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Promotion and PRF Information

Guest e3racing

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1 hour ago, Goblin said:

Rumor mill from High Flight says PRFs (at least for Maj) will be cut down to one line.

I like this idea, but that would mean the board would have to have more time to sift through records... or they'll likely miss stuff in the clutter of OPRs.

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54 minutes ago, flyusaf83 said:

So why just one line? Just do a DP/P/DNP.

The one line is probably to fit a board strat in.   Each senior rather would probably have to rank his eligibles.... and relay any other pertinent info that's in the current last line of a prf

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The one line is probably to fit a board strat in.   Each senior rather would probably have to rank his eligibles.... and relay any other pertinent info that's in the current last line of a prf

Exactly what I was thinking. How else are you gonna pick the next round of Generals if you only have to look at OPRs...
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Yep, that's the proposal...as PRFs were only supposed to be discriminators, not the one stop shop. New strats rules are coming/proposed too...expect new AFI and policy guidance.

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1 hour ago, Swizzle said:

Yep, that's the proposal...as PRFs were only supposed to be discriminators, not the one stop shop. New strats rules are coming/proposed too...expect new AGO and policy guidance.

Any reason we only strat the top 15% on OPRs? Is the #16/100 CGOs in a pool really unworthy of being a senior leader in the AF?

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Any reason we only strat the top 15% on OPRs? Is the #16/100 CGOs in a pool really unworthy of being a senior leader in the AF?

Is there any reason we do anything anymore?

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14 minutes ago, dream big said:

Any reason we only strat the top 15% on OPRs? Is the #16/100 CGOs in a pool really unworthy of being a senior leader in the AF?

Senior leaders can strat people any way they want to, but an outside the top 15 to 20% strat with a number is way to tell the board that he has alot of good people and would normally received a strat with the normal bell curve of people. 

For everyone one else, it doesn't matter if you are 16/100 or 97/100.  Big blue could care less what you do as long as it has enough bodies to fill the taskings.  They just won't tell you that your record no longer has O-6 potential.  You're on your own to figure that part out.     

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28 minutes ago, dream big said:

Any reason we only strat the top 15% on OPRs? Is the #16/100 CGOs in a pool really unworthy of being a senior leader in the AF?

Strats are individuals' philosophies on a feedback form, so it's been said and observed by lack of USAF guidance...so ask those individuals...or wait until/if the AFI standardizing strats comes out and follow the Bobs' instructions blindy without question - it's just easier that way....rrrriiigght!?

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3 hours ago, NKAWTG said:

  They just won't tell you that your record no longer has O-6 potential.  You're on your own to figure that part out.     

So true, and this is absolutely one of the worst parts of our "system".  

The best CCs out there would find a way to sit down their new Lts and explain to them how the system works from the onset, but at the same time, have them leave the room with the expectation that they are to focus on being an expert in the plane and let everything else (upgrades, jobs, PME) play out as it will for the time being.  

Additionally, from what I have seen, "late bloomers" don't even know that is a thing until it is too late to affect any change.  The difference now, though, is that those late bloomers have more options on the outside and are way less incentivized to stay and chase the carrot.


I've heard we will go to one line "prfs" and let the records speak on their own

all oprs will go to 5 lines and have static close out dates like eprs

If this is the case, and to truly focus on job performance, any SR worth his/her salt would mandate inclusion of 942/Form 8s in the supporting documents (along with SURFs/past reports) as OPRs come up for stratification/reviewer signature.

Edited by Champ Kind
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6 hours ago, dream big said:

Any reason we only strat the top 15% on OPRs? Is the #16/100 CGOs in a pool really unworthy of being a senior leader in the AF?

I have worked for mostly leaders who are willing to only concentrate their efforts on that "top 15%". At some point, I am guessing they draw a line in the sand in terms of effort, time and resources they are willing to expend. So if you are not in that pool then SOL.


but here is the thing not everyone develops on the same timeline. The exclusion (read lack of grooming/mentoring) of guy #26/100 is only to our detriment. Many a time over the last decade, I have seen my boss/supervisor/upper management refuse to throw a bone to the lower ranking (i.e. Lower 85%...insert what percentage works for you)

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My boss (the OG) told me a couple days ago they'd notify folks today. Since I'm on leave he said he'd call, but never heard anything. So not sure if our release was delayed, or they're just refusing to tell me bad news over the phone.

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Active Duty Increments for Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel

March  LAF, CY16B: Quota 140, Remaining 766

April  LAF, CY16B: Quota 140, Remaining 626

May  LAF, CY16B: Quota 140, Remaining 486

June  LAF, CY16B: Quota 81, Remaining 405

July TBD


Active Duty Increments for Promotion to Major

March  LAF, CY16C: Quota 261, Remaining 1120

April  LAF, CY16C: Quota 261, Remaining 859

May  LAF, CY16C: Quota 261, Remaining 598

June  LAF, CY16C: Quota 150, Remaining 448


MyPers doesn't list increments before March, so I'm not sure when the increment went from 180 to 261, but beginning in June the increment will decrease to 150, at which rate the Major list will be exhausted in September and the Lt Col list (increment of 81 in June) will be exhausted in November.  I've not paid close attention to board other than my own, but I've never seen a LAF list start pinning on before January.


New numbers out for June.

Major-Back to 261 then 114 for July and August. Give 109 left for Sept.


Lt Col-140 for June, then 70 for July and August. 206 remaining after August.



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