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RC-135 (Rivet Joint) Q&A

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Posted (edited)
It's getting close to assignment time, and I can't really find much info on what RC-135 life would be like for a young co. There's lots of good info here about the missions, but what do things look like right now as far as family life and time home v. time away? All help is appreciated.


It all depends on how the manning is and what squadron you're in (38/343RS vs 45RS). Right now as a new co you can expect at least two trips to the promise land when you first show up to the squadron (usually back to back). However, we'll be going back to 90-dayers here real soon (we're doing 60's right now), so when that starts you can expect at least one trip a year to the sandbox, and a good deal trip here and there. When I first showed up I did about 230 days in 11 months! Some guys may only be gone for 140-180 days in a year...it just depends. Your deployment cycle is pretty stable for the 38/343RS squadrons in terms of knowing when and for how long you'll be gone. The 45th guys operate a little differently and I can't speak much towards them since I'm not over there.

As far as upgrades go for pilots, you can expect about 1.5 to 2 years in the right seat before you move over to the left seat. That’s about the average right now. Some people take more time, some a little less. You’ll get a lot of AR time in the right seat, which is pretty nice for a new CP.

Family life is rather good in this community. There are a bunch of great folks throughout the squadrons and the local area is not too bad (except the winters can suck, unless you like that kind of thing). If you want some more specifics shoot me a pm... :beer:

Edited by mmkk111
  • 6 months later...

Found out recently that I'll be going to the RC world, as a Nav, and I was hoping to get any info on the RC-Nav lifestyle? If anybody has any current information that would be greatly appreciated.


Found out recently that I'll be going to the RC world, as a Nav, and I was hoping to get any info on the RC-Nav lifestyle? If anybody has any current information that would be greatly appreciated.

Like what? I have been up at Offutt for a few months now so I might have some insight for you and what to expect when you get up here.

As far as getting started, the navs have been getting thrown right in, a group of navs that just arrived from KRND even skipped SERE to get up here and in class. Other than that, don't expect much time at all on casual, well under a month. Let me know if you have anything else.


Thanks...that's the kind of stuff I was looking for. A lot of rumors are floating around the schoolhouse about the Navs coming off of the RJ or Navs returning to KRND for EWO training. But glad to know I'll be getting right into it.

The wife and I were looking at possibly staying onbase. Do you have or heard of any good or bad experiences with onbase housing?

  • 1 year later...

Sorry for the bump...

Does anybody have any info on the status of the FTU pipeline? I'm wanting one out of UPT (Graduate in April), and just curious about if they'll be dropping or not. Thanks for the info!


Sorry for the bump...

Does anybody have any info on the status of the FTU pipeline? I'm wanting one out of UPT (Graduate in April), and just curious about if they'll be dropping or not. Thanks for the info!

If you want it and ask for it, I would bet that you'd get it. Co production at the CTS is fairly stable at the moment as far as I know. Good luck!


Is it one of those situations where if you want it in the drop you should ask for it? I'm clueless to how all that actually works

Guest nsplayr

Not a pilot, but general rule is ask for what you want. If they say no or you drop something else then so be it, but always make your preferences known to your leadership and on your dream sheet. Seems like since the RJ isn't necessarily a hugely sought after pilot assignment you might have a decent shot all things being equal. GL.


Is it one of those situations where if you want it in the drop you should ask for it? I'm clueless to how all that actually works

That I do not know. As far as the actual drop is concerned, I think ACC lobbies how many we need for the year/quarter/whatever applies to AFPC and they put it in the pot of other assignments/"needs of the AF" for AETC. Like I said though, I don't know. You can ask your flt/cc about it, but I bet they will just tell you to wait for your dream sheet. Wish I could be of better help, haha.


That I do not know. As far as the actual drop is concerned, I think ACC lobbies how many we need for the year/quarter/whatever applies to AFPC and they put it in the pot of other assignments/"needs of the AF" for AETC. Like I said though, I don't know. You can ask your flt/cc about it, but I bet they will just tell you to wait for your dream sheet. Wish I could be of better help, haha.

Actually, based on recent conversations about this subject with current SUPT people I believe there can be a little horse trading for aircraft assignments between the units and with AFPC. The two critical questions for the student are: 1) does your IP/Flt CC know that you really, really want one, and 2) has your performance for the last year been such that they're willing to spend the extra time and effort to make sure there's one (or enough) in your drop so that you can get one. No guarantees, by any stretch of the imagination, but there appears to be willingness on the part of some of the people who work these things to occasionally call their buddies at another base and perhaps swap a slot or two if its mutually beneficial.



I'm an insturctor at the FTU. Like everyone else has said, we don't control what drops. ACC in conjunction with AFPC establish that. The wait right now is generally pretty short before you start class for most crew positions. Incidentally, we just started teaching the Brits this month, so if you where to get here by summer, there is pretty good chance you'll be training along side them.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest coydog5340

So it is just a matter of whether or not the RC's are in the drop? Just curious because I'm in the same boat as 100LL. Thanks btw, lots of good info on here.

