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Not trying to be intrusive, but were you passed over or have any hiccups on your record? I'm a '04 11M as well just trying to compare notes.



Not trying to be intrusive, but were you passed over or have any hiccups on your record? I'm a '04 11M as well just trying to compare notes.

Once deferred. As a technique to hasten your departure from AD, I don't recommend it.


I was just informed: "You are TENTATIVELY APPROVED for separation from Active Duty via PALACE CHASE."

Congrats! How long did it take after your Wing CC signed the 1288?


I was just informed: "You are TENTATIVELY APPROVED for separation from Active Duty via PALACE CHASE."

Congrats! My packet goes in within a month- you give me hope.

  • Upvote 1

I was just informed: "You are TENTATIVELY APPROVED for separation from Active Duty via PALACE CHASE."

that's awesome....congrats!

  • Upvote 1

how much adsc did you have left? congrats, you're giving hope to all of us.

Initial ADSC expired / 4yrs, 5 mos (UPT) --- late rated 11M and passed over; it wasn't IF I was getting out (see FM14) more along the lines of WHEN---it's been said many times: 'timing is everything'.

Cheers, Thank you and GL!


FF, do you know if your app got approved at your functional level before going to the SAF? I also applied under the traditional PC Pgm and know my functional did not recommend approval, though he did comment my mws manning is 100%. Hoping SAF PC is in the chopping mood.


Well hell then, let's let all the Legacy pilots PC with half their commitment remaining. Yes, they are phasing out the Legacy, but it isn't going to happen overnight.

Hmm, I'm trying to make sense of all of the Palace Chase posts lately... so, MountainHerc was a Nav with 50% ADSC left and was denied. I'm in a similar, but different boat...

My story:

I commissioned in 2005, flew Legacy C-130s (aircraft commander), and I'm currently instructing at USAFA now.

I have a 10 year UPT ADSC that expires Nov 2017 (so I'm right on the 2/3rds bubble)... no other ADSC.

I'm betting on the Legacy going away, the fact that the AF wants to kick out 84 of us 2005 11Ms in a few months, and not being qualified in the Legacy anymore as reasons to make a nice, smooth transition to the Guard/Reserves. Sure, like Fifty-six & Two said, phasing out Legacy aircrew will not happen overnight, but I'm not even current/qualified in the Legacy and I don't belong to any AMC unit...


Take a look at the newly revised PSDMs for Force Management. They changed the 1-1 PC eligibility for all the 11s that are blue in the current eligibility matrix (ie not 11F, 11H, 11U). They also added a few paragraphs about how the Reserve needs 500 C-130 and KC-135 pilots. MIght be worth looking into...

I'm just trying to figure out if it'll still be good to go in a month when I hit submit again on my PC app. Curse you deployment!


It looks like AFPC figured out that most of us would punch for free and disqualified us from VSP at the 11th hour only to open up Palace Chase. The PC office is about to get a lot busier. Two more weeks of this deployment and I plan on adding to their workload.


Functional disapproved, not surprised one bit...They make recommendations only, SAF/PC is the final authority! GL!

Thanks, FF. looks like they just opened up the 1:1 PC for our year group, '04. You think we'll qualify after-the-fact, since we both applied under traditional PC? Also, how long was your app up at SAF/PC before getting an answer? Thanks a million.


Thanks, FF. looks like they just opened up the 1:1 PC for our year group, '04. You think we'll qualify after-the-fact, since we both applied under traditional PC? Also, how long was your app up at SAF/PC before getting an answer? Thanks a million.

I was NOT considered for the 1:1; got the full 6 years and plan on flying fatties for a longer time than I would have on AD. IMHO, you won't qualify if you submitted in '13.

SAF/PC didn't waste anytime with my application---2 months, 5 days to be exact from the day it arrived until I got final word.

Do yourself a favor, here's a couple of nuggets I've come across because my timeline has been compressed from notification to DOS of about 30 days--there are a couple of items that will cause serious delays:

1. harass your ISR about 'Scrolling' and get it completed

2. TAP now has a 'Capstone' Class that must be completed (as of 1 October 13, if you completed TAP before that date you are G2G; someone correct me if I'm wrong about the date)

3. Contact MTF and get on their 'radar' WRT sep PHA's, etc.----will need orders, but if you can prove that you've been approved for separation they should[italics] work with you.

4. Close any lose ends WRT your records; think PRF (your only as good as your DD214)

5. Your orders will NOT be cut if you haven't completed TAP & capstone class, DD214, and Pre-Sep Order worksheet

6. Out-processing is a PCS on steroids; getting out of BIG BLUE requires a F#ck-ton of paperwork and multiple stops to base entities you didn't know existed [sarcasm]...plan accordingly.

GL and Cheers,



FF thanks for the info.

do you know if we can continue using TA up until DOS or is that privilege lost as soon as we are approved?


FF thanks for the info.

do you know if we can continue using TA up until DOS or is that privilege lost as soon as we are approved?

Short answer; I do not know. That might be worth a call to the education office and posting the specifics for the masses




Considering PC now in expectation of VSP getting denied (05' 11M in RPA). Are you required to have a unit lined up in order to put in a PC app? I just hit 35 months since my last C-17 flight. Wondering if it will be harder to pick up a slot at JBLM Reserve if they have to pay for me to get a full requal at Altus instead of a local?

Guest nsplayr
Posted (edited)

Are you required to have a unit lined up in order to put in a PC app?

The in-service recruiter I talked to said there's a greater chance of getting approved if you can attach a letter of intent to hire from a unit with your application but that it was not absolutely necessary. Take it as one data point; not putting 100% stock in the random comments of some phoning-it-in SMSgt who took 2 weeks to even respond to my calls and emails...

Edited by nsplayr

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