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I got to wondering after reading about AETC switching up the flight screening program...

Q1: So, are the Fireflys still sitting in the hangers @ USAFA?

Last I heard they were. They didn't want to scrap them, but they couldn't sell them either becuase papa blue would have to pronounce them safe. And even with the post flight test modifications, it was too delicate an issue.

Q2: If one were for sale for....say...$40K, would you buy it? Assume that it's modified/repaired.

Q3: Does anybody here have insight as to whether the mod program actually worked?


I was at San Antonio and took a drive out to Hondo. They were just lined up and chained down. That was about 3 years ago so who knows now.

Guest KoolKat

Anyone want to time share a T-37?


Guest SpyGadget

Drove through Hondo last year on the way to Hell Rio and tracked them down by talking to some locals.

They are all parked under some carport looking sheds behind a barbed wire chain link fence.

The nice armed guard highly discouraged photography.

Originally posted by SpyGadget:

They are all parked under some carport looking sheds behind a barbed wire chain link fence.

The nice armed guard highly discouraged photography.

Yeah we won't want any pictures of the mighty T-3 to leak out...
Originally posted by Bender:

Anyone want to time share a T-37?

At around $300/hour in fuel plus (ROT) three times your fuel cost in mx cost per hour...

I'd love to have a tweet but even if they gave them away for free I don't think I could afford the care and feeding. Even shared.

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