  • 3 months later...
Guest coydog5340

Anyone have a more recent idea what deployments are like with each squadron? Also, are all the jets in the 45th upgraded yet?


Anyone have a more recent idea what deployments are like with each squadron? Also, are all the jets in the 45th upgraded yet?

Upgraded to what??

As for deployments, look for a 3 on/6 off or shorter right now. Plenty to stay busy and on the road if that's what you want...

Posted (edited)

Upgraded to what??

As for deployments, look for a 3 on/6 off or shorter right now. Plenty to stay busy and on the road if that's what you want...

To add on to this, it really depends on crew position. Several of us are 3 on 9 home. Also 2 month good deals to other locations reset that timer.

Edited by xaarman
Guest coydog5340

Thanks for the info. Really hoping to drop one of these for assignment night.


Remember, if you drop RC-135s at UPT you still have to drop 45th at KOFF. If you want small motors, good luck...I don't think those are given to new guys anymore.

  • 2 weeks later...


Just got orders to the 343rd- last minute AF screw job, but the more I hear about the RJ community and mission the better I feel about life. I've been reading back through this thread and am still a little confused on the diffrent squadrons. A lot of the stuff on here is pretty outdated. How is life in the 343 right now? Deplayment rates/locations still the same as they were 5 years ago? Why all the hype about the 45th/38th- is that just the typical pissing match b/w squadrons or are there real advantages to some vs others.


Posted (edited)


Just got orders to the 343rd- last minute AF screw job, but the more I hear about the RJ community and mission the better I feel about life. I've been reading back through this thread and am still a little confused on the diffrent squadrons. A lot of the stuff on here is pretty outdated. How is life in the 343 right now? Deplayment rates/locations still the same as they were 5 years ago? Why all the hype about the 45th/38th- is that just the typical pissing match b/w squadrons or are there real advantages to some vs others.


38th and 343d are RJs (The V and W models). There really isn't a difference between the two squadrons at a basic level. As in they go to the same places, fly the same planes, etc etc.

45th is everything else. It is the typical pissing match between the squadrons, most in good fun. The 45th is the best though. Just ask them....

RJs are very busy and you will be on the road. Typically you are going to get more flying time in the 38th or 343d. Deployments are 60s and 90s now. It's tough to say how long you will be gone each year. Depends on your crew position, job at the SQ, manning, etc. I know some folks gone for 8+ months a year and there's some people who go 12 months without deploying.

I think RJs is a good gig, especially after listening to folks in other airframes. I can remember all the guys in my init qual class talking about how pissed they were at UPT drop night when they got RCs (Don't be that guy). After being around the community, the consensus is most have good things to say. This community is what you make of it. You can sit and bitch about flying a -135 when you really should have had that -17, or you can master your job and soak up everything you can about everyone eles' job on the plane. You don't want to be the guy/gal that hates the community and is vocal about it. Things will not end well. Again, things will not end well.

Omaha is nice as well. Besides the the typical Omaha stuff people have already posted, there is a lot of other things to do if you look for them. Plus College World Series is always a blast, and the new stadium and downtown atmosphere is pretty cool. If you are not a Husker fan before coming here, beware. It's like a cult or something. I even think Herbie Husker had something to do with this flood. Something about the Big 10...

The 55th Wing is a beast of its own however....

Edited by snoopyeast

The 55th Wing is a beast of its own however....

Shack. IHOP, PM me. Omaha is a great town, period. And I say that as someone who's not from the Midwest and just moved here from Seattle last September. Summers are fantastic (sans a little humidity) and you're within 8 hours of both Denver and Chicago. The jet was/is new to me as well, but I think you'll like the bros and enjoy trying to tame the 135 beast. I've never had to work so hard for a nice (safe) landing on a windy day, or while during A/R...translation: it's honest and rewarding. Our tanker cousins, I'm sure, would confirm this. Our cockpit is nice, a bit (very) quirky, yes, but still better than more than a few.

  • 2 months later...



Does anyone know the stories behind some of thses old morale patches. Also if anyone has any old 343rd morale schwag (patches, zaps, etc) I'm in the market. thanks.


Yes, but none of it is for the internet.

343d sells zaps and the heritage patch. You can get other 343d patches at the Tiger Shop.

Since you posted in June that got a "last minute AF screw job" by getting assigned to the 343d, I'm going to assume you're new. Word of advice.....don't wear morale/TDY patches until you've actually been TDY and/or know what they mean. $.02



Yes, but none of it is for the internet.

343d sells zaps and the heritage patch. You can get other 343d patches at the Tiger Shop.

Since you posted in June that got a "last minute AF screw job" by getting assigned to the 343d, I'm going to assume you're new. Word of advice.....don't wear morale/TDY patches until you've actually been TDY and/or know what they mean. $.02

Thanks for the "advice". I know the score. Just curious about the histroy behind some unique patches- nothing more/nothing less.


Thanks for the "advice". I know the score. Just curious about the histroy behind some unique patches- nothing more/nothing less.

Let's just say that each item on that patch represents a story that made somebody legendary in the 45th. And not in a good way.

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