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Another Cheating Probe


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I'll point out that whatever airframe a student ends up in will probably have an MQF for annual/periodic testing, so this may just be an instance of "training like we fight".


And FWIW, I knew 7 of the guys caught in the ENJJPT scandal mentioned above. If anyone wants details, PM me.

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well odds are someone was cheating on the academeic tests or the EPQs. I cant think of a clean cut kill single cheating tool one could use in the jet or in a sim. Gouge that resembles tests bank questions isnt wrong to have. If you study the crap and memorize you are getting the point of why they even quiz you on it. If you are taking an academic test as a "student 4 ship" you are gonna piss someone off pretty bad who spent the night before studying his ass off for it while you coast. Since academics are weighted 30% at least and after all UPT is all about class rank there def shouldnt be tolerance for blatent cheating of academic tests.

Academics are not 30%. They are 10%. I dont know why they didnt have a brief with the actual grading system. I only know cause I was a Marine who had to get in the weeds on the AF and Navy system to figure out the differences.

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And do we all know a "WebbCunt"?


And the answer is yes. If someone answers no they need only search as far as the mirror find one.

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Based on the info here, it sounds like some tool bag was left out of the gouge pool. Rather than turn in all his class mates maybe he should be asking himself what his problem is they would feel like cutting him off.

This cat is going to have a short, but very hard career.

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Based on the info here, it sounds like some tool bag was left out of the gouge pool. Rather than turn in all his class mates maybe he should be asking himself what his problem is they would feel like cutting him off.

This cat is going to have a short, but very hard career.

I don't think he was left out...I think Rainman had it right:

Webb, 31, said he failed the first radiology written exam, which focuses on physics, in the fall of 2008. He said the program director at the time, Dr. Liem Mansfield, told him to use the recalls in order to pass.

"He told me that if you want to pass the ABR physics exam, you absolutely have to use the recalls," Webb said. "And I told him, 'Sir I believe that is cheating. I don't believe in that. I can do it on my own.' He then went on to tell me, 'you have to use the recalls,' almost as if it was a direct order from a superior officer in the military."

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Academics are not 30%. They are 10%. I dont know why they didnt have a brief with the actual grading system. I only know cause I was a Marine who had to get in the weeds on the AF and Navy system to figure out the differences.

Using test bank questions that are published and available to everyone isn't cheating.

I was in college and took a 10-question essay test a few days late because I was away at a school function when the test was given. Myself and another cadet both sat down, the prof gave us the test, and left the room. We started answering the test and we quickly realized that this was the exact same test that the others were given (since we'd talked to others about the subjects that were covered. Three minutes into the test, I asked the other guy, "Well, we probably should tell the prof that we talked to the other guys." He nodded in agreement.

We turned the tests in and told the prof what we knew. His response, "I wouldn't expect anything less. In the real world, you ask others if you have questions. You don't repeat the mistakes of others; you learn from THEIR mistakes. I knew you or anyone else would talk to others. It's natural...

"...so in order to be fair to the others, if you miss anything on any question, you don't get any partial credit like the rest of your classmates."

In short, just because you have all the questions and answers, it doesn't mean that the professor, instructor, etc haven't prepared for it. And it also doesn't mean that they don't want you to use that information.

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"Well, we probably should tell the prof that we talked to the other guys." He nodded in agreement.

We turned the tests in and told the prof what we knew.

Wow, that was a great example of doing the right thing. Props to you.

Probably be better if you could put it on a couple dozen ppt slides though. :beer:

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