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Maybe the recruiter thinks that just because they are not offering the current incentive, that was released in January I think, to any 11x? My husband has a friend that works over in AFPC, in another area, that said apply... Of course now he can't because he got deployment orders & is not currently aircrew.

Seems that pilots are still getting processed through for now and it is not a critically manned area. Looking at last year's numbers they had on the pages of reports just on pilots and navs it seemed like a lot of people left last FY. It was a bit surprising to read. It is one of the 100+ reports on MyPers, I think more people need to read those & AFIs cause I am getting sick of hearing what "other people at the office say" because it is usually wrong!


Agreed that most of the "well, I heard from a guy who knows somebody who works for a dude..." is usually much ado about nothing, but I'm deployed and not exactly getting up to the minute info. Honestly, whether the rumor is true or not won't matter to me -- as long as I can still apply that's all that matters, and it appears from the vMPF that you can still submit and application. So as soon as the Reserve unit gives me the green light...at that point all the discussion will be academic. My expectations are pretty low, but if you can't expect to win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket!


That analogy sucks; people who buy lottery tickets are dumb; people who leave active duty for the ANG/AFRC are smart.

  • Upvote 2

As long as you can get into your vMPF to check on what is being offered or changing, and check AFPCs website (which hasn't had much lately) you should be up to date. If my husband had applied just a few days earlier, he may have had a chance. Of course somebody told him that if he had already applied then got deployment orders, his PC application would have been cancelled. I don't see that in the AFI anywhere. Lot of people I talked to have no idea what palace chase even is, and these are military spouses and people that work on base.

I got really frustrated hearing stories from him that people at work told him. Especially because he has been an 11M for over a freakin decade and deployed 13 times, people in his office have deployed once if any and most people he works with now are civilians! After I read through a few hundred pages of AFIs then I got mad that he listened to these people. It was a Guard recruiter, I believe, that gave him a time frame for PC, when he should have been applying much earlier, then about 3 days before he would have had paperwork done & ready to submit, he gets deployment notification!!!

They posted the continuation criteria in MyPers over a week ago, seems much better chances this year compared to last year's when it said they were reducing forces, no longer says that! So I feel a little bit better now.


So I am considering applying for PC later this year (11U). I've been wondering if there would be any advantage to applying for a DOS before or after the Fiscal Year turnover. Meaning, due to money constraints, would they be more likely to approve the PC at the end of FY13, or at the beginning of FY14?

Posted (edited)

My best guess would be the beginning of the fiscal year. That said, when I separated my functional recommended approval based on two things (in spite of wing and squadron cc disapproval). What helped me was less than 1 year remaining and the fleet wide (maybe just AMC) KC-135 pilot manning be over 100%. No reference to 11M/X, local area manning, or quotas for the year in his comments. His boss's comments (the last stop for mine before SAF/PC) simply said concur.

Edited by HookEmAll

I was just approved. 6 months off and RPA > RPA seems to have done the trick.

  On 3/22/2013 at 11:29 AM, whatup123 said:

Johnstown, talk to your reserve recruiter. Sounds like they need to submit the completed 1288 (read all 3 endorsements filled out and signed). I think the PC loop isn't closed til this is done... I believe what this means to you is you may be approved from SAF PC, but the PC office can't close the loop til your Reserve assignment is populated.

Yep, this was correct. Myself, my CC, and my ISR didn't get notified of SAF approval since (I think) the automated email system is TU. It was 10 days past before I finally got the answer I was looking for from AFPC because I kept pestering them over the phone. They resent the email with my 1288, I got all the rest of the sigs within two hours (ISR and gaining ANG unit), and had my formal approval by the next morning.

  • 2 weeks later...

Palace Chase disapproved for best interests of AF. 11M. Asked for 2 years UPT ADSC tranferred. Sq/CC recommend, Wg/CC did not recommend. Interested units, but no position number when applying..

Try again in 120. Thanks a lot AF.

  • 4 weeks later...

Palace Chase approved. 11F with ANG job, asking for 6 mos. off of ADSC (from ACP no less). SQ/CC, WG/CC and Porch all concurred.

A boldface applies...the boldface is: EJECTION HANDLE - PULL

Posted (edited)
  On 5/10/2013 at 12:00 AM, Nuke77 said:
Palace Chase approved. 11F with ANG job, asking for 6 mos. off of ADSC (from ACP no less). SQ/CC, WG/CC and Porch all concurred.

A boldface applies...the boldface is: EJECTION HANDLE - PULL

Congrats, where are you going?

PS. Don't let them give you crap about TAMP, you get it, the AD will tell you that you aren't eligible.

Edited by matmacwc
  On 5/10/2013 at 2:33 AM, matmacwc said:

Congrats, where are you going?

