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Shortening tour length

Guest 1flygal

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Guest 1flygal

Greetings all! I'm new to this forum, and I'm looking for some guidance.I'm in phase III of UPT, and my C-17 reserve unit wants to put me on a 1 year active duty tour after Altus. This would be great, however due to, USSERA, civilian job and family issues, I was counting on the 6 month tour they told me about prior to UPT. Is it considered un-cooth to ask if the one year can be shortened? Any input would be appreciated!

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Is it a seasoning tour or a mobilization tour?

I think it's all going to depend on your unit climate and what the current situation is.

For example, if your unit has a limited number of tours, and folks are looking to pick up a few months of work, and you say "Hey, instead of doing a year, can I do 6 months instead?" you just freed up about 180 AD days someone else can use. Cool.

On the other hand, if they have been pressing everyone to mobilize for a year and guys are getting rode hard and you come in and say "You know what, I can only do 6 months", then that may reflect poorly upon you.

Not knowing what the situation is, I might talk to the DO and ask if the 1 year is a set time. If they say "Yes. You must do 1 year of AD time" then it is your call whether or not you want to use USERRA and your job. If they say "Typically that's what we do, what are your concerns or do you need a different tour length" then you've let them open the door for you to tell them what you need.

Regardless, if you have employment and/or family concerns, the unit should be supportive. I'm just giving input based on your concerns.

Good luck.

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Guest 1flygal

Its a seasoning tour. My unit won't be ready to activate until 2009 due to the C-17 being brand new to the unit. Thanks for your input, I give it a try!

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Guest 1flygal

That's what I've heard everyone else is getting! Is there required prog tour lengths for different aircraft, or is it up to your unit? Or does it depend on how quick you learn?

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Guest guardhopefull
Originally posted by 1flygal:

Is it considered un-cooth to ask if the one year can be shortened? Any input would be appreciated!

I am in almost the same predicament. Our min tour is 90 days but the unit will usually offer 6-12 months. I only want 90 days and was not sure how to ask either. In the end I just ran it by a couple guys in the squadron and quickly found out no one cared if I took 90 days or 12 months. Saves them money in the long run. Just be tactful as always.

[ 09. March 2006, 18:21: Message edited by: guard/reserve hopefull ]

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