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Order of Merit

Guest future16driver

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The whole attitude of being "dead set on a fighter" is what I'm talking about here. In my humble opinion, just getting the opportunity to fly for the military is a big enough privilege, regardless of what they tell you to fly. Given how competitive it is to even GET a slot, I would be (and am) happy with what I got, plain & simple. Maybe I'm the exception to the rule or something.

Again, good luck with all of your endeavors!

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Ok listen. I totally agree with what you guys are saying about being happy with what you got. However, I have worked my butt off to get where I am. I have over $20,000 in student loans for all of my flying, and I did it to be more competitive for pilot and ENJJPT. ENJJPT is what I want and I have worked to get there. To get jacked over by someones stupid mistake after all of my sacrifice is what sucks plain and simple. Sure, maybe I'm being a little conceided but I have worked hard and sacrificed A LOT to get the credentails that I have. Instead of being out having fun I spent a lot of time studying and flying and doing crap like that. I gave up my college fun to get where I am and for an idiot to misplace my PFT card and not get my right score in for the pilot board pisses me off!!!

To answer a few questions. Yes my PCSM is 99 and if you want me to prove it I will. Yes, I do have a pilot slot FY06.


According to my calculations my OM would be a 95.45 with the 91.5 PFT and a 94.89 OM with the 86 PFT score. You seem to know whats up, my scores are above at the beginning of this thread. Can you confirm my OM scores. (I'm not sure about the PFT calculations.) The PFT is 10% and the 86 is 8.6 points and the 91.5 is 9.15 points from what I figure. Is that right?

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Guest sprint

I think your OM calculations are right on. Here is a link to an om calculator.


It will tell you the same scores you've added. However, I don't think you have to worry either way. From talking to others, the usually AVERAGE OM for ENJJPT is around 90-91. Good luck talking with your Cadre. IMHO, I think if you explained your point of view and why it matters so much, most people would be willing to go to bat for you and try and get it changed if it is possible.

By the way, my cadre didn't finish 2 cadets paperwork (both would have gotten slots) before the board and just told them there out of luck and to pick another career. So there are worse things that could happen.

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Just thought I would let you all know. My Det actually screwed up everyones OM that retook the PFT for categorization, and HQ will not update our OM's. Therefore I'm not the only one at my Det that had to bend over which really sucks.

However, the good news is that HQ told my Det that myself and one other cadet are in the top 10% of pilot selects and said that both of us will get ENJJPT and not to worry about our lower OM's because of this. YEAH!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Jetjock,

Congrats and good luck with ENJJPT! I'm only a freshman but pursuing the same thing (an ENJJPT slot). I would kill (not literally) for a UPT slot, but like you, I've always dreamed of flying fighters so I am working my butt off to hopefully make it to ENJJPT.

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