PS. Don't let them give you crap about TAMP, you get it, the AD will tell you that you aren't eligible.

Thanks, NOLA.

I'll take any and all advice on the transition. I'll put TAMP on my radar for sure. What else do I need to be looking for?

  On 5/10/2013 at 3:26 PM, Nuke77 said:
What else do I need to be looking for?

Me sizing you up for a brand new RATR hat in the very near future....

  • Upvote 4

At my squadron guys signing up with the Reserve direct from active duty (palace front, at least) are getting $5000 per year for a 3 year commitment. Chump change, I know, but free money.

  On 5/12/2013 at 9:03 PM, EvilEagle said:
Me sizing you up for a brand new RATR hat in the very near future....

Fight's on!!!!


Anyone have guidance on 12M's? I'm currently a Herc nav looking to PC with over 3 years on my ADSC. I am once passed over for Capt, but now that they cancelled the boards, I'm promoting a year group behind my peers with that stigma. Looking at bailing out and into the guard but not sure how feasible this is. Words?

  • 3 weeks later...

Regrettably, your PALACE CHASE application was disapproved by SAF/PC for the best interest of the Air Force. (20 May 2013)


11M officially; currently P81T0W, passed over IPZ Major, late to rate (shit-ton of ADSC remains), hired by unit, etc.

Posted (edited)

I'm sorry to hear that Fighting Falcon. How much ADSC did you have? Also, how long did it take to process?

Edited by kdwntwn

matmacwc...USAFA instructor, attached IP

Kdwntwn---4 and some change, not exactly the 2/3 needed but my 'initial' ADSC expired years ago...as for the process, I submitted via vMPF on 3 April and it arrived at SAF/PC on 5 May....final decision/email 20 May; pretty much by the reg '6-8 weeks'!




Tough situation dude, sorry bout my post as well, should have said cant look it up.

Well.......if you get passed over again, they probably are going to let you go anyway, saw that about 2 years ago, just don't take the continuance. When I was getting out there were a few captains in the out briefings and being the idiot I am I asked them how they did it, passed over, and they still had pilot commitment left (probably less then a third though). Make sure the unit you got hired with is OK with a twice passed over dude (some are/some aren't), and the problem might just work itself out!

  On 3/18/2013 at 3:51 AM, Hueypilot said:

I said this in the other string of comments about TEB and an ADSC....read the fine print on the ADSC. It states that a transfer incurs a 4 year service commitment in either the regular military OR the selective reserve (ie any normal active reservist). If anyone tells you that you must stay on active duty because of TEB they are WRONG. The Guard/Reserve ADSC for TEB reads just like my RegAF ADSC did. The only ADSCs that matter with regard to Palace Chase are UPT, advanced flying training (for some) or initial service commitments.

Just because someone works at AFPC or is otherwise in a position of authority doesn't necessarily mean the know the rules 100%. I had to remind AFPC people of their own rules on occasion when I PC'd. Know the rules. Know your rights.

So if the only ADSC is 9/11 transfer...then would that be Palace chase or front? Has anyone has success in getting out early to the ARC when your only ADSC is 9/11 GIB?

  On 6/11/2013 at 2:19 AM, noodles said:

So if the only ADSC is 9/11 transfer...then would that be Palace chase or front? Has anyone has success in getting out early to the ARC when your only ADSC is 9/11 GIB?

I know a dude that got 6 months off even passing his GI bill onward, and he was an 11F. It would be palace chase.

  On 6/11/2013 at 2:19 AM, noodles said:

So if the only ADSC is 9/11 transfer...then would that be Palace chase or front? Has anyone has success in getting out early to the ARC when your only ADSC is 9/11 GIB?

I asked three different people at AFPC this question and got three different answers. The functionals (mobility types) told me "an ADSC is an ADSC" and since it's a retention tool they'll recommend disapproval of a PC if you have an ADSC for it. However, I thought that was BS so I got in touch with the AFPC Chief of Educational Services and Benefits and this was his response:

"Yes you can serve out the remainder of your ADSC with the Reserves through the Palace Chase program. Reference AFI36-2306, Attachment 9, paragraph A9.

If the Airman was a member of the active component, the Airman may join a Selected Reserve unit and regain the authority to transfer benefits if the Airman agrees to serve at least the remaining length of time which was not served under the original agreement."

II would think you would still be a Palace Chase. In my situation my UPT ADSC expires in the spring of 2014 but my GI Bill ADSC isn't up until Dec 2014, so it was definitely a PC. Submitted the papers last week with a recommend from both Sq/CC and Wg/CC...but we'll see what happens. I added the e-mail from the AFPC Education Chief to my application as insurance.

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