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Guest croftfam

Man, does this site not work when you're in Japan? I can't see video at all, it just takes me to some link talking about what a dedicated server is.

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Originally posted by JS:

Are all T-38 daily rides taped/recorded, or was this an AT-38 or something?

I don't know if the T-38C has a recorder, but this was an IFF AT-38 ride. This is making the rounds through the AF mail (4MB file - I bet the comm nazis love it) and I've received it from three different people in the last week. I assumed it was recent and the 49FS (tag at the bottom) is currently at Moody - has been for over five years. I'm surprised it's that old.
Originally posted by Toro:

I don't know if the T-38C has a recorder, but this was an IFF AT-38 ride. This is making the rounds through the AF mail (4MB file - I bet the comm nazis love it) and I've received it from three different people in the last week. I assumed it was recent and the 49FS (tag at the bottom) is currently at Moody - has been for over five years. I'm surprised it's that old.
Originally posted by LJDRVR:

I'll bet with the smaller area to pressurize you don't have to worry about the cabin at flight idle.

Sure would love to fly a T-38 once.

I bet it wasn't a problem circa 1965, but it's a problem now. Most T-38s like to let the cabin climb at idle...I had one go from 8k' to 16k' just yesterday as the stud went idle to initiate a rejoin. The depressurization isn't as bad, but repressurizing as the throttles are brought back up can be a little uncomfortable.

It's still a lot of fun, though.

Guest P Mack

Fury is right. My flight commander here was the flight commander for the ip/student in the video at Columbus.


NSTFS......yesterday, as I was controlling out in the RSU, I heard a T-38 solo student out in the area trying to ask the SOF if he should declare an emergency. The problem? As he was trying to do a split-s, he had what he thought was a rapid decompression. And how do we do a split-s in the 38? Throttles idle, roll and pull. So, as he went throttles idle, the pressurization started to rise, etc...... the SOF, with a hint of laughter in his voice, told the student he could just be an early return....

Guest ShortThrow

It's still working for me

Guest Hydro130

I'm still laughing at it right now...

But I agree, is there anywhere/way to download this gem?

I love it... I'm in tears everytime I watch!

Cheers, Hydro

Guest Sebastian

so how hot do you think it got in there?


Now THAT was f*cking hilarious....was the IP being especially nice to that stud for a reason? Wouldn't an American student have hooked that ride if he was equally as slow to react? I remember reading something about our IP's not being able to hook foreign students or something along those lines....any truth to this?

[ 14. April 2006, 16:03: Message edited by: ENJJPTorBust ]

Originally posted by ENJJPTorBust:

Now THAT was f*cking hilarious....was the IP being especially nice to that stud for a reason? Wouldn't an American student have hooked that ride if he was equally as slow to react?

Any of the current/former UPT IPs can give you the lowdown better. But my understanding is that since exchange students' countries pay a load of money for their studs to go through American pilot training. This is why they all go to 38s and why they are given that extra notch of rope.


Guest KoolKat

Does putfile.com let you download anything?


Guest pcampbell
Originally posted by HerkDerka:

Any of the current/former UPT IPs can give you the lowdown better. But my understanding is that since exchange students' countries pay a load of money for their studs to go through American pilot training. This is why they all go to 38s and why they are given that extra notch of rope.


Guest Hoser
Originally posted by Fury220:

I had one go from 8k' to 16k' just yesterday as the stud went idle to initiate a rejoin. The depressurization isn't as bad, but repressurizing as the throttles are brought back up can be a little uncomfortable.

I actually lost cabin pressure in the T-38 flying a Nav O+B back at FL-350. The student was flying the jet under the bag. He cracked the power to start the enroute descent and I felt my ears pop. I took a quick look at the cabin pressure, and it was already climbing thru 20K. I took the jet, rolled inverted, Idle/Speedbrake, and the cabin pressure topped out agt 30K as I was in the descent.


Guest KoolKat

Every stud should be given a quality case of the SD's...it's good training. :D


Guest pimpjuice22


Originally posted by Fury220:

Sorry to correct ya again Toro, but you can clearly see the HUD symbology in the video. It's a T-38C.

Yup - talked to a couple guys yesterday who said it was Columbus. I assumed it was IFF since the tag at the bottom left of the file said 49FS.

As I listened it to it yesterday (for about the 20th time) Hoser pointed out something pretty funny. If you listen very closely at 3:01 into the file, you can hear the student mutter very lowly - barely audible - "What the hell is going on?"

Question - what is the "9 over 8" check the IP is doing?

If anybody wants this file and has an e-mail account that can take a 4400KB file, send me a PM with your e-mail in it and I'll send it to you.

[ 15. April 2006, 09:11: Message edited by: Toro ]

Guest pcampbell
Originally posted by Toro:

Question - what is the "9 over 8" check the IP is doing?

It's probably oxygen. Although, I would have said it, "9 over 80." 9 liters over 80 psi.

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