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Garlic and tons of it. Other favorites are the oily stuff left over after you brown the beef for tacos in a frying pan, onion powder, tuna water out of the can. I have also heard of cottage chesse being used.

[ 13. February 2006, 16:26: Message edited by: Vandal905 ]


In todays PC world of the AF you'd better leave the alkeehol out. The last Dining In I went to there was NO BOOZE in the grog. WTF!!

But in the pre-PC days, I have seen some pretty nasty grog bowls. Get it a nice brownish color (Baileys and chocolate chunk ice cream) with some floating Baby Ruths and some Vodka for a kick, along with a bag of mixed vegatables mixed into some lime green jello and spread out on top (for that chunky puke effect).



Cottage cheese and chocolate milk as a base, and then Military Special vodka, 151, and Southern Comfort. The grog bowl should not be a pleasant experience and that mixture should help prevent it from being one.

Guest sharkfood911

We do two, one with alcohol, for ours. So if that's an option...


No alcoholic grog!!!??? F*ck that, just do two if you have to like shark said. Where the hell's the fun if you can't be up infront trying not to slur your words at the same time trying not to stumble. Screw PC and make one hell of a toxic grog...there's ways around things (such as when our Col scratched everclear, so we used Bacardi 151; close enough and he saw Bacardi, not paying much attention to the 151 part).

Guest cbire880

Liquid spam, greak puke subsitute from my High School days.


My junior year we had the dual grog... and our cadet wing king projectile vomited on a pool table due to excessive trips to the over 21 bowl. We were all proud and impressed at the distance and TOT, but sadly the cadre were not and banned the use of alcohol in further grog bowls.

Guest A10wannabe

JACK DANIELS and ummm....... and more JACK!!


Soon there wont be any cool traditions left.... : ...influence all the young people that you can and make sure they know its bullshit....I am sick of a bunch of ###### whipped tools ruining all the fun


2 Bowls are the way to go. Some of us don't

drink at all. I won't ruin anybody else's fun,

but I won't drink from a leaded bowl. Of course,

this often leads to the unleaded bowl being worse

than the leaded one.

[ 13. February 2006, 19:15: Message edited by: Apollo ]

influence all the young people that you can and make sure they know its bullshit....I am sick of a bunch of vagina whipped tools ruining all the fun
No sh*t man. Last semester our wing staff meetings were an hour long with drinking beer and f*cking around taking up 45 min of that (at Old Chicago's). Apparently this semester the new guys are taking roughly 2 hrs for their's and that's just at the Det, all business...NO BEER. How f*cking lame. It's like seeing shoe clerks in the making (I don't profess to know anything about AD, but from what I've heard and read, these guys are complete shoe clerks-to be). Not to mention I was in front of over 400 people the entire time at Dining Out while very drunk...and I didn't vomit and ruin it for everyone; maybe a few slured words in the mic, but whatcha gonna do about that!

I wasnt talkin about pushing people to drink....thats great if you dont want to drink...all i was sayin is that people should promote tradition and quit being wimps about it....whatever happend to being able to get away with raising a little hell.....I dont think the dude who puked ruined it..it was the wussy ass leadership that ruined it..that shit (puking)use to happen all the time and it was not that big of a deal, shit they tried to make the young guys puke....


Milk and Lemon Juice makes it very nice for the non-alchi bowl... throw in some worchestershire sauce for added pep

Guest KoolKat
Not to mention I was in front of over 400 people the entire time at Dining Out while very drunk...and I didn't vomit and ruin it for everyone; maybe a few slured words in the mic, but whatcha gonna do about that!
Maybe learn to hold your liquor? Hard sometimes, I know...or perhaps you can get smashed and then go sit your ass down and stay away from microphones...could be better for your career, possibly. Probably too much to ask, now that I think about it.



Yeah, I didn't mean they have to drink, I was just giving an example of how we made ours fun while they seem to strive to take any kind of fun out of it and make it as drawn out and dry as possible (per a friend on staff this semester). And you're right about the puking, it wasn't necessarily the WK (although he shouldn't be such a weak-ass and just stomach it until he can at least get to a bathroom :D ) that ruined it, it was the lame-ass leadership.

No, I'm in Boulder, CO.


I remember the Grog bowl at my Dining ou whe n Iwas a cadet, actually tasted good... I like the 2 bowl idea.. wonder how many wings cadre woudl go for it thouhg. Later on after I left ROTC (wasint in standards at time) the following AAS Natcon a bunch of cadets got in some serious trouble for providing alcohol to minors

  • 3 years later...
  CBD said:
First off I searched the forum and found nothing on a recipe but as a newb i will be told it is somewhere.

I am trying to make a grog for a dining in coming up. Does anyone have a well tested good grog recipe? The help might keep me out of trouble. Thanks

Anything you want + Alcohol = Grog

Be creative, it's not that hard.

  CBD said:
First off I searched the forum and found nothing on a recipe but as a newb i will be told it is somewhere.

I am trying to make a grog for a dining in coming up. Does anyone have a well tested good grog recipe? The help might keep me out of trouble. Thanks

We always had flights come up with one ingredient each and present a rhyme to introduce their selection. The combo was usually gross... but that was the point... the grog is not suppose to be tasty. (This was for ROTC, so no alcoholic grog unfortunately)


Are you in the USAF? Is this an official event?

If so, might as well make it non-alcoholic... Probably something like Kool Aid and be done with it.


I know in ROTC we had an ingredient for each war/conflict. Cognac/Soju/etc.. Make it happed bro, although I'm sure there was some saurkraut and all that was added. Grog is waht you make it. When you go up to pour you offering in don't drink half the bottle...trust me.


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