Guest pjhaenke Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 I just found out that I was selected as an alternate. I'm happy (I guess) because the board just could have said "No Thanks". But, what are the odds of me actually becoming a primary canidate? and would my chances increase of getting selected next year with the same unit? (Believe me, I'm not hoping one of the primaries fails their FC1 or anything like that. I believe they worked just as hard as I did) But any info on the subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
UPT-hopeful Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 Congrats on getting alternate. I always said (to myself) that if I ever got an alternate slot, I'd bust the primary's knees myself - Tonya Harding style. Joking of course. I'm not an expert on any of this by any means, but I have heard of several alternates over the past couple of years being sent to UPT for one reason or another. I'd tell the folks who are in control of setting up class dates in the unit that you can leave at the drop of a hat should anything come up. Tell them you have your bags packed and are ready to go. If it doesn't happen this year, yeah you'll have a better shot next year, but of course it's not guaranteed. The governor's son could be interviewing. [ 19. September 2005, 18:55: Message edited by: UPT-hopeful ]
Guest Lightninbo Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 Alternates aren't a shoe in for the next years boards, but do have some advantages. I was selected pilot alt #2 in 2002, alt #1 got the call... I did not. Reinterviewed 2003, and was offered nav slot. was getting old at that point, 28 1/2, and took it. Point being, it all depends on who you are going up against the next year. If they have some strong in house candidates, like the col's son or governers daughter, or just a really really hot chick, then your odds are not gonna be so great. good luck!
Guest STLCFII Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 The One, Congrats on your alternate selection. From the units I've talked to, and being an ALT myself in Delaware I can say that you have a decent chance at going to UPT. One unit told me one year they had all their primaries fail the FC1 so they went to the ALTs. Ofcourse, then all the ALTs failed it too so the slots were lost. Delaware said they have a great record of getting their ALTs into UPT. Ofcourse, being an ALT is no garunteed UPT slot as stated in a post above, so keep applying. I kept interviewing at places, and this week was notified that I am the primary in NJ. My advise is to do all the stuff you need to as an ALT (FC1, Secret paperwork, etc) and be ready to go if they upgrade you. If you don't get it, having all that stuff done can work for you when applying to other units. If no one takes you, being an ALT at the unit the year before certainly helps since they know you now. You still need to keep improving yourself for the next year though to show motivation. Anyways, let us know where you are the ALT at and congrats again!
GW Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 I'll toss in my two cents here, as I was an alternate with two different Units at one time. Just goes to show it can be done. Nothing ever developed with my first alternate slot, but things just fell into place at the 2nd unit. They had actually selected two Primaries ahead of me, so while I was the first Alternate, I was still third in line. (D’oh!) Short story long, about a month later it ended up that both of them had to turn down the offer for the same reason: they had to take care of their family first. So there I was in the right place at the right time, sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. Obviously you’re looking for that "congrats you're our primary guy/girl" letter, but you just never know how things are going to breakdown. So keep in touch with your contacts and let them know: “that alternate is still looking for a job” and that will go a long way towards keeping your name in the mix this year and next. Keep at it dude, and good luck. GW
Guest BLEEDS ON Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 Congrats, man. Speaking from experience, I was an alternate behind two primaries. Both primaries bombed their FC1s, and I received the call to upgrade about 10 months after the initial interview. Unfortunately for them I'd long since been selected by another unit so I turned them down. Moral of the story, even if you're not the number 1 alternate, there's a ton of reasons you may still get it. So my advice is to keep interviewing, tweak your apps, and get your FC1 and security paperwork done. The above mentioned unit got pretty excited to find out all my paperwork was done. One less thing for them to worry about so it may just be a huge advantage to you, especially if the unit has a history of FC1 busts.
GreasySideUp Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 Congrats man!! I was an alternate a few years ago, Finished UPT a few months ago, now in the B course. Keep interviewing but also keep in touch with the unit and try and get all the paperwork done so you can go to AMS in a moments notice if need be. Showing that motivation will help out as well. -j
Guest downinthegroove Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Keep your chin up. I was the third alternate in the 109th and just got word that my package has been AETC approved and am awaiting class dates. You never know what can happen, but the worst thing you can do is back off the unit. Keep pursuing them and letting them know you wanna be there. Best of luck.
