the total IPZ promotion numbers straight from the horses' mouths because I still can't believe our org had a perfect IPZ promotion rate.

202 bpz, 32 apz

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11 minutes ago, Hot Sauce Hoy said:

The full stats weren't available yet today but last year there were a lot more promoted for I/APZ. I'm not sure if the '02 year group is smaller because of RIFs or if the rate was lower.

Last year's IPZ promotion rate to 0-5 was 72% so if the above numbers are correct, this year's IPZ promotion percentage is slightly higher than last year's but due to a smaller pool, obviously less folks got picked up.  

Last year's APZ percentage promotion rate was 5.6% but without knowing the total number of APZ eligibles for this board (62 of 1114 were picked up last year), the promotion percentage rate for APZ is anyone's guess.

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The full stats weren't available yet today but last year there were a lot more promoted for I/APZ. I'm not sure if the '02 year group is smaller because of RIFs or if the rate was lower.

I'm in the 02 year group. We've never been eligible for any of the fun RIF stuff. I believe that our year group was smaller from the start.

Also made it with just a P.

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I'm in the 02 year group. We've never been eligible for any of the fun RIF stuff. I believe that our year group was smaller from the start.

Also made it with just a P.

That's funny, since I'm '02 and was RIF'd last year. (I got un-RIF'd, but that's beside the point.)

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8 hours ago, Hot Sauce Hoy said:

The full stats weren't available yet today but last year there were a lot more promoted for I/APZ. I'm not sure if the '02 year group is smaller because of RIFs or if the rate was lower.

Not just RIFs, I bet.  The 02 year group probably has a lot of folks that bailed on their own with VSP and/or just plain got out when their commitment ended, which should have been in 13 or 14 for most of the pilots in the year group.

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13 hours ago, danvgalhb said:

Same circumstance like you brother...got a 'P' from my 3-star and got the nod for 0-5.  One thing is for certain...I am looking forward to seeing the 'P' promotion rate when the AF stats come out.  

Side note: One of the lousiest bosses I ever had didn't make 0-5 but is still in as a Maj and close to 20...would be weird, yet satisfying, if I ever become that person's boss.  Then again, I wouldn't want that lousy individual assigned me.

Great example of what is making this AF what it is.  Devote your promotion and energy on payback......wow.

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Well, 2016 0-5 LAF stats are out.  It looks like the overall promotion rate for all zones combined was slightly lower than last year (although the IPZ promotion rate was a little higher this year than last).  

Most unique data point of them all IMO; one 'P' BPZ from 3096 'P' BPZs who got promoted, while also beating out 268 'DP' BPZs who didn't get the nod for 0-5.

2016 LAF LTC.xlsx

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So the dates for the 08 Maj board came out and it will be in March of next year. Now with that I have a few questions, first, what is the cutoff date for something being part of the package that meets the board. The reason I ask is I have at least one wing lvl award as well as a project which is has MAJCOM/CC vis which will be complete by the end of year but was not documented on my previous OPR. Second question, how can I get those items documented to be added to my PRF? Also, my next OPR isn't scheduled to close out til Feb of next year.

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Lstcause257.  The cutoff date would be whatever date your SR signs your PRF.  All items in the PRF are supposed to be cited from OPRs, TRs, DECs, but SRs always have wiggle room.  So if you have a big award or something, it shouldn't be a problem.  Your wing may have their own process, but an MFR from your CC stating the award (with documentation like the official announcement) going up with your PRF package should cover it.

I had a few items in my PRF and previous RRFs that were recent and not-yet in OPRs and there were no issues at the MFR or at the board.

Good luck.


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4 hours ago, Lstcause257 said:

So the dates for the 08 Maj board came out and it will be in March of next year. Now with that I have a few questions, first, what is the cutoff date for something being part of the package that meets the board. The reason I ask is I have at least one wing lvl award as well as a project which is has MAJCOM/CC vis which will be complete by the end of year but was not documented on my previous OPR. Second question, how can I get those items documented to be added to my PRF? Also, my next OPR isn't scheduled to close out til Feb of next year.

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What exactly will be in March?  Accounting date?  PRFs due to MAJCOM?  Actual board date?

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Dude... wow. March? That's crazy.

Isn't it? We've gone from guys waiting forever to pin on to almost having the board as early as possible in the year very quickly. Is this a symptom of a larger problem? So few O-4s we now have to promote as early as we can?

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2 minutes ago, MooseAg03 said:

Isn't it? We've gone from guys waiting forever to pin on to almost having the board as early as possible in the year very quickly. Is this a symptom of a larger problem? So few O-4s we now have to promote as early as we can?

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Three of the guys who got promoted from the 05 group at my base are leaving the Air Force less than a year after pinning on.  I know at least one 06 guy with similar plans, and an 07 guy who just got his PRF back and already has applications in with airlines and a job at the reserve squadron.

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11 minutes ago, Slander said:

So...when does this mean my PRF closeout date will be as an '08 captain? Or can someone tell me where to find that information that isn't "call your exec" please?

Assuming they've released all the dates, you should be able to find it on MyPers under "Officer Promotions".  It will typically have  a timeline for board date, accounting date, final date to get stuff into the selection folder.  We can't tell you when the stuff will be due to your squadron or your wing...that is an answer that you will actually need to talk to the exec to get.

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So...when does this mean my PRF closeout date will be as an '08 captain? Or can someone tell me where to find that information that isn't "call your exec" please?

It should be posted in the promotion section on mypers.

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Look under Officer Promotions on myPers. 27 Mar - 7 Apr are the board dates.  They haven't published the milestones list for 2017 yet (can be found on same page), but using this year's timeline, looks like an accounting date of around Oct '16 and PRFs due to MAJCOM around the end of Jan '17.

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Anybody catch that there is another Maj LAF board also in Dec '17?. Is that most likely for '09 guys?  If that's the case, it seems as though there was a full reversal from the decision to postpone the '05 year group. Either that or they can't deal with the impending shortage of 0-4s. 


(Edited for spelling)

Edited by Truman08
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