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  On 5/5/2010 at 11:18 PM, lazlo said:

I think the AF built all new dorms... That sucks.

The construction has already been approved but no ground has been broken.

Also heard that on-base housing is full and some student are living off base...a stud told me that so I'm not sure how much I believe it.

They canceled some RIPs so the first couple of classes will not be as big as originally planned.

Guest hispeed-lowdrag

I got my RIP today and my RNLTD is 31 Aug but my start date isn't till 3 Oct...does anyone have any idea what I'll be doing for the 30+ days in between? I assumed some kind of water-survival and maybe SERE but I wasn't sure how long either was and haven't gotten any official word. Thanks!

Guest cody6766

You can plan on that date getting moved around some. I was slated for 23 July, bumped to 25 Aug, then to 13 July, now to 3 August. They seem to be having some birthing pains, so everything is in a bit of flux. It seems to be settling down now though. Dates change due to DORs and IFS failures too (how I got bumped from 25 aug to 13 july)

You'll be spending your days doing a lot of nothing sometimes, and a lot others. When I left for IFS I was working on loan to one of the offices. Some other LTs had stash jobs as well. Others just showed for muster and went home. Most were busy with some sort of volunteer of voluntold work a few days a week. I've heard things have changed in the 3 weeks I've been gone, so I won't comment on anything other than what I saw when I was still in PCola. You know how LT rumors can be.

You'll likely have an IFS date in there if you haven't been yet. If you are going to IFS, expect that CSO class date to move back. You'll also get water survival before CSO school, but it's only a few days and is in PCola. IFS takes 3-4 weeks on average.

Enjoy your casual status while you have it. You're getting paid for little work and enjoying the sun in Florida. If you hate casual, try to get loaned out to someone that's short handed. I'd spend some time with your ears open before begging for jobs though. No sense in running head first into a shitty stash job when you could get a good one with a little learning.

Guest hispeed-lowdrag
  On 5/11/2010 at 4:12 AM, cody6766 said:

You can plan on that date getting moved around some. I was slated for 23 July, bumped to 25 Aug, then to 13 July, now to 3 August. They seem to be having some birthing pains, so everything is in a bit of flux. It seems to be settling down now though. Dates change due to DORs and IFS failures too (how I got bumped from 25 aug to 13 july)

You'll be spending your days doing a lot of nothing sometimes, and a lot others. When I left for IFS I was working on loan to one of the offices. Some other LTs had stash jobs as well. Others just showed for muster and went home. Most were busy with some sort of volunteer of voluntold work a few days a week. I've heard things have changed in the 3 weeks I've been gone, so I won't comment on anything other than what I saw when I was still in PCola. You know how LT rumors can be.

You'll likely have an IFS date in there if you haven't been yet. If you are going to IFS, expect that CSO class date to move back. You'll also get water survival before CSO school, but it's only a few days and is in PCola. IFS takes 3-4 weeks on average.

Enjoy your casual status while you have it. You're getting paid for little work and enjoying the sun in Florida. If you hate casual, try to get loaned out to someone that's short handed. I'd spend some time with your ears open before begging for jobs though. No sense in running head first into a shitty stash job when you could get a good one with a little learning.

cool, thanks! yeah I have IFS 25 May-18 June, then I PCS to P'Cola in August (I'm at Shaw right now). I figured it'd be some kind of casual but wasn't sure if there was some kind of official "coursework" to do in between the RNLTD and class start date.

  On 5/2/2010 at 5:58 PM, magnetfreezer said:

Pcola is different than AF training bases. There are no officer dorms other than the BOQ - all the single AF/Navy/MC students that went through strike nav training with the Navy lived off base. My guess is the Navy wanted to increase occupancy of base housing and convinced the AF to make students live on base.

Unless things have changed drastically in the last few years (its the Navy so even if it was the wheel was probably reinvented back to the previous standard), NAS whiting has a policy where its mandatory for single students to live in the BOQ until it is at 90% capacity, and then they can live out in town. In recent years they have let students room together and live in Officer housing off base (right down the road).

  On 5/19/2010 at 4:29 AM, Zippy said:

Unless things have changed drastically in the last few years (its the Navy so even if it was the wheel was probably reinvented back to the previous standard), NAS whiting has a policy where its mandatory for single students to live in the BOQ until it is at 90% capacity, and then they can live out in town. In recent years they have let students room together and live in Officer housing off base (right down the road).

Whiting was still doing that when I was down in Pcola; they only made the Navy single students live on base since they couldn't force you to live on base (i.e, take away BAH) if you were USMC or Air Force.

Guest hispeed-lowdrag

at P'Cola you must live on base (unless you have dependents) but still get 100% BAH and just pay a small portion of it for "rent"...that's what the housing manager at P'Cola told me when I talked to her...I think it's a totally unique situation b/c it's the Navy base with some housing sectioned off specifically for AF UNT.

All the UPT bases (that I know of) have the policy you guys are talking about where you have to live on base until its at capacity

  • 3 months later...

Just as a heads up to anyone who is single and starting CSO training soon, base housing is full! Call the housing office and talk to them to get your application started or you are going to be in a bind when you get there!

  On 9/8/2010 at 4:40 PM, olgunan said:

Just as a heads up to anyone who is single and starting CSO training soon, base housing is full! Call the housing office and talk to them to get your application started or you are going to be in a bind when you get there!

The reverse would be better if you want to get a nice place in town/on the beach, etc. I'd imagine when base housing is full they start letting people out in town instead of making you live in a tent behind the hangar until a room opens up.

  On 9/9/2010 at 4:44 AM, magnetfreezer said:

The reverse would be better if you want to get a nice place in town/on the beach, etc. I'd imagine when base housing is full they start letting people out in town instead of making you live in a tent behind the hangar until a room opens up.

This is true, however the way that they are operating this ordeal makes no sense. I was told that I will not know until the day that I show up as to whether or not they will be able house me on base. This is due to the binding contract that the gov't has with Balfour Beatty. The base housing office HAS TO refer you to them first and from there Balfour Beatty will release you to go into town!

Therefore, I would not have anything lined up or know what to look for until I report in. That does not sit well with me, I like to know what is going on! This is why I say start the application early and talk to the folks at Balfour Beatty. I got in contact with a nice lady who said that she will keep me up to date with what their availablity is going to be by the time I get there. It just gives me a little bit of a security so I know whether or not I am going to have to look for a place!

If anyone has questions about this PM me!


I just went through the housing office here at NASP yesterday. It is truly a first come first served situation for the single folks so it's almost beneficial for you to be one of the last ones to fill out a housing application. I showed up with about a dozen other people and the first three were put on base in the last three rooms available. The rest of us are off base. Granted there were a couple of married types too but you get the idea. Gladies Wooten (USAF POC at housing) is awesome to deal with and does not play favorites so good luck sweet talking your way into being off base.


There are also people moving out on a somewhat constant basis due to DOR/IFS Failure/Medical DQ ect. so even if full there may be availability in the near future. One of my room mates is leaving next week for instance.

  • 5 months later...

Anyone got any more recent info about the base housing situation for AF UPT types? Just got my orders to Whiting and have mixed emotions about it. I'm curious what the living situation will be like.

  On 3/8/2011 at 1:33 AM, tripilot said:

Anyone got any more recent info about the base housing situation for AF UPT types? Just got my orders to Whiting and have mixed emotions about it. I'm curious what the living situation will be like.

I'm also interested in this as it pertains to CSO types. I'm headed for Pensacola within the year (I hope).


Current housing situation for CSOs is unchanged. If there is room on base, you live on base. If not, then you luck out. For student pilots at Whiting you're under the Navy so it's my understanding they live off base. At least all the student pilots I know at Whiting live off base.

  On 3/12/2011 at 4:56 AM, FlyingBull said:

If there is room on base, you live on base.

Is this the case for married folks?

I've never PCS'ed so this is definitely new to me. Will you know before you show up what the hell is going on and where you're living? If I knew I wasnt going to be living on base, I need to look for a rental house off base before I show up (I'd rather do this).

  On 3/16/2011 at 9:36 PM, FlyingBull said:

Married folks have the option to live on base or off.

EDIT: Married folks have the option to live off base or on base if married on base housing is available.


I see alot of info about living in the BOQ as a student for CSO training...but does anyone have any experience or knowledge about living on base in family housing. I'm going to be coming down there as a T6 IP and am deciding if I should look to buy a house or if living on base is a good deal. I'm not sure what the conditions, size, upgrades, etc are in the base homes so any info would be great. Thanks!

  • 3 weeks later...

Well getting in touch with anyone worth while at PCola is almost impossible. Damn place doesn't even have a base operator...

I talked to Shelly over at Balfour Beatty and it sounded promising. She actually clarified that for the CSO students they DO have openings at the on-base townhomes (what they called them) that the Air Force specifically went to them and reserved for their students. The entire place used to be open to first come-first serve type of reservations, but when the AF moved down there they laid claim to a number of condos just for us. She initially told me there was quite a wait for housing for PCSing CGOs, but after she found out that I would be going to AF CSO school she informed me that I could get in easily.

I also asked about living off base, which she told me was an option. I went further to clarify if I could only live off base if the on-base housing was full and she said no. I was informed that you have the option for either and are not forced to live in the townhomes.

I plan to live in them anyway as I have several friends from my FTU as well as my ROTC Det that will be down there that I can room with. Even with a 3br townhome with only one other roommate, its only ~$700/mo and you keep the rest of your BAH.

Pocket $300/mo? Yes, please


That is a brand new policy change (choice of off base). I would definitely go off base, the apartments they are giving to single studs down here are NOT worth the money they charge. Get your friends to rent out a nice house off base for less and you'll probably have a better time here. Mediacom (which blows) is the only cable available on base and few of us are happy with Balfour's customer service skills.


I definitely agree that you're better off living off base. Students living in the townhouses are fighting to leave. They simply crammed too many people in too small a space. The townhouses are rented by the room, thus the 3 bedroom will have 3 people in it (only exception is that the 4 bedroom units only have 3 people).

Listen to experience, I lived in the townhouses for a year, and I would never recommend it to anyone.

Now I live alone in a 3 bedroom house off base and still pocket $200 a month.

Guest Dkale

Hello All,

Just a post for those that will be heading to NAS Pensacola for CSO training. We are starting a CSO specific site so that we can upload common files and gouge that is geared just for students. The link is https://www.pensacolacso.com/

Much of the gouge is only open once you start class, but some like Bold Face and Ops limits and Housing etc is open to everyone. Head on over.


  • 1 month later...

Brand new Lt here, and a CSO candidate. I am due to report to the OSS at NAS Pensacola one week from today. I have been unable to find a phone number to contact the unit in advance, and the NAS's automated answering service has no options for the Air Force units. If anyone has a number I can call, as well as any information about what to expect when reporting, I would appreciate it very much.

  On 5/16/2011 at 5:49 AM, wazzuPIC said:

Brand new Lt here, and a CSO candidate. I am due to report to the OSS at NAS Pensacola one week from today. I have been unable to find a phone number to contact the unit in advance, and the NAS's automated answering service has no options for the Air Force units. If anyone has a number I can call, as well as any information about what to expect when reporting, I would appreciate it very much.

You're going to report into Student Control (STUCON), they will walk you through the inprocessing. I'll PM you the specifics.

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