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Aircraft Nose Art


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Why? I still don't understand why! If it's not offensive and recognizes heritage, WHY? The brass keeps spewing all this stuff about returning to our roots with millions spent on new gay looking dress uniforms, but any effort at the root level (patches/songs/noseart/etc...) is dismissed. I'm a young pup, granted, but I just don't get it; especially if it doesn't hurt anything.


- Stuck

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Why? I still don't understand why! If it's not offensive and recognizes heritage, WHY? The brass keeps spewing all this stuff about returning to our roots with millions spent on new gay looking dress uniforms, but any effort at the root level (patches/songs/noseart/etc...) is dismissed. I'm a young pup, granted, but I just don't get it; especially if it doesn't hurt anything.


- Stuck

ok, well from another young pup, here's a simplified view:

1. General X says "heritage is good! We need more heritage!"

2. Someone like us proposes nose art, old skool patches, painting backs of jackets, etc - says "it'll be just like WWII/korea/etc"

3. General X says "holy crap, are you insane LT?!? We can't trust the peons with something like this! What if they paint . . . SCANTILY CLAD WOMEN! or something about KILLING! Can you imagine how that would look to female congressman Y?!? What about our recruiting efforts?? We can't have them thinking we're sexist, or warmongering, or blah blah blah . . . we offer sovereign options and airspace dominance, not KILLING! What would happen to my budget?!? The horror, the horror!!"

4. General X than turns to his exec and says "hey, didn't those WWI/WWII uniforms look sharp?" Exec replies "why yes sir, they looked great, and exuded the air of professionalism that we want as Airmen!"

5. General turns to his CAG and says, "ok, bring back the old uniforms and make em AF blue. We're gonna have HERITAGE! Oh, and make me an "airman's creed" too. Gotta remember that we're warriors and all."

I challenge anybody to tell me I'm wrong.

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It's usually Maintenance leadership that squelches painting of noseart. The problem is that maintaining the art becomes an extra layer of stuff they have to pay attention to.

Like it or not, the three times I've been involved with painting noseart on USAF jets, it's always been the Maintenance O-6 who has rallied the hardest against it.

The MX crewdogs on the line and their supervisors are usually 100% behind it, but by the time it gets to the MXG/CC level, the lobotomy has completely set in.

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And unfortunately, too many fighter wings are driven as "maintenance wings". That's why I think it's a mistake to keep the ops/mx split. There are obvious competing interests between ops and maintenance on a daily basis. Keeping mx separate to help out 21A career opportunities is hurting the mission. Call me myopic, but the mission of maintenance should be driven by the needs of ops.

I totally agree. I'm so sick of the MX leadership attitudes; they act like it's a privledge for us to use our aircraft. Line guys are great, as they usually are, but it seems like at the 05/06 level MX is fighting with ops just to fight.

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Guest twinkle toes

As far as fighters go, 114fw has all thier 16's with nose art.

Here is a photo of tail art...my jet as cc before I left for pilot slot.


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  • 4 years later...

Is there a big collection of Nose Art online somewhere? My grandpa was a tailgunner on a B-17 named "Skinny" but I've never seen any pictures of the plane. I'd love to get the nose art reproduced and in my house regardless of what it looked like.

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Wait... You though I was talking about getting shot at by the Luftwaffe, some of the heaviest air defenses ever seen, the likelihood of bailing out over the Pacific/Atlantic with little chance of rescue, or the fact you were more likely to die or end up in a POW camp than complete your bomber tour over Europe? Stop focusing on those unimportant details and get your priorities right. Someone could have been offended, just think of the anguish and trauma they must have endured. Even worse, think about the difficultly public affairs must of had writing pieces that weren't about the first women/minority/person of X sexual orientation to assume SQ/CC/such and such rank/fly a certain aircraft/etc.

A few links so you can complain and threaten those who dare acknowledge our heritage-





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She isn't quite as naked as the rest but she's one of my favorites.


Actually have 'er on one of my surfboards

That is awesome.

The passing of that generation reminds me of a Ronald Reagon quote:

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

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The MC130H nose art disappeared when the aircraft were rotated back to the CONUS for wing issues. The Iron Maiden nose art was commissioned from an artist who designs art for Heavy Metal. The thumbnail at the top was the original, and the one on the Talon is the censored edition after a true blue 100 ARW CMSgt chiefed it.

I still think the nose art on Doyle Bradford's B-17 would have been appropriate for a TFR-equipped aircraft.

The Iron Maiden actually went away before that; a female airman at the 100th ARW got "offended" and complained. The rest hung around until like you said they all rotated back to the states.

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