Guest hardie9e Posted April 8, 2006 Posted April 8, 2006 Hey Guys, Recently I recieved an alternate slot with an air national guard unit. But I am worried that it was too hasty for me to apply I am only 20. Is there a way I could defer it for some time to get a solid job out of college and then accept the position? If I declined this position for the next year or two would that be looked upon as not dedicated and would it seriously destroy my chances of flying for the unit? I have wanted to fly for this unit for years, but I want to secure a job with an airline. I know the airlines are really good about letting you go away for military time. Thanks for your help.
Bergman Posted April 8, 2006 Posted April 8, 2006 Don't give it up! If you can, start with an airline now. It will take at least a year to get your UPT slot all squared away (AMS, UPT dates, Brooks, etc) so you'll have something to do while playing the waiting game. Then you can drop mil leave when the ANG comes calling. FWIW, I know guys who worked for an airline for less than a month out of training before dropping 2 years of mil leave for UPT.
Scooter14 Posted April 8, 2006 Posted April 8, 2006 First of all, it's an alternate slot. You're not there yet. Ask Bergman about his alternate slot (not knockin ya Berg, just stating a fact). To be an alternate at age 20 is a testament to your ability to go in there and get your game on in the interview. Nicely done. Now, if you turn that down, you just shot yourself in the foot. Nothing beats military training...nothing. UPT is 54 weeks of top notch instruction. I don't care if half of it is rotary time. It will set you apart. If you are having reservations about it, by all means turn it down. Let the next guy in line have his dream come true. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting an airline job as a Guardsman. The Guard is part-time. You need to sustain yourself. However, when you commit to the Guard, you are committing to your squadron mates that you will participate and you will be there when called upon. You will be the best helo pilot you can be - your crew depends on it. If you're a rescue guy, I might depend on it. If I was in your shoes, I'd "secure" that job now. If you're in training and they offer you the UPT slot, do what you can. Most airlines seem to accomodate military leave quite well. Like Bergman said, it ain't gonna happen overnight. If you just got picked up, it's probably an FY 08 pilot slot. That means the earliest they will send you is 1 Oct 07 to UPT. The latest they can send you is 30 Sep 08. That's a lot of time to negotiate with both sides. Roll with it, but don't half-ass it. If you're not 100% committed to this Guard thing, give someone else a chance. EDIT: If you don't take the Guard job, how are you going to get the time to go fly for the majors? I guess I'm confused on this one. If fixed wing time was the issue, why did you apply to the helo unit, or were you banking on getting the -130 slot? [ 07. April 2006, 22:46: Message edited by: Scooter14 ]
Guest sleepy Posted April 8, 2006 Posted April 8, 2006 You're only 20? Dang. Graciously accept that alternate slot. I did last year and my Christmas present was a genuine slot. (One more hurdle: Brooks.) I got lucky, but at the very least, you'll get your paperwork rolling. Personally, I don't understand the "must secure an airline job before UPT" mindset. But then again, I don't have the credentials to consider it, unless chasing trains and buzzing cows amounts to something. My unit told me to plan on being abused for several years. Then I'd have the time to apply. Or I could come back to my half-decent job I have now (which requires working on
Guest johnny Posted March 25, 2008 Posted March 25, 2008 How does a guard or reserve unit typically go about prepping an applicant who has been selected as the alternate? Will the applicant go through the same pre-board procedure (physical & etc) as the primary? I realize that in many cases the alternate gets the green light for one reason or another, does it make sense to have the alternate ready so if the nod comes at the last minute there won’t be a scramble? Is the board schedule/procedure the same for guard units as for the reserves? interview > sponsored by a reserve unit > pre-board screening & paperwork > reviewed by either March or September board > more waiting (if selected)
GW Posted March 25, 2008 Posted March 25, 2008 johnny said: How does a guard or reserve unit typically go about prepping an applicant who has been selected as the alternate? Will the applicant go through the same pre-board procedure (physical & etc) as the primary? I realize that in many cases the alternate gets the green light for one reason or another, does it make sense to have the alternate ready so if the nod comes at the last minute there won't be a scramble? Is the board schedule/procedure the same for guard units as for the reserves? interview > sponsored by a reserve unit > pre-board screening & paperwork > reviewed by either March or September board > more waiting (if selected) Back when I was going through the process I was an alternate at two different guard units at the same time, and ended up being the primary at one of them. So it can happen, I am proof. The short answer to your question is: it depends. In my situation, I never heard another thing from the first unit, while the second unit had me take a physical and get my security screening paper work started. I'll let you guess where I ended up. Now, after the fact I learned why I had been prepped as the alternate at the second unit: both of the primaries that were selected ahead of me had issues. Issues that didn't disqualify them (geography for the first, and family health matters with the second), but raised enough concern that they prepped me, just in case. One month later I got the call that I was the new primary. My point is, that there are a thousand different reasons why a unit would do things the way they do, and no two guard units will do it the same, it all just depends. I never got involved with the reserves, they could have their own standardized way of doing things, but I doubt it. One of the reserve guys here should be able to speak to that. Good luck. Keep at it, perseverance counts. GW
Guest gatorpilot20 Posted March 25, 2008 Posted March 25, 2008 johnny said: How does a guard or reserve unit typically go about prepping an applicant who has been selected as the alternate? Will the applicant go through the same pre-board procedure (physical & etc) as the primary? I realize that in many cases the alternate gets the green light for one reason or another, does it make sense to have the alternate ready so if the nod comes at the last minute there won’t be a scramble? Is the board schedule/procedure the same for guard units as for the reserves? interview > sponsored by a reserve unit > pre-board screening & paperwork > reviewed by either March or September board > more waiting (if selected) Johnny, I am in a similar situation to you and it is definitely a tough waiting game being an alternate. The guys at my unit said that stranger things have happened and the alternates that least expected they would go, got a chance that year, including the 4th alternate. Sorry that I am not yet familiar with the terminology/process but does the board (outside of the guard unit) only meet in March and September to review the sponsored? Are ‘drop down slots’ awarded at a certain time during the year or could they be awarded randomly? If your base is awarded a drop down slot, how much time to they give you before the start of AMS/IFS to do the physical, paperwork etc (on average)? Thanks for the help
Guest ATB Posted March 25, 2008 Posted March 25, 2008 (edited) Keep in mind that *usually,* primary candidates don't go to IFS - just AMS and UPT. EDIT - The above is for the Guard only. Reserve dudes don't even go to AMS - they'll enjoy the full-up OTS, then IFS, then UPT. Edited March 25, 2008 by ATB
Guest johnny Posted March 25, 2008 Posted March 25, 2008 Correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my understanding that reserve UPT slots are only awarded to sponsored candidates (no more non-sponsored) at the March and September Boards. I don't know anything about drop down slots, but from what I've been told a reserve unit can only train so many new pilots a year, so the HQ board may control the number of available slots, but a unit also has to make decisions based on their resources. Maybe this is different in the guard. I'm not sure how it works in the guard, but if a reserve unit is awarded a drop down slot (assuming this can happen) wouldn't the applicant need to go in front either the March or September Board before going to OCS or IFS? I fell like we are starting to compare apples and oranges here...
kapilot Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 Congratulations at your alternate selection. That is something to be proud of and is an indicator that you have what it takes to get hired. I can't give you a percentage but what I can tell you is that I have been going through the process for about two years now and have known two people personally who have been DQ'd for medical reasons. What you can do is maintain a positive relationship with your POC and track the selectees progress. I would venture to say that if he makes it through Brooks then its a pretty good chance that you will not be in for this time around. I know the spot your in and unfortunately there's nothing else you can really do but wait and see. Just remember that there is a reason that units pick an alternate. I would highly recommend that you continue to apply and interview and not throw all your eggs in the alternate basket. Good Luck
FalconAg Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 Anyone have any recent gouge/perspectives on this?... I found out yesterday I got an alternate slot on my most recent board. Been at this process about 6 months now, and it was my 3rd interview. Just trying to get a feel for how likely it may be for me to end up becoming a primary through this slot, or how soon after those of you who were selected as alternates got picked up as a primary somewhere. Also, I know one of the main reasons alternates end up in UPT is because primaries wash out for medical reasons, but how often is the unit able to get an extra slot and send their alternate in addition to the primary? Does that ever happen or is it unheard of?
Milchstrasse Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) On 1/15/2015 at 2:27 PM, FalconAg said: Anyone have any recent gouge/perspectives on this?... I found out yesterday I got an alternate slot on my most recent board. Been at this process about 6 months now, and it was my 3rd interview. Just trying to get a feel for how likely it may be for me to end up becoming a primary through this slot, or how soon after those of you who were selected as alternates got picked up as a primary somewhere. Also, I know one of the main reasons alternates end up in UPT is because primaries wash out for medical reasons, but how often is the unit able to get an extra slot and send their alternate in addition to the primary? Does that ever happen or is it unheard of? Can't answer your last question, but I can offer you some insight. The first time I was doing the guard thing, I was selected as an alternate, and got the phone call saying they'd be processing me because their primary had some medical hang-ups. I ended up having my own temporary medical hang-ups and decided to finish grad school before trying again. So yes, I would say it's not uncommon at all for alternates to get processed, simply because it's extraordinarily easy to get med DQed. My second time around I was called 15 minutes prior to the interview with the unit I ended up getting picked up with that I was selected as an alternate for their unit. I told him this on the phone, asked for advice, and he said if the other unit selected me, that I should definitely take the primary slot and not hold out hoping for a chance their primary wouldn't make it. Once again, I'm having a medical hang-up that should get waivered, but if it doesn't, that's an opening for an alternate. Keep looking, but understand that alternates get processed all the time from what I've seen. Edited January 15, 2015 by Milchstrasse
Guest_123 Posted January 20, 2015 Posted January 20, 2015 On 1/15/2015 at 2:27 PM, FalconAg said: Anyone have any recent gouge/perspectives on this?... I found out yesterday I got an alternate slot on my most recent board. Been at this process about 6 months now, and it was my 3rd interview. Just trying to get a feel for how likely it may be for me to end up becoming a primary through this slot, or how soon after those of you who were selected as alternates got picked up as a primary somewhere. Also, I know one of the main reasons alternates end up in UPT is because primaries wash out for medical reasons, but how often is the unit able to get an extra slot and send their alternate in addition to the primary? Does that ever happen or is it unheard of? Hey bro/broette, I made an account on here to reply to you. I want to share my experience on this, as a non-prior, so let me give a (hopefully) abridged version. My first interview was in June 2014. After my very first interview, I was chosen as an alternate. Good, but not the best. I did my best to keep improving and move forward. My second interview was in August 2014. Once again, landed an alternate position. Okay, how can I get better? Going forward, between September 2014 - December 2014, I interviewed at an additional 5 squadrons, all fighters. I was asked to interview at an additional 2 (both of which were the same day as another interview I went to). I applied to a couple where I wasn't asked to come out. Mid-October, I receive a call from a Board member from my 2nd interview, who left a voicemail (and I literally ran outside to call back - I was one of the alternates, remember). A primary was no longer in the spot, for whatever reason (I didn't care why) and I was asked, "are you interested?" and, "can you be ready soon?" It's getting close toward the end of January now, and I'm currently in the ANG, awaiting a SSgt promotion prior to starting AMS in March, with a June UPT date. Got the call in October, went to Wright-Pat in December (slightly nerve-wracking, but not nearly as bad as it's made out to be), swore-in in January, AMS in March (technically was supposed to be in AMS today, but nevertheless...). After I found out there was a CHANCE mountains could be moved to get me in the system for the spot after I got the call in October, I kept interviewing (always have a backup). This has been my dream for a time I can't recall, and I wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. Anything can happen. Anything. I went through Wright-Pat and watched a couple candidates need waivers (usually no prob), one get DQ'd (hard to witness), and the rest of us get the 'okay.' I guess my point is you never, ever know what can happen. I sure as hell didn't, but here I am. I had friends, the girlfriend, family, all encourage and support me all the way through and that's what helped the most. Things happen to primary candidates, things happen to alternates. You being chosen as an alternate (as I'm sure they told you) is a sign you are qualified for that job. That's awesome. Don't let it discourage you. There are more squadrons out there, more opportunities, and more room to get better. I can't give you an exact likelihood of the same thing happening to you, but what I can say is that it can happen. I think most importantly is continue putting your stuff out there, practicing interviewing (have a killer general opening in mind, not rehearsed), and to stay positive. Man this was way too long and way too sappy...and definitely not abridged. If you want to know more, message me. Good luck. 1
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