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Silly question about ops limits

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Guest Squez0114

I've been working on memorizing them and know that boldface items need to be memorized verbatim, but do ops limits need to be verbatim as well? For example, do we need to memorize capitalized/not capitalized letters or hyphenated/not hyphenated words in ops limits (i.e. dual only maneuvers, etc.)? Someone, either an IP or Bcourser, at Luke told me when I was casual there not to worry about verbatim with ops limits. However, some of my classmates have been telling me to memorize capitalization and so on here.

[ 05. February 2006, 00:12: Message edited by: BSAV ]


Yep, every hyphen etc... We just had a dude hook his form check because he misspelled a word. A little secret (at least for the T-6, not sure about the tweet) everything's capitalized. Also, you're allowed to leave out the 1. 2. etc before each bold face item for example



is ok without the 1 and 2. Just make sure you standardize within your class.

Guest sickels101

For UPT my answer would be yes, but for the real world absolutely not. Ask your USEM and see what he/she says.

Originally posted by zrooster99:

Yep, every hyphen etc... We just had a dude hook his form check because he misspelled a word. A little secret (at least for the T-6, not sure about the tweet) everything's capitalized. Also, you're allowed to leave out the 1. 2. etc before each bold face item for example



is ok without the 1 and 2. Just make sure you standardize within your class.

You left out the hyphens. Stick a fork in you.

In my flight, you would bust a BF/ops limit test just for fugging up your spacing. (and I said MY flight....you won't know what is acceptable until you get to your flight) But since you asked, here's an example for the abort BF (tweet):







Pretty nitpicky, but it's one of the ways they grade you on attention to detail.

For ops limits, you just need to know the numbers. You won't have to write any words for ops limits, you'll fill in the numbers. Same for BF...you'll be given the title, you just fill in the BF. For prohibited/dual only, they must be verbatim.

It's great that you're studying, but I really wouldn't sweat it. The BF/Ops limits will make a hell of a lot more sense when you're in training and learn what the F they mean.

Plus, you'll fill those out so many times that you'll be able to write everything in order without even reading the paper.

Guest C-21 Pilot

All concerned...

Memorizing OPS Limits and Boldface in the "real world" is truley dependent on your airframe. I would agree that a majority don't have OPS testing, but I do know monthly Boldface exams are the norm across the board.

As an Instructor/Evaluator, I find that it's a common trend for folks not to memorize OPS limits. In my opinion, nothing needs to be memorized except for those things that can kill you or violate you if you don't make your decision quickly.

That also goes for Boldface - if you can perform the actions correctly - but can't write them down in order w/ nit-noid precision, in the AF's mind, you "hook". However, it's always been Stan/Evals position to determine how picky one needs to be. Evaliators have discretion as to whether fry someone or let it slide.

For UPT, I would heed the advice above - memorize EVERYTHING in the order that is prescribed. Remember, it's all a game.

[ 05. February 2006, 03:43: Message edited by: C-21 Pilot ]

Originally posted by C-21 Pilot:

I do know monthly Boldface exams are the norm across the board.

Unless your airframe (F-15, F-16) doesn't have boldface.
Originally posted by Hacker:

Unless your airframe (F-15, F-16) doesn't have boldface.
Originally posted by zrooster99:

A little secret (at least for the T-6, not sure about the tweet) everything's capitalized.

Just to clarify...only on the Boldface is this correct. The Ops Limits has plenty of words with lower case letters and as such, they should be written exactly as presented.
Just to clarify...only on the Boldface is this correct. The Ops Limits has plenty of words with lower case letters and as such, they should be written exactly as presented.
Going to have to throw the flag on that one. No they're not. At least at XL all the BF and Ops Lims are all caps for the T-6. I'm looking at the original I got back at the beginning of Phase 1 right now.

Oh and hyphen this

[ 05. February 2006, 15:40: Message edited by: zrooster99 ]

Guest C-21 Pilot

Looks like it's pretty obvious that I don't know sh!t about meat-eaters (or care to!).

Thanks for the "correction"...


In the C-17, don't expect to have to do boldface except during a checkride and maybe during a currency sim if the boeing instructor decides to through one at you for the fun of it. And we aren't required to memorize Ops limits...but as others have stated, you want to know that stuff that could damage the jet or get you killed.

Originally posted by zrooster99:

Going to have to throw the flag on that one. No they're not. At least at XL all the BF and Ops Lims are all caps for the T-6. I'm looking at the original I got back at the beginning of Phase 1 right now.

Oh and hyphen